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The new-look forum is here!

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#551 Ray Bell

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 07:47

Yeah, I can see them after the second refresh!


It's just crazy...


#552 D-Type

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 09:17

If Autosport have commissioned professional software developers they should refuse to pay as the new forum is "Not fit for purpose"

If the bill has been paid Autosport can demand the deficiencies are rectified immediately.


If it turns out that the software developer was inadequately briefed, the Autosport employee responsible should be sacked for "Gross incompetence"



#553 kayemod

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 09:25

If Autosport have commissioned professional software developers they should refuse to pay as the new forum is "Not fit for purpose"

If the bill has been paid Autosport can demand the deficiencies are rectified immediately.


If it turns out that the software developer was inadequately briefed, the Autosport employee responsible should be sacked for "Gross incompetence"




Calm down dear, it's only a forum !

#554 Tim Murray

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 10:01

The thing that really gets my goat is that this thread in the Website Feedback forum is supposed to be the only place for us to report faults with the new software and expect anything to be done about them, as the tech people won't visit any of the other forums to register our complaints. However, even in that thread, there's not been a peep out of any of the techies since 6th November. Some of the moderators are doing their best to deal with the complaints, but as previously noted, they're as much in the dark as we are.

#555 Michael Ferner

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 14:46

However, even in that thread, there's not been a peep out of any of the techies since 6th November.


Has anybody tried knocking on their door? Maybe they've bailed out after discovering that the ship was sinking...

#556 mfd

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 17:26

I guess they can see the fall off in traffic, which should be enough, but I suspect, they don't really care

#557 Peter Morley

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 18:35

Does anyone have an e-mail address or something that might work for the techies?


I found a form somewhere to supposedly send them a message but didn't get any reply from it.

#558 Allan Lupton

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Posted 17 December 2013 - 00:19

Does anyone have an e-mail address or something that might work for the techies?


I found a form somewhere to supposedly send them a message but didn't get any reply from it.

Well, at the working level Theopape stuck his head above the parapet some months ago in that thread we are supposed to use.

Nearer the top Grayson, whose description is "AUTOSPORT digital product manager" may have some responsibility for getting things done.

Presumably a PM would get to either of them.

#559 Stephen W

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:07

Well, at the working level Theopape stuck his head above the parapet some months ago in that thread we are supposed to use.

Nearer the top Grayson, whose description is "AUTOSPORT digital product manager" may have some responsibility for getting things done.

Presumably a PM would get to either of them.


But will it solicit a reply? Several previous attempts haver drawn blanks.


#560 uffen

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 13:08

I decided to give the new-look forum a while before I judged it. I wanted to see what worked, what didn't, how intuitive it was, and to see if it would grow on me.

It stinks.

People will say, "You'll get used to it." Well, that is true but also a cop out. One can "get used" to anything but the hideous remains hideous.

#561 BRG

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 20:28

But will it solicit a reply? Several previous attempts haver drawn blanks.

I don't know.  Why not PM and ask him?


Personally, apart from the horrible black and white colour scheme, I have no problems with the new software.  It works a little differently from the old system, but once you master that, it works fine.  

#562 B Squared

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Posted 19 December 2013 - 11:49

I finally figured out (at least for now) what the issue was for me not being able to paste any photo or article links. The lightswitch on my system(s) must be off to accept the pasting option, and then turned on to access the various text accessories. Thanks for your patience as I verbally muddled through this very frustrating process.

#563 tsrwright

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Posted 19 December 2013 - 23:56

I finally figured out (at least for now) what the issue was for me not being able to paste any photo or article links. The lightswitch on my system(s) must be off to accept the pasting option, and then turned on to access the various text accessories. Thanks for your patience as I verbally muddled through this very frustrating process.


What's a  'lightswitch' and how do I get one?

#564 lyntonh

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Posted 20 December 2013 - 00:29

sign in, go to the 'reply to this topic' box at the bottom of the thread.


Click on "more reply options" box at bottom right (next to "post").


This brings up a double row of word processor-like symbols.


Top left hand end....lightswitch!!


All it does is turn off (or grey out) the word processor stuff.


Can't see the point really!!

#565 Frank S

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Posted 20 December 2013 - 06:05

An internet forum, the saying goes, is what participants make of it. TNF was a wonder, and remains a wonder. Just a little diminished in elegance. A few of the Respected Regulars have departed, for one or another reason. Hard to say if the recent changes motivated those esteemed participants, or if the bloom was off the rose in any case, and the timing was incidental.


What I see in other-than-complaint threads is hardy members slogging along or crafting in inspired ways, as always, making TNF what it is. A rose of a different hue, perhaps, but likely robust and pleasing, perhaps not in exactly the same way, but live and persistent.

#566 RTH

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 13:43

Just received this from Doug Nye


It is not that he has not wanted to post on TNF - he has not  been able to get through the maze of hurdles put in the way after the changes. I suspect this equally applies to scores of others too.


" I am toying whether to have another attempt at posting something on TNF again - if only to wish so many unmet friends seasonal greetings.  But last time I tried some kind of link to Facebook or Twitter or something popped up and, frankly, frightened me off...I regard those conduits as being devilishly dangerous and will have no truck with them.
Very best mate - thanks for keeping me up to date - Doug
PS - If you might wish, you are free to quote me on any of the above."

Edited by RTH, 23 December 2013 - 13:45.

#567 BRG

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 14:04

Just received this from Doug Nye


It is not that he has not wanted to post on TNF - he has not  been able to get through the maze of hurdles put in the way after the changes.


Surrey Libraries run a 'computer buddy' mentoring scheme aimed at folk struggling with IT.  Is there no-one on TNF who is on close enough personal terms with Doug to descend on Farnham bearing mince-pies and proffer some IT advice in the same way?  


We cannot afford to lose someone like DCN.  His column is always the first thing I turn to when I open a new edition of Motor Sport.

#568 luca

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 18:36

I posted this week no problem with a link.  Prefer the old look forum but lets face it, it's all about the content.  Keep it coming and all will be fine I'm sure.  Paul.


Merry Christmas all.

#569 DanTra2858

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 07:45

Is it just me or are there less photos being posted on the Forum, I for one no matter what I do or follow posted instructions CAN NOT post any photos, it was so easy before but now it is hopeless, such a shame because photos tell it all.

#570 Giraffe

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 15:59

Testing my image insertions so here's a screen shot you all might remember!
Edit -it may look different but it does everything I need quite well and easier.

Now that's what I call nostalgia........!!!

#571 DanTra2858

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 00:08

Thanks to a TNF Member I am now able to place photos on the Forum.

#572 Giraffe

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 17:11

Trying to relocate the John Scott-Davies thread today in order to update it, I went to the search facility which yielding nothing. I then resorted to Google and searched for John Scott-Davies, finding the thread that I started. Where am I going wrong?!?! :confused:

#573 john winfield

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 17:23

Trying to relocate the John Scott-Davies thread today in order to update it, I went to the search facility which yielding nothing. I then resorted to Google and searched for John Scott-Davies, finding the thread that I started. Where am I going wrong?!?! :confused:

Tony, it could just be that the Google search is more intuitive and doesn't require the punctuation to be perfect.  I think the TNF search requires the exact wording, hyphens etc.. I might be wrong, I often am....

#574 Tim Murray

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 17:31

How did you do the search, Tony? Just typing 'Scott-Davies' into the white search box at the top of the forum page wouldn't have found it because it only looks in the current forum, and at that time the Scott-Davies thread wasn't in the current forum, but in the TNF archive, which is a separate sub-forum. If you do the same thing now it should appear, as your reactivation of it has moved it back into the current forum.


If you'd used the advanced search (click on the little gear wheel to the right of the search box) then selected 'Nostalgia Forum' (which includes all the subforums) and asked it to search for 'Scott-Davies' in 'Titles Only' the thread should have shown up straight away.

Edited by Tim Murray, 03 January 2014 - 18:00.

#575 Giraffe

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 17:35

So Tim, once a thread is revived, does it remain current or is there a "time-out"?

#576 Tim Murray

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 17:58

As I understand things, Tony, it's now just like any other current thread and will remain in the current forum. It may well be that in the fullness of time the powers-that-be will bring forward the date at which threads become archived, but until then I think it's safe.

#577 alansart

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 18:19

Don't you just love progress  :confused:

#578 D-Type

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Posted 04 January 2014 - 11:00

It's not so much the progress per se that causes the difficulties, rather it's the assumption that it is all intuitive and no guidance is necessary

Edited by D-Type, 04 January 2014 - 11:01.

#579 Alan Cox

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Posted 04 January 2014 - 23:39

Does anyone have any hints as to why I have been unable to use the quote function for some days now? Neither can I cut and paste an insertion anymore. It worked OK last week. I emailed the administrators yesterday but no-one has replied to me as yet...


#580 Vitesse2

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Posted 04 January 2014 - 23:45

Does anyone have any hints as to why I have been unable to use the quote function for some days now? Neither can I cut and paste an insertion anymore. It worked OK last week. I emailed the administrators yesterday but no-one has replied to me as yet...

Works for me in Firefox, Alan. But I see Regazzoni complaining of the same thing on another thread. Perhaps it's browser-specific? Are you using IE? That seems to be the one with most glitches currently.

Edited by Vitesse2, 05 January 2014 - 12:24.

#581 David McKinney

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Posted 05 January 2014 - 07:41

It's OK on Safari

#582 Tim Murray

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Posted 05 January 2014 - 07:58

It's all very puzzling. I'm using IE9 on Windows Vista. I've not been able to access the forum emoticons for a couple of months now, but I have no problem posting photos and can still do quotes:


The thing that really gets my goat is that this thread in the Website Feedback forum is supposed to be the only place for us to report faults with the new software and expect anything to be done about them, as the tech people won't visit any of the other forums to register our complaints. However, even in that thread, there's not been a peep out of any of the techies since 6th November. Some of the moderators are doing their best to deal with the complaints, but as previously noted, they're as much in the dark as we are.


Nothing has changed since I posted the above - there's still no feedback from any of the tech people, in spite of an impassioned plea in that thread from D-Type in mid-December. I suspect they've given up on trying to resolve our problems.

#583 Michael Ferner

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Posted 05 January 2014 - 11:10

It's all very puzzling. I'm using IE9 on Windows Vista. I've not been able to access the forum emoticons for a couple of months now, but I have no problem posting photos and can still do quotes:



Nothing has changed since I posted the above - there's still no feedback from any of the tech people, in spite of an impassioned plea in that thread from D-Type in mid-December. I suspect they've given up on trying to resolve our problems.


Well, I'm using IE10 and have no problems doing quotes. Can't find the emoticons, though, but do not really know where to look, to be honest, as I usually use the keyboard shorthands. Haven't tried photos in a while.


Apart from some erratic behaviour when editing, and the general slowness that, apparently, has to do with the loading of the ads, I can't really complain about the update. Sure, it looks vastly different, but you get used to that, and it's not half as bad as many on here will have you believe. Also, I'm not spending as much time here as I used to, so haven't had much opportunity to check out the search engine.

#584 Alan Cox

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Posted 05 January 2014 - 12:24

Thank you for your comments and observations, gentlemen. I am using !E 11 and although I have lost the 'quote' facility, I still have no problem posting photographs and the emoticons are still present.

#585 ReWind

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Posted 05 January 2014 - 12:55

I just added a summary of last year's passings to my "Gone but not forgotten (reloaded)" thread and encountered a problem which I thought would not exist anymore.

I would like to put links to TNF threads "behind" the names of the deceased persons so that you can click on the names to get to those threads. In most cases it works, in some cames strangely it does not!


Here I show the original version of the British and US contingent:

Great Britain (40)

">Robert Barker (70) (82) Bev Bond (75) Len Brammer (68) (77) Arnold Burton (95) (91) (75) Jack Cunningham (60) John Deeley (84) Christian Devereux (50) Sean Edwards (26) Ken Emmett ( ??) Terry Flatt (54) (82) James Furse (94) (72) Ken Gregory (87) Jon Gross (c.70) Peter Hamilton-Smith (85) Steve Jewell (62) Ryan Lawford (c.26) John Lawry (77) (74) Ian Moss (c.75) Simon Phillips (79) (90) (74) Richard Redgrave (c.74) Terry Sanger (79) Horace Saville (69) Ron Scannell (91) Nigel Snowdon (c.79) Bruce Spollon (87) John Standen (82) Howard Strawford (77) Henry Taylor (80) Frank Tiedeman (92) Mike Warner (76) Ginny Williams (66)

USA (153)

Freddy Adam (82) Ed Andreetta (90) ">Walt Arfons (96)

">Yogi Behr (c.74) Frank Belbusti (85) (97) Bob Bilby (71) Carl Billet (58) Peggy Bishop (87) Hank Blankenship (61) Milt Blood (74) Glenn Bopp (75) Kevin Bowen (37) Russ Bullen (80) Gordon Bumpus (81) Josh Burton (22) Jane Buzzard (76)

Dewey Cali (88) Fred Carrillo (87) Joe Carver (78) Charlie Centinaro (80) René Charland (84) Jack Choquette (84) Gary Cook Jr. (37) Rodney Cook (44) Harvey Crane (81) Larry Crighton (69) Wilford Cronk (85) Dick Crotty (58)

Bob Devine (85) Tony Dias (49) Chuck Dietrich (88) Nick Dinsmoor (71) Walt Dombrowski (75) Ed Dufault (66) Charlie Elliott (96) John Ervin (74) Red Foote (85) Jeff Fortner (42) Nick Foster (60) Deane Fountain (c.83) Lou Fray (88)

Floyd Ganassi (87) Al Gaudreau (70) Lloyd Gillie (70) John Gomes (55) Tim Gordon (53) Malcolm Graffam (67) Andy Granatelli (90) Steve Griswold (64) Ray Guss Sr. (73)

Valastra Hackett (72) Dave Halstead (44) Gene Heffley (94) Tom Herbert (63) Stuart Hilborn (96) Elton Hildreth (95) George Hill (69) Warner Hodgdon (80) ">Doug Hooper (80) Ron Householder (74) Ken Houston (79) Roz Howard (91) Jim Hughbanks (80) Steve Husketh (62) Al Hylton (65)

Mondo Iavelli (83) ">Dean Jeffries (80) Ken Jenkins (65) Lionel Johnson (85) Charlie Jones (71) Lawren Jones (59) Dale Jordan (71)

Leroy Kay (67) Jerry King (86) Les King Jr. (79) Tom Kinnane (68) Bud Knaebel (87) Bob Kongelbak (78)

Bobby Lagana Sr. (72) Jason Leffler (37) Glenn Legere (74) Johnny Long (83) David Love (77) Charlie Lutkie (94)

Harry Macy (84) Ken Madren (72) Art Malone (76) Bob Martin (83) George Martin (73) Mackie McBroom (55) Jim McCallum (69) Dwayne McIntire (62) Pete McIntosh (78) Carl Merrill (88) Skippy Michaels (85) Gene Miller (81) Midge Miller (c.64) Roger Miller (44) Jason Mitchell (41) Ken Montgomery (71) Chuck Montville (56) Pinky Mullens (81) Jack Murphy (85)

Hal Needham (82) Neal Newberry (73) Jerry Norris (77) Tony Osetek (61) Chad Pergerson (37) Greg Pitts (52) Ray Plakstis (81) Kjell Qvale (94)

Lee Raymond (59) Dickie Reese (88) Phil Remington (82) David Richardson (63) Frank Righetti (90) Jim Rigney (73) Troy Rogers (84) Leon Rose (87) Eddie Russ (48)

Derek Sanchez (47) Ralph Sánchez (64) John Settlemyre (67) Scott Sexton (46) Barbara Signore (80) Don Simkins (66) Neal Sims (63) Jimmy Smith (62) Joyce Smith (81) Huck Spaulding (84) Bruce Sperry (72) Bruce Stevens (60) Darrell Stewart (68) Chick Stockwell (85) Jerry Stover (76) Bill Sullivan (86) Jack Summers (80)

Dave Tatman (68) George Tet (90) Randy Tissot (69) Frog Trent (74) Dick Trickle (71)

Art Viat (87) George Waltman (87) Ed Watson (77) Les Welch (69) Jerry Wheeler (81) Harold Wilcox (85) Kramer Williamson (63) Jimmy Winks (65) Dennis Wood (75) Bob Yeakel (91)


You may notice that the links "behind" Barker, Arfons, Behr, Hooper, and Jeffries do not work. "> was not done by me but by the software.

Blumer,  Bryant, Coombs, Cross, Fox, le Grand, Lord, Poole, Pritchard, and Bignotti have been swallowed up by the software; they simply vanished without trace.


#586 Alan Cox

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 17:42

Thank you for your comments and observations, gentlemen. I am using !E 11 and although I have lost the 'quote' facility,

Just thought that it might be of interest to those of you who are as uneducated in the 'Whys?' and 'Wherefores?' of IT technology as I am that I have managed to restore the forum's performance to where it was a month ago by removal of the last IE 11 update. It has also cleared it of some very annoying pop-ups which were peppering a lot of websites

#587 Vitesse2

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 18:12

Could even be IE 11 itself and the compatibility view problems reported here:






Or are you referring just to KB2898785?


(Not that I really care, as I use Firefox!)

#588 Tim Murray

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Posted 25 January 2014 - 19:24

In the continued absence of any feedback from the technical people about sorting out the problems with the new software, one of the RC mods, SophieB, has just started a thread in the Website Feedback forum in which she will be posting workarounds that she (and others) have come up with to get round some of these problems. She has started with a way to resolve the inability to post quotes, and promises a follow-up on photo posting problems. The thread is here:


Using IE and having problems with quoting and posting links/pics? Suggested workarounds