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Mystery '60s sports car chassis - any ideas?

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#1 RecordMonza

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Posted 03 April 2011 - 13:25

"Long time listener first time caller" to this forum.
I have had this chassis for the best part of 10 years and would love to call it by its proper name. Any suggestion would be much appreciated.
The chassis was bought by John Cottrell of Edgbaston in the 80's? and a small article in Classic and Sports Car was run to try and discover its history(see photo's).I think the bodywork fitted to it is a red herring as the rivet holes on the scuttle do not quite match dash top tubes.They are however nice original aluminium parts.Chassis has been modified over the years with major reworking/strengthening at the rear. Has very distinctive seats with two tubes and hammock like seat. Have loads of photo's so please ask if you would like any detail shots.Hope somebody has an idea.

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#2 Bloggsworth

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Posted 03 April 2011 - 15:30

It's not a Diva Valkyrie, Nomad or a Martin (Whatever happened to Brian Martin and his successful sports racers?). It has a seriously amateur look about it, being not properly triangulated in places and in others with unfinished triangulations left hanging in mid air so to speak. There is something familiar about the nose section and the side view would seem to indicate that it was once longer and has been cut & shut in two places.

#3 Mistron

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Posted 03 April 2011 - 19:28

don't recognise it straight away, but this is just the kind of car I love, and my similar request for info 5-6 years ago about my car got me an answer within about an hour, so you are askign in the right place.

There isn't much to go on to help visually identify it from period race photos, and the chassis isn't remarkable in it's layout, so it might be hard to ID to anyone other than those who would have known it in some detail in the past.

However, the rise in the top line of the door looks fairly unusual, so that might help pick it out from some period photos, if it is the original body.

The seats are unusual (not sure I'd like to race hung in a hammock!) but I think I recall something of this type being fitted in a mid engined Imp engined sports racer. I think the GRP mouldings were 'hung' from the frame and either bonded to them, or riveted on. I don't think the car in question was a Kileen, but it might have been? Have a look on the imp club site, they have a good section devoted to imp based cars.

Also, what of the suspension survives? does it use Triumph uprights at the front (that won't narrow it down at all :lol: ) and at the rear? even the PCD of the wheels MIGHT help give an idea of what mechanical components were used

good luck!

Edited by Mistron, 03 April 2011 - 19:32.

#4 Bloggsworth

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Posted 03 April 2011 - 21:44

Costin-Nathan - That's what the front reminds me of; it was the mention of the Imp engine that prompted me. The mention of drum brakes would seem to indicate something built on the cheap...

#5 Mistron

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Posted 03 April 2011 - 22:12

a few pics of the body (such as there is) would help, especially the front end showing any vents and the door 'glass' shape at the top which looks quite unusual etc.

Of course, if it doesn't go with the car, you're looking to ID it seperately, but if you can trace it, it might lead to the answers on the other half, the chassis.

Is the only reason that you think it doesn't go with the car that the rivet holes don't line up?

Interesting that it's welded, not brass welded. this certainly implies it's not a series produced car, but it looks like it's been built by someone fairly compotent. Coupd be an F1200 / 1300 or any range of minor GT series, sprints or hillclimbs.

Someone did point out once that no mirrors often indicates a sprint ot hillclimb car. Are there any signs of any having been fitted?

It was suggested to me that a 3 figure race number (I had photos of my car with number 147) MIGHT indicate it had run in the 750mc's Birkett 6 hour race, so the 750mc might be worth a try. They might either give you a note of any cars which have run with that number over the years, or put a piece in their magazine, as they helpfully did for me. I think the chap I spoke to was Neil Carr-Jones?

Are there any stickers, tags, markings or stampings on the body or chassis or even the steering wheel to give any other clues?

Edited by Mistron, 03 April 2011 - 22:25.

#6 David Birchall

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Posted 04 April 2011 - 00:49

My first thought was Diva or Nomad but Bloggo says it isn't either...
Just to let Barrie know that I came, I looked and I knoweth not!

ps Doesn't look very amateur to me...

#7 Bloggsworth

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Posted 04 April 2011 - 08:30

My first thought was Diva or Nomad but Bloggo says it isn't either...
Just to let Barrie know that I came, I looked and I knoweth not!

ps Doesn't look very amateur to me...

I meant the design, not the quality of the welding etc., it seems to have too many non-continuous and "dangling" triangulations; and the hammock seats are beyond peculiar. Looking at the engine bay, there appears to be no means of bracing the huge opening at the top after fitting the engine; and the dashboard is highly triangulated and not directly linked to the chassis sides, standing off on short lengths of tube; but the large open area above the drivers legs has just the one tube doing not much.

Edited by Bloggsworth, 04 April 2011 - 08:39.