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Swedish Rally 1968

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#1 jrally

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Posted 02 February 2012 - 19:49

First of all a fantastic year of 2012 for all the forum members !

I was looking for some data regarding the Swedish Rally 1968 so if someone could help me it was great

1) What russian teams did entered with Moskvitch cars ?
in the entry list
79 - Kozlov-Ilin,
80 - Egorov-?????
81 - Lamin-Daniltchev
82 - Bubnov-Sotchnov
83 - Ruutel-Holm

but in the book regarding the Swedish Rally by Mr. Anders Anderholm there is

I know that the car 80 took part on the rally so who was the crew ?

2) who were the co-drivers of Bo Ljungfeldt, Berndt Jansson, Roy Fidler and McRae P. Macintosh ?

3) Does someone knows which Special stages had made part of the rally (name and distance) and in what leg ?

4) Does someone had any magazin report with special stages times that could share ?

I know that it's a lot.

Any help is aprecciated !

Thank You in advance
Best regards


#2 Tim Murray

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Posted 02 February 2012 - 20:30

According to the report in Autosport magazine, Berndt Jansson's co-driver was Gunnar Liljedahl, who was described as the ex-Swedish Renault team chief. It has no info on any of the other queries, I'm afraid

#3 jrally

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 10:39

According to the report in Autosport magazine, Berndt Jansson's co-driver was Gunnar Liljedahl, who was described as the ex-Swedish Renault team chief. It has no info on any of the other queries, I'm afraid

Thank You very much, Mr. Murray !
One less to solve !

Just one question ! In the report of Autosport Magazine is there any mention to special stages times ?

Best regards

P.S. - About the russian crews maybe if someone has the 'Motoring News' could have the answer. Does anyone have it ?

#4 Tim Murray

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 12:58

I'm sorry, Jorge, but there are no stage times in the Autosport report. I'm sure there would be much more information in the Motoring News report, but I don't have it. If it's any use to you I'd be happy to scan the Autosport report for you if you PM me your email address.

#5 jrally

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 14:06

Thank You. Mr. Murray !

I've send You a PM

Best regards

#6 RS2000

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 15:04

Motorsport is no help either. I was looking there recently to confirm Ove Andersson's (works Mk2 Cortina Lotus) co-driver. MN might well have been a much more comprehensive Gerry Phillips report but is still unlikely to have included a full entry list. MS report was presumably written by John Davenport (his detailed knowledge of Andersson's throttle linkage breakage suggests he was co-driving).
Perhaps Thomas (lundevall) here may have Swedish magazine data.
As an aside, JD was at great pains in MS, in what are consecutive Swedish and Monte reports (the Swedish unusually coming before the Monte in 68), to refute suggestions that BMC and Ford were colluding in not going up against one another in either. Methinks he doth protest too much for there to have been nothing at all in it.

#7 jrally

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 15:10

Motorsport is no help either. I was looking there recently to confirm Ove Andersson's (works Mk2 Cortina Lotus) co-driver. MN might well have been a much more comprehensive Gerry Phillips report but is still unlikely to have included a full entry list. MS report was presumably written by John Davenport (his detailed knowledge of Andersson's throttle linkage breakage suggests he was co-driving).
Perhaps Thomas (lundevall) here may have Swedish magazine data.
As an aside, JD was at great pains in MS, in what are consecutive Swedish and Monte reports (the Swedish unusually coming before the Monte in 68), to refute suggestions that BMC and Ford were colluding in not going up against one another in either. Methinks he doth protest too much for there to have been nothing at all in it.

Hi K. !
Although in the entry list he was with John Davenport he finally entered with Agne Nordlund !

best regards

#8 RS2000

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 15:58

Although in the entry list he was with John Davenport he finally entered with Agne Nordlund

Many thanks, J
I wondered if it was Norlund (he was with him on 67 1000 Lakes). Davenport seems to have been there. Perhaps he caught flu, like Roger Clark did. I was also trying to confirm the car of O.Andersson on 67 Swedish.
Surprised to see Roy Fidler on your list. Do you know the car make? McRae P. Macintosh has me baffled!
Rhenfeldt is normally associated with Lungfeldt but I didn't know Lungfeldt was still competing by then. Car make? (not Ford?).
Best regards for 2012.

#9 Tim Murray

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 18:02

Davenport also wrote the Autosport report. He described the Ljungfeldt entry as 'the joke entry to end all joke entries' - a Taunus 17M Taxi complete with hire charge meter and illuminated sign on the roof.

Edited by Tim Murray, 03 February 2012 - 19:18.

#10 RS2000

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 20:11

Davenport also wrote the Autosport report. He described the Ljungfeldt entry as 'the joke entry to end all joke entries' - a Taunus 17M Taxi complete with hire charge meter and illuminated sign on the roof.

Thanks for that. They must have watched the BBC's attempt on the Monte...

#11 Pete Stowe

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 15:47

The Motoring News report didn’t name the Russian crews, just commented “From Russia had come five Group 2 Moskvitch saloons and a Volga, five crewed by Russians and two by Swedes” (which doesn’t exactly add up :drunk: )

Ljungfeldt’s co-driver wasn’t named; Roy Fidler wasn’t mentioned at all.
Alastair McRae & Peter Macintosh were in a 998 Hillman Rallye Imp.

The report does give special stage times, but doesn’t name them or give their length.

PM me with your e-mail if you’d like a scan.

Verglas also reported that “Graham Robson was using a fox-fur hat to stave off the cold. He was chased by dogs all the way from Karlstad to Torsby” :)

#12 jrally

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 16:21

The Motoring News report didn’t name the Russian crews, just commented “From Russia had come five Group 2 Moskvitch saloons and a Volga, five crewed by Russians and two by Swedes” (which doesn’t exactly add up :drunk: )

Ljungfeldt’s co-driver wasn’t named; Roy Fidler wasn’t mentioned at all.
Alastair McRae & Peter Macintosh were in a 998 Hillman Rallye Imp.

The report does give special stage times, but doesn’t name them or give their length.

PM me with your e-mail if you’d like a scan.

Verglas also reported that “Graham Robson was using a fox-fur hat to stave off the cold. He was chased by dogs all the way from Karlstad to Torsby” :)

Thank You very much, Mr. Stowe !

I've send You a PM

Best regards

#13 AAGR

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 16:31

I still have the fox fur hat, so obviously the dogs did not catch me.

On the other hand, I don't remember Roy Fidler being in the rally at all. My AUTOCAR report (11 Jan. 1968) tells me that the only British drivers were Roger Clark, Alister MacRae (presumably not that one - he would still be at primary school), and Keith Edwards.


Edited by AAGR, 04 February 2012 - 16:31.

#14 jrally

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 16:42

I still have the fox fur hat, so obviously the dogs did not catch me.

On the other hand, I don't remember Roy Fidler being in the rally at all. My AUTOCAR report (11 Jan. 1968) tells me that the only British drivers were Roger Clark, Alister MacRae (presumably not that one - he would still be at primary school), and Keith Edwards.


Hello AAGR !

Alastair not Alister ! Alister was born in 1970 !

According to the data I have, Roy Fidler took part at the rally with Nº 40 and retired between stage 17 and 18 !

Best regards

#15 jrally

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 18:53

Hello AAGR !

Alastair not Alister ! Alister was born in 1970 !

According to the data I have, Roy Fidler took part at the rally with Nº 40 and retired between stage 17 and 18 !

Best regards

Maybe this will help !
Roy Fidler was in the entry list in a Triumph 2000 !


#16 vintagecon

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 21:11

Found this pdf with official result list including stage times for all entries, however the first 15 stages seems to be missing.



#17 RS2000

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 21:56

Maybe this will help !
Roy Fidler was in the entry list in a Triumph 2000 !

Well there were two unused from the cancelled 67 RAC two months earlier. Fidler was enterd there with Alan Taylor and the other one was entered for Denny Hulme and a brave AAGR. They were Gp5/6 "2000s" though - "prototypes" with 2.5PI engines? Assume the Swedish didn't have a Gp5/6 category and conversion to Gp1 or 2 would not be easy. Clark's car was his unused 67 RAC Gp5 car, CTC23E, but that may only have needed the bumpers re-fitting. Soderstrom's was his Gp2 RAC car, the re-shelled first works Mk2 Lotus.

Edited by RS2000, 04 February 2012 - 22:16.

#18 jrally

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Posted 05 February 2012 - 03:09

Found this pdf with official result list including stage times for all entries, however the first 15 stages seems to be missing.



Hi Conny !
That was my source too ! If You look for Nº 40 You'll see that at least he was on stage 16 and 52 and retired on SS 18 !
That's why I've said that he entered in the rally

Best regards

#19 Pete Stowe

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Posted 05 February 2012 - 14:36

According to the Motoring News report "there was a solitary Triumph 2000 crewed by Stig Lester and Birgit Ranch"

Motoring News 21-12-67 mentioned that the K.A.K had applied to the FIA to amend the rally regs to accept group 5 & 6 cars, and that Roy Fidler had been keen to go, having earned a free entry on the Swedish through his performance on the Gulf London. There is no mention of any of this in the rally report though.


#20 Fred Gallagher

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Posted 05 February 2012 - 14:51

According to the Motoring News report "there was a solitary Triumph 2000 crewed by Stig Lester and Birgit Ranch"

Motoring News 21-12-67 mentioned that the K.A.K had applied to the FIA to amend the rally regs to accept group 5 & 6 cars, and that Roy Fidler had been keen to go, having earned a free entry on the Swedish through his performance on the Gulf London. There is no mention of any of this in the rally report though.

It seems to be 100% sure that Roy Fidler didn't go. However, the organisers must have reallocated his number (40) to another competitor. I wonder who that was?


#21 AAGR

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Posted 05 February 2012 - 14:57

I back up Fred on this one. I am confident that Roy Fidler did not attend. I was personally in attendance on this particular Swedish, and as Roy was (still is, of course) a good friend, with whom I had competed many times in Triumph 2000s, it is not likely that i would have written him out of history in my AUTOCAR report. Unhappily, I cannot contact him personally to confirm this.


#22 jrally

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Posted 05 February 2012 - 17:08

I back up Fred on this one. I am confident that Roy Fidler did not attend. I was personally in attendance on this particular Swedish, and as Roy was (still is, of course) a good friend, with whom I had competed many times in Triumph 2000s, it is not likely that i would have written him out of history in my AUTOCAR report. Unhappily, I cannot contact him personally to confirm this.


Thank You all for trying to solve this one !
At 44 years of distance and not being a journalist I just have to 'read' the facts !
Of course, I believe You, Mr. Robson ! You've been there but it's a fact that in the document Conny said there are times for the Number 40 (Roy Fidler in the entry list) and was that who gives me th motif to ask ...

RS2000: the reason of John Davenport didn't start with Ove Andersson was (quoting MN) " Andersson could not have JD with him since he is contesting the Swedish National Championship this year, one of its rules being that all crew members must be Swedish !"

Best regards

#23 jrally

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 01:45

Thank You all for trying to solve this one !
At 44 years of distance and not being a journalist I just have to 'read' the facts !
Of course, I believe You, Mr. Robson ! You've been there but it's a fact that in the document Conny said there are times for the Number 40 (Roy Fidler in the entry list) and was that who gives me th motif to ask ...

RS2000: the reason of John Davenport didn't start with Ove Andersson was (quoting MN) " Andersson could not have JD with him since he is contesting the Swedish National Championship this year, one of its rules being that all crew members must be Swedish !"

Best regards

I think we have complete our part !
My question : Some Swedish person could give us a help ?

Still missing some unanswered questions :
1) Who was in car 40 ?
2) Who was in car 80 ? for the reports in several magazines could be a swedish crew ..
3) Someone knows the name and distance of the special stages ?

Thanks in advance
Best regards

#24 jrally

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 13:48

Just to keep it on first page

#25 Graham Gauld

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 09:27

I still have the fox fur hat, so obviously the dogs did not catch me.

On the other hand, I don't remember Roy Fidler being in the rally at all. My AUTOCAR report (11 Jan. 1968) tells me that the only British drivers were Roger Clark, Alister MacRae (presumably not that one - he would still be at primary school), and Keith Edwards.


Graham: Sorry to be so late in toming in on this but as you know we were both covering the Swedish in 1968. To put you out of your misery I have attached a photo of Alistair McCrae from Inverness, no relation to Colin or Alasdair on the Swedish with their hillman Imp. As I have had trouble with Image Shack like everyone else I am testing to see if this link works before adding some more photos from the event.


#26 Graham Gauld

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 09:29

Graham: Sorry to be so late in toming in on this but as you know we were both covering the Swedish in 1968. To put you out of your misery I have attached a photo of Alistair McCrae from Inverness, no relation to Colin or Alasdair on the Swedish with their hillman Imp. As I have had trouble with Image Shack like everyone else I am testing to see if this link works before adding some more photos from the event.


Sorry for the load of junk added to my photo. I think Image Shack is about to get the P45 pictures will have to wait.


#27 Graham Gauld

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 09:44

I back up Fred on this one. I am confident that Roy Fidler did not attend. I was personally in attendance on this particular Swedish, and as Roy was (still is, of course) a good friend, with whom I had competed many times in Triumph 2000s, it is not likely that i would have written him out of history in my AUTOCAR report. Unhappily, I cannot contact him personally to confirm this.



Just checking to see if this is any better. It is Bo Ljungfeldt in his "Taxi"


#28 Stoffe

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Posted 16 January 2014 - 17:06

Good afternoon to all users,


my Name is Chris and I´m also searching for any Information about the 1968 KAK rallyt. Especially for Pictures because I want to rebuild the entered cars as modelcars in scale 1:43. If there is any possibility to get Pictures from competitors, I would be very happy! Not only the well known cars like the Cortinas or Porsches - I´m also very interested in the cars with higher numbers...


In this Forum there was a link to imageshack which showed the Rallye Imp with number 73. Does anybody know the Color of this car?


Maybe you can help a great rallyfan and modelcar-collector,


many thanks and nice greets from Austria!

#29 RS2000

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Posted 16 January 2014 - 22:00

There is a thread on the Swedish Rally on the (French) Forum Auto that includes some photos of cars other than the "usual suspects". I recall one of a red/black roof Cooper S (Ytterbring?) that had some chrome trim missing so was clearly in the Gp5/6 category rather than Gp2.

#30 Stoffe

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 04:50

Thanks for your answer dear RS2000, take a look,




this was Ytterbrings Mini. Red car, White Roof. Do you have a link to this French Forum?


Thank you very much, cheers, Chris

#31 D-Type

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 22:55



Do you have a link to this French Forum?


Try Googling for Forum Auto and the first result might surprise you  ;)