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#1 Rob Ryder

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 10:27

Those members who use ImageShack to host images should be aware that there is now a 500 image limit on free hosting.
To host more that 500 images ImagShack require a $34 subscription fee (before 1st March).

After 1st March 2012 only the most recent 500 images uploaded will be retained if no fee is paid.

Be warned!

P.S. I anticipate lots of red-crosses in old (research) posts :|


#2 primer

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 11:01

I recommend imgur. For one thing, imgur does not use cookies for each sub-domain they serve images from. They also cache properly. A fast, decent service.

Still using imageshack.

#3 arttidesco

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 11:09

Thanks for the warning that I'm going to loose content on imageshack.

When I found imageshack overloading my page with ads I moved over to postimage which thus far has been free to use, now that I have unlimited free hosting on my wordpress blog I only need third party image hosts to get code to post photo's on forums like TNF.

#4 Ray Bell

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 11:47

Originally posted by Rob Ryder
Those members who use ImageShack to host images should be aware that there is now a 500 image limit on free hosting.
To host more that 500 images ImageShack require a $34 subscription fee (before 1st March).

After 1st March 2012 only the most recent 500 images uploaded will be retained if no fee is paid.

Are they going to warn the users?

I cannot see me changing all my pics over, bearing in mind that I'd have to go through the posts to which they're attached and change the URLs.

I went through this twice before, when Geocities clamped down was the first time, then I changed it all over to the free hosting that came with this forum. Then that got shut down and I never got through changing all the posts and uploading all the pics again. But that's years ago, untold pictures ago... I have about 3400 pics on Imageshack now.

#5 Giraffe

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 11:53

Are they going to warn the users?

I cannot see me changing all my pics over, bearing in mind that I'd have to go through the posts to which they're attached and change the URLs.

.. I have about 3400 pics on Imageshack now.

4054 to date, and the ONLY reason I have an Imageshack a/c is due to TNF. :well:

#6 Rob Ryder

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 13:02

Are they going to warn the users?

When you login there is a red box top left with this message...

"You have xxxx photos stored. Since you're over the 500 photo limit you'll need to upgrade to a Premium account or you'll only be able to keep 500 of your recent photos. Older photos will expire on the 1st of March. "

That's the only warning I've seen.

Three weeks to pay or lose all your older images :mad:


Edited by Rob Ryder, 08 February 2012 - 13:02.

#7 cheapracer

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 14:01

I have been using Photobucket for 7 years and it's been great.

I have always had multiple log-in's (nicknames) from the same IP too.

#8 Alan Cox

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 14:28

I have been using Photobucket for 7 years and it's been great.

Hear, hear. I've had no problems to date.

#9 alansart

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 14:54

I used ImageShack for a while but ended up using my own webspace. I've since gone on to Flickr as well, which I pay for, and have found that very good.

I do get frustrated at times by the adverts when opening up a posted photo in ImageShack. It can slow the opening process up at times.

Edited by alansart, 08 February 2012 - 14:55.

#10 jonpollak

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 14:58

Thanks for the warning Rob.
All the links in my stupid Fan in the Stands thread will be toast now



#11 Giraffe

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 15:12

Hear, hear. I've had no problems to date.

I've had no problems to date with Imageshack. I must now decide whether to fork out or let 75% of my images fall of TNF. I'm sure there will be one or two of them that will be missed? :well:

#12 Michael Ferner

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 16:49

Can't really imagine which one or two you mean by that...

#13 Giraffe

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 16:51

Can't really imagine which one or two you mean by that...

I'll save my money then, Michael...... :well:

#14 Rob Ryder

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 17:31

I've had no problems to date with Imageshack. I must now decide whether to fork out or let 75% of my images fall of TNF. I'm sure there will be one or two of them that will be missed? :well:

Another ImageShack stroke of stupidity... you can ONLY subscribe using PayPal :rolleyes:

#15 Ray Bell

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 21:10

What on earth is wrong with that?

PayPal is a super-convenient way of doing things. Not only that, if they take PayPal, they pay the fees!

#16 Rob Ryder

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 21:44

What on earth is wrong with that?

PayPal is a super-convenient way of doing things. Not only that, if they take PayPal, they pay the fees!

OK if you have a PayPal account but I have no need for one and no desire to open one :well:

#17 Ray Bell

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 21:53

It costs nothing to open and it's so convenient for a lot of things...

How do you normally pay for stuff you get over the 'net? Or do you use Skype?

#18 Giraffe

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 21:57

What on earth is wrong with that?

PayPal is a super-convenient way of doing things. Not only that, if they take PayPal, they pay the fees!

I've had my PayPal a/c hacked twice now by our friends in the Eastern bloc which took some sorting out. I'm not that convinced it's secure..... :well:

#19 Vitesse2

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 23:05

OK if you have a PayPal account but I have no need for one and no desire to open one :well:

It's surprising how many companies which don't advertise it actually take it if asked. I paid a bookseller in Melbourne with it in sterling, thus avoiding my bank slamming a currency conversion charge on my debit card.

Ray's even paid me for something by PayPal!

Never had my account hacked: always pick a unique password (definitely not the same as your email or eBay account!) and change it occasionally. Works for me.

As for ImageShack: probably won't affect me too much as I've only got 170 on there at the moment.


#20 philippe7

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 00:10

Something new that I notice just today is that I'm now unable to upload pictures with Imageshack unless I "register" ( I've been uploading dozens of pics so far without ever having to open a user account ) ...and when I try to open a "free" account they now tell me that my email address is "already taken"....which is weird since I didn't think you could have two identical adresses co-existing anywhere on the web :confused:

#21 E1pix

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 00:53

Coincidence or not, when I went to ImageShack last night it acted like I had no account... until I entered my name for what I think was the first time. Still didn't work, then suddenly did.

It's been really spotty many times of late as well, seems like there's three different ways to access things and they change routinely. Huh.

Thanks to the above posters for posting alternative sites. :up:

#22 Barry Boor

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 06:45

I'm wondering how many people actually get free webspace from their own ISP and are not aware of it or don't bother to use it. It saves all this hassle and you don't need to have a website to make use of it. Mind you, as it happens, my new ISP here in Malta doesn't give web space.

#23 Vitesse2

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 10:00

Probably not many now, Barry. I'm with Orange and they withdrew it some time ago.

#24 Alan Cox

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 13:45

OK if you have a PayPal account but I have no need for one and no desire to open one :well:

It's surprising how many companies which don't advertise it actually take it if asked. I paid a bookseller in Melbourne with it in sterling, thus avoiding my bank slamming a currency conversion charge on my debit card.

Never had my account hacked: always pick a unique password (definitely not the same as your email or eBay account!) and change it occasionally. Works for me.

I have to say that, like Vitesse and Ray, I find PayPal very useful, Rob, not only for payng for purchases on eBay, but also for receiving payments from across the world without hassle. One big advantage is being able to pay in your own currency and the conversion rates applied seem to me to be competitive.

#25 cheapracer

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 17:37

I've had my PayPal a/c hacked twice now by our friends in the Eastern bloc which took some sorting out. I'm not that convinced it's secure..... :well:

It's not secure but Paypal is happy to compensate as it's only a small percentage of what they make overall, tough about the stress inbetween - the thing's they don't tell you.

China is completely no-go if you want a Paypal account because of all the hacking that originates here - huge numbers of Chinese students bored so test themselves at your loss.

#26 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 01:48

I've had my PayPal a/c hacked twice now by our friends in the Eastern bloc which took some sorting out. I'm not that convinced it's secure..... :well:

As a regular ebay business seller I have found it very insecure. Though I have never been hacked,,, though my ebay acc has been several times and it is the same company. I do recieve semi regular junk messages however purporting to be from ebay or paypal.
As for Imageshack I have had problems using it and I hate all the popup flashing junk that comes withit. And that is just perusing pics on this site.
And TNF is now starting to get the free I pad bullshit adds too. And they are junk, bogus and crook!!
It is a pity I cannot just upload here from my own pic library like most other places.

#27 kayemod

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 10:43

As a regular ebay business seller I have found it very insecure.

As for Imageshack I have had problems using it and I hate all the popup flashing junk that comes with it.

On PayPal, I use it a lot, mainly for collecting payments from foreign persons, and in over 8 years, no problems at all, either for me or for any of the aforementioned foreign persons. Maybe we've just been lucky, but the system has always worked perfectly for both me and all of them, over what must be several hundred transactions.

On Imageshack, I'm not a very regular user, really only for TNF, a hundred or so images, and again I've had no problems. More importantly though, I don't get any popups, flashing or otherwise, or ads, apart grom the usual one or two on the login page. I suspect that's due to settings on my computer, some enabled function on my anti-virus, or Firefox, but if you get it right, you don't need to suffer from them. Sadly, I'm not expert enough to tell the rest of you how I did it, but it's obviously possible to disable all the annoying stuff, works just as effectively for every other internet site as well.

#28 Vitesse2

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 11:00

Yes, Firefox's inbuilt pop-up blocker stops most - possibly all - of ImageShack's rubbish. Combine it with the AdBlock Plus extension and various anti-tracking tools and you'll get a much safer, smoother, quicker and less annoying internet experience everywhere. I haven't seen an advert on this site in years.

If anyone would like a list of the ones I use - all tried, tested, reliable and free - PM me.

#29 tbolt

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 11:04

some enabled function on my anti-virus, or Firefox, but if you get it right, you don't need to suffer from them. Sadly, I'm not expert enough to tell the rest of you how I did it,

For Firefox I use Adblock Plus, I have not seen an advertisment for years.
Adblock plus

#30 condor

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 12:05

Something new that I notice just today is that I'm now unable to upload pictures with Imageshack unless I "register" ( I've been uploading dozens of pics so far without ever having to open a user account ) ...and when I try to open a "free" account they now tell me that my email address is "already taken"....which is weird since I didn't think you could have two identical adresses co-existing anywhere on the web :confused:

I've just tried to upload some pics with Imageshack and was surprised I had to register - put in my hotmail e.mail account...and it appears that MSN is currently down so unable to activate the registration.
It is slightly irritating :evil:

eta Have now managed to register properly - still irritating though.

Edited by condor, 17 February 2012 - 12:39.

#31 David McKinney

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 12:59

I have just tried a dummy post, and found the same thing

For the past few months they've asked you to register, but you could ignore their invitation - until now

Not sure that I want my images (such as they are) any more easily traceable :down:

#32 Ray Bell

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 14:02

Originally posted by Lee Nicolle
As a regular ebay business seller I have found it very insecure. Though I have never been hacked,,, though my ebay acc has been several times and it is the same company. I do receive semi regular junk messages however purporting to be from ebay or paypal.....

Anything like that from eBay or PayPal you should forward to spoof@ebay.com or spoof@paypal.com - they chase them up and get rid of them.

As for Imageshack I have had problems using it and I hate all the popup flashing junk that comes withit. And that is just perusing pics on this site.
And TNF is now starting to get the free I pad bullshit adds too. And they are junk, bogus and crook!

So you are still using Internet Explorer?

It is a pity I cannot just upload here from my own pic library like most other places.

As Barry mentions, you could use your own webspace as provided by your ISP.

#33 Catalina Park

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 06:33

Anything like that from eBay or PayPal you should forward to spoof@ebay.com or spoof@paypal.com - they chase them up and get rid of them.

So you are still using Internet Explorer?

As Barry mentions, you could use your own webspace as provided by your ISP.

Most ISP's stopped giving away free webspace years ago.

Imageshack is one of the most useless photo hosting sites on the net.
Photobucket has not deleted any of my photos. Imageshack has deleted a quarter of them.

#34 Ray Bell

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 19:22

Probably because nobody used it...

I retain an ISP simply for webmail and its 30mb webspace inclusion, but I haven't uploaded anything to it in a long time. There are pics on this forum still hosted there, however.

The original deal with Imageshack was that if a pic hadn't been viewed in a year it got deleted, then if you registered your pics remained despite that. I have lost very few. Some no longer have the thumbnail in 'My Images' but the pics still link.

I will say that I have to go with the paid hosting, I simply have too much there and I'm not about to go through changing posts to keep them visible here and I don't like the idea of having them drop out of old threads.

#35 Catalina Park

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 01:25

It is funny when you have a series of photos in the one post in a thread and Imageshack deletes one of those photos. It can't be related to the number of views when they are all in the one post.

Ray, I have noticed some of yours disappearing in some threads.

ISP's are not offering webspace any more because it costs them money. People go for the cheapest company and not the one that offers extras lie webspace.

#36 DanTra2858

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 07:48

So, which is the safest way to upload photos so they will not be lost in siber space, I seem to get so many x where there should be a photo?????????

#37 lyntonh

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Posted 21 February 2012 - 12:22

I have just finished moving 1042 TNF photos from ImageShack to PhotoBucket.

(Took me two weeks on & off!!)

The latter server seems much easier to use....I've had quite a bit of practice lately!!

I resent people who say one thing to get you in, & then move the goal posts....to mix metaphors.

I will probably buy a Pro account with PhotoBucket to ensure my stuff remains, but to my mind, ImageShack
is flaky to say the least, with quite a few shots having dropped off since 2010.

To open a paid account with them seems poor value.

I moved the photos over for this forum, because I see it as useful & a good research tool.

I had to leave photos on ImageShack which had been quoted by other posters, because I could only edit my own posts.

There have been a couple of slip ups, so apologies for the "403" notice in some places where someone's referred to my stuff.

It was useful to go over all my old posts to see how things have evolved over time.

I now have 479 photos on a free account ImageShack...& that's how it shall remain!!

#38 Giraffe

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Posted 21 February 2012 - 12:33

With 4061 images over 97 pages, I could do little more than bite the bullet & pay my £22.20.

I know Imageshack is a bit cranky, but I've got my head around it and it's very much a case of better the devil you know. :well:

#39 kayemod

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Posted 21 February 2012 - 12:43

With 4061 images over 97 pages, I could do little more than bite the bullet & pay my £22.20.

I know Imageshack is a bit cranky, but I've got my head around it and it's very much a case of better the devil you know. :well:

I've only got not much over one hundredth of what Mr G has on there, but once I got started on TNF pic posting (with Tony's invaluable and very generous help), I've had no Imageshack problems at all, not with registration or anything else either. It has occured to me though that this new practice of charging big users could be the thin end of a pecuniary wedge, and now they've established the payment principle, eventually it will stop being a free service for lesser users as well.


#40 Ray Bell

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Posted 21 February 2012 - 12:47

Originally posted by DanTra2858
So, which is the safest way to upload photos so they will not be lost in cyber space, I seem to get so many x where there should be a photo?

I would think that the safest way would be to pay for some webspace and use that...

I've been stacking stuff on Imageshack for a long time now, since mid-2004. I don't know how many photos I put on there before I registered, but there's over 3400 I've uploaded since that time. For that many pics, frankly I don't mind paying the money. It was asked at the beginning (by Barry Lake if not others) if it would remain 'free'... well, it has for eight years, that's not too bad.

Considering that they've continually increased the allowable size of pics, permitted videos and so on, their costs must have risen and the return from advertising on the site might be unpredictable. It remains to be seen whether or not a paid account still suffers from the commercial side of things, I expect it will.

Along the way I used Tinypic a few times. Images on there disappeared very quickly.

Additionally, with regard to pics of mine which have gone missing, if you want these replaced just e.mail me. I doubt there's any I don't still have on file and in some cases it's just a matter of editing the post to accommodate the change my ISP made to their domain name.

Edited by Ray Bell, 21 February 2012 - 21:05.

#41 Tim Murray

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Posted 21 February 2012 - 13:01

I'd like to thank all those who are either forking out good money or putting in a lot of hard labour so that we can continue to go on viewing their photos here. This is a fine forum, but it wouldn't be nearly the same without all the wonderful and very informative photos.

:clap: :clap:

#42 Catalina Park

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 05:44

I would think that the safest way would be to pay for some webspace and use that...

I started off hosting my photos on my own webspace but the ISP got taken over and then went belly up and I lost the lot. So safer by what measure?
I then started using Imageshack but I got sick of the lousy service and the way the photos started dropping off. I have lost about a quarter of them so far.
I have been very happy with Photobucket for a number of years. All my photos are still there.

Now the only thing that annoys me with Imageshack is the pop ups. When someone on a forum posts a thumbnail and I click it I get a couple of pop ups. They are very persistent ones that manage to get past my pop up blocker. So I don't bother clicking Imageshack thumbnails.

#43 Barry Boor

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 08:35

Slightly O.T. but I use my own webspace to upload photos for posting on TNF but since moving out here, although my website is still viewable I cannot reach it with any upload programme as I no longer have the ISP I had in the U.K.

And it's a blooming nuisance, I can tell you.

#44 alansart

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 08:44

Slightly O.T. but I use my own webspace to upload photos for posting on TNF but since moving out here, although my website is still viewable I cannot reach it with any upload programme as I no longer have the ISP I had in the U.K.

And it's a blooming nuisance, I can tell you.

I would have thought you should be able to access it via your browser if you have the right log in details. User name, Password etc.

#45 Barry Boor

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 08:47

The user name from the U.K. is no longer valid, so Filezilla (the upload programme) cannot connect to the webspace using that name.

#46 alansart

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 09:52

Strange one Barry.

Someone will probably come up with a reason for it, but I don't know why the user name should be no longer be valid just because you've moved country. I've accessed my website from France and the USA without any problems. This was also using someone else's computer.

#47 Barry Boor

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 10:03

If you think about it, my website address includes LINEONE. They have been absorbed into Tiscali and hence into TalkTalk. I have cancelled my deal with TalkTalk as I no longer live in the U.K. so anything I try to do that involves any TalkTalk connection is simply not available.

If I still had my TalkTalk account, being in Malta wouldn't matter but as I don't, I'm stuffed. It's the same with e-mail. I still receive messages to my TalkTalk e-mail address but cannot send from it because it's gorn.

#48 kayemod

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 10:40

If I still had my TalkTalk account, being in Malta wouldn't matter but as I don't, I'm stuffed. It's the same with e-mail.

I was seriously thinking about joining you in tax exile Barry, but the prospect of losing my ISP was the main thing that deterred me.

#49 Ray Bell

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 11:11

Originally posted by Catalina Park
I started off hosting my photos on my own webspace but the ISP got taken over and then went belly up and I lost the lot. So safer by what measure?

This was in answer to my suggestion:

I would think that the safest way would be to pay for some webspace and use that...

By this I didn't mean space with your ISP... I meant to buy some webspace from someone who provides that specific service. For instance, it's a part of what GoDaddy do. They're the people through whom I get my domain names and they will provide specific amounts of online storage for a fee.

So it's not dependent on the policy of your ISP, it's not subject to any need for advertising to prop it up, it's a contracted deal so you know where you stand with it from the beginning. Aside from possible price fluctuations over the years.

#50 alansart

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 11:12

If you think about it, my website address includes LINEONE. They have been absorbed into Tiscali and hence into TalkTalk. I have cancelled my deal with TalkTalk as I no longer live in the U.K. so anything I try to do that involves any TalkTalk connection is simply not available.

If I still had my TalkTalk account, being in Malta wouldn't matter but as I don't, I'm stuffed. It's the same with e-mail. I still receive messages to my TalkTalk e-mail address but cannot send from it because it's gorn.

There's probably a way of getting into it as it's still live, but what do you with it then apart from downloading all the pages and photos etc.