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Computer Simulation in Vehicle Dynamics

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#1 cheapracer

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 06:00

Computer Simulation in Vehicle Dynamics

Noticed this on Boobtube and a few other interesting looking links to the right which probably lead to further interesting links


#2 Fondles

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 09:27

Thanks for that. I'll have to wait until I'm uncapped to watch it all but it looks good.

#3 CWA

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 15:51

That's my uni! Had a lecture or two from that guy Mike Blundell on vehicle dynamics and more recently Damien Harty. They both wrote a book, the Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics which I'm sure many of you have heard of. ADAMS software is very cool to play with, even though I've still only learnt the basics!

Do many of you in the forum use MSC. ADAMS in industry?

#4 24gerrard

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 22:24

Great vid cheapy, not so sure that the simplified approach gives sufficient elbow room for innovation in design though.

#5 Greg Locock

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 11:18

Do many of you in the forum use MSC. ADAMS in industry?

I do, on a daily basis, both for obvious things like kinematics of suspensions, through to whole vehicle sims, through to some mildly cutting edge stuff like developing calibrations for EPAS and ESC in simulations rather than in prototypes. A very large part of my job is ensuring that the models correlate to the real world.

#6 Floydier

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 05:18

Cheapy great vid, I'm not so sure that a simplified approach is sufficient space crank for innovation in design, however. :clap:

#7 Paolo

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Posted 02 April 2012 - 09:13

That's my uni! Had a lecture or two from that guy Mike Blundell on vehicle dynamics and more recently Damien Harty. They both wrote a book, the Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics which I'm sure many of you have heard of. ADAMS software is very cool to play with, even though I've still only learnt the basics!

Do many of you in the forum use MSC. ADAMS in industry?

Used it for railway simulation. Good stuff.

#8 MatsNorway

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Posted 02 April 2012 - 15:47

Used it for railway simulation. Good stuff.

Is this any different to Autodesk Multiphysics?

Edited by MatsNorway, 02 April 2012 - 15:47.

#9 Greg Locock

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 03:32

Is this any different to Autodesk Multiphysics?

Oh yes. In principle there may not be much difference, but as an example here's a tiny little bit of an ADAMS model

JOINT/1194308,SPH,I=1104308,J=1194308 P8 Spindle at SpindleTop SPH Joint
BUSH/19402, I=10402, J=19402
,KT = 256971663.0, 100983847.5, 155987815.5
,CT = 2569716.63, 1009838.475, 1559878.155
GRA/19490,CYL,CM=19490,SEG=6,RAD=20,LEN=165.93098475 SPINDLE TOP

GRA/10491,CYL,CM=10415,SEG=6,RAD=20,LEN=75.0 CARROT

REQ/71149193,FOR,I=1149193, J=1550193, RM=1550193
,C=LF Force on Subframe from P93 Frame Bushing wrt Bush Coord

The results can be anything from banal through to misleading, through to legally valid signoff for vehicle rollover.

This is fun, I'd use four different programs to do this http://www.youtube.c...feature=related

Edited by Greg Locock, 03 April 2012 - 03:45.

#10 MatsNorway

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 18:06

This is fun, I'd use four different programs to do this http://www.youtube.c...feature=related

If i get the time i will try to do some of that on the wheelstopper mechanism im making.

#11 Greg Locock

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 22:02

If i get the time i will try to do some of that on the wheelstopper mechanism im making.

Here's the sig line I use at work "All models are wrong. Some models are useful"