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A good watch ...

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#1 cheapracer

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 07:36

Although it's a few years old, 2007 based on the Chev Volt release, this alternate energy car show is quite a good watch being very neutral in opinion and offering good realism and background about the prospects of some alternates ....


#2 24gerrard

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 11:11

Great video Cheapy.
Dont forget it was 2009, things are much more advanced today.

#3 cheapracer

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 11:29

Dont forget it was 2009 2007, things are much more advanced today.

No they're not, unless you are aware of breakthroughs (in difference to obvious incremental gains) since then ..... ?

#4 carlt

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 22:51

No they're not, unless you are aware of breakthroughs

YOU posting the link :lol:

#5 carlt

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 23:13

No they're not, unless you are aware of breakthroughs

YOU having 'quite good' and 'alternate energy car' in the same sentence :lol:

#6 MatsNorway

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 23:32

A better watch.. Live! currently rain.

#7 Catalina Park

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Posted 26 February 2012 - 05:21

A better watch.. Live! currently rain.

Does anyone know the name of the spectator?

#8 phoenix101

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Posted 26 February 2012 - 08:15

Although it's a few years old, 2007 based on the Chev Volt release, this alternate energy car show is quite a good watch being very neutral in opinion and offering good realism and background about the prospects of some alternates ....

I wish it were neutral in opinion. If green energy ever went neutral, our problems would be solved. Unfortunately, American policymakers like to threaten people with economic ruination or jail time (economic disincentive). They refer to this act as policy-making, and they claim it is the foundation of human progress. They parade their intellectual inferiority in front of cameras at every available opportunity, thereby revealing the biggest hurdle to the adoption of green energy. B/c these numbskulls exist, the most powerful political party in the United States revolves around preserving the status quo even when it makes no sense.

As ill-conceived laws are rejected, the goal shifts from achieving a result to forcing through a policy. Instead of encouraging society to cross a bridge, then blowing it up to make sure we can never go back, policymakers like to put a knife to the backs of people who voted them in office, and march them to the desired location. By the time we reach the other side, and after the panic and ill-will have finally subsided, the paradigms have shifted, thus, no one remembers why we needed to go across the bridge in the first place. Welcome to the CAFE 1985 and the SUV boom.

I want to like PBS b/c they can produce epic stuff when they put their mind to it. I also think public communications should play a bigger role in American society, but PBS rarely tell the full story. They don't let Amory Lovins tell viewers how intelligent policy is always shot down for unintelligent (but politically opportunistic) policy, like CAFE or tax credits (demand-subsidy). They don't show engineers whose technologies are rejected for political reasons. They don't even bother to explain that industrial usage, not passenger car usage, was the major efficiency gain that reduced pollution and collapsed the price of oil. They don't even seem terribly interested in telling people that a car with 500hp uses roughly the same horsepower as every other car when it's on public roads. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but they didn't show algae fuels, which are often heavily funded by petrochemical companies.

The problem is not that we are running out of oil without sufficient knowledge of alternative technology. The problem is that some of the least-accomplished organizations in the history of mankind are responsible for telling everyone we are running out of oil, and explaining the virtues of alternative energy.

#9 cheapracer

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Posted 26 February 2012 - 09:32

I wish it were neutral in opinion.

The problem is not that we are running out of oil without sufficient knowledge of alternative technology.

When I said neutral I was more refering to balance in reporting - hydrogen in Iceland for example and what is really required to get it to your car etc.

I had dinner last night with a friend who sets up investment in exploration, they initiate by physically going in first (mining) and when they find it they then turn the whole show over to investors such as oil companies - to quote his exact words - "we are not running out of oil any time soon..". I can't tell you what they recently found but it's actually good for electric cars/hybrids future and Dixon Ticonderoga.

#10 phoenix101

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Posted 26 February 2012 - 19:26

When I said neutral I was more refering to balance in reporting - hydrogen in Iceland for example and what is really required to get it to your car etc.

I had dinner last night with a friend who sets up investment in exploration, they initiate by physically going in first (mining) and when they find it they then turn the whole show over to investors such as oil companies - to quote his exact words - "we are not running out of oil any time soon..". I can't tell you what they recently found but it's actually good for electric cars/hybrids future and Dixon Ticonderoga.

Yeah, I'm not worried about reserve supply. I've been lucky to meet some important oil people in my life, and they have assuaged any worries I had about total supply. They've told me about real P90 reserves and the ongoing battle between developed geological societies and the rogue OPEC nations. They've explained the Canada "conspiracy". They told me Afghanistan was flush with lithium about 4 years before the USGS got around to it. They've put me at ease regarding global reserves. It is the daily production, cost of production, and Chinese mercantilism (I say that without passing moral judgment) that have me concerned.

Are you referring to the rare earth find? That info has been making the rounds for a while, but I always thought it was a bunk rumor to soften commodities. Good to know it might actually be true, if that's what you are referring to.

#11 GreenMachine

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Posted 26 February 2012 - 23:33

Does anyone know the name of the spectator?


Was that a reference to the gate?

#12 cheapracer

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 06:47

They've put me at ease regarding global reserves. It is the daily production, cost of production, and Chinese mercantilism (I say that without passing moral judgment) that have me concerned.

I never take it as moral judgement, I take it as poor research although sometimes one is only a slave to information offered which is often very poor or purposed intentional - anyway, it's certainly not true and for minerals the opposite holds true. China can be blamed for selling too much, too cheap, to anybody and being wasteful of products that could be held to better use.

#13 Catalina Park

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:32


Was that a reference to the gate?

Most race meetings they get a stack of convertibles and parade the drivers in front of the crowd, this meeting they just got one convertible and paraded the crowd in front of the drivers.

#14 GreenMachine

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 13:44

Most race meetings they get a stack of convertibles and parade the drivers in front of the crowd, this meeting they just got one convertible and paraded the crowd in front of the drivers.

No complaints here.

No rubbing shoulders with the riff raff, pick your spot at will, no heads in the way ... great spectating conditions :wave: . Oh, the weather wasn't the best, but that's Bathurst for you :rolleyes: