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BRM Volume 4

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#301 Tim Murray

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Posted 26 May 2022 - 20:30

I loved the letter from George Harrison (among other wonderful stuff) in Doug’s recent Vanwall book.


#302 ensign14

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Posted 26 May 2022 - 20:33

I have to say that I am not a fan of the current fad in motor book publishing of reproducing documents. I find them utterly boring. I much prefer photos of the cars, not pieces of paper.

As time goes on I am valuing those documents more and more.  Car pics are not difficult to find for the most part - a google search will even bring one delights such as the Dywa F1 car or Monte Carlo F3000.  But even the layout and typography of the older stuff is becoming more and more nostalgic.

#303 DCapps

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Posted 26 May 2022 - 21:50

I have to say that I am not a fan of the current fad in motor book publishing of reproducing documents. I find them utterly boring. I much prefer photos of the cars, not pieces of paper.



#304 helioseism2

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Posted 27 May 2022 - 06:16

I am only hostile to stuff that is not art, and I say a parts list is not art, nor is a letter. But a race car certainly is.

Edited by helioseism2, 27 May 2022 - 06:24.

#305 helioseism2

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Posted 27 May 2022 - 06:27

  But even the layout and typography of the older stuff is becoming more and more nostalgic.


#306 Roger Clark

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Posted 27 May 2022 - 07:48

I enjoy the reproductions of document but I hope that Volume 4 will have the same style and approach as its predecessors. Fashions change and technology can enable what was not previously possible but the consistent presentation  of Doug’s books is not something I would like to lose. 

#307 Charlieman

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Posted 27 May 2022 - 08:58

I enjoy the reproductions of document but I hope that Volume 4 will have the same style and approach as its predecessors. Fashions change and technology can enable what was not previously possible but the consistent presentation  of Doug’s books is not something I would like to lose. 

It'll be tricky from a technological perspective and sadly some of the people involved with the first volumes are no longer with us. Another factor is that the author has changed  :D He occupies the same physical space as 20 years ago but his brain has benefitted from progress.


I enjoy occasional facsimiles incorporated in reference works for the context they provide. A memo knocked up on a portable typewriter tells more than the text on its own. In the case of March, for example, the annotations to drawings and assembly lists inform us about the design process and how designs were re-used. Hand written notes or the use of headed notepaper contain hints about the relationship between sender and recipient.

#308 helioseism2

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Posted 27 May 2022 - 14:44

A memo knocked up on a portable typewriter tells more than the text on its own.

:cat: :drunk:

#309 MartLgn

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Posted 27 May 2022 - 14:57

Each to their own of course but I really do like to see these documents exactly as they were originally produced.  It adds more of an 'insider' feel to the story.  Of course to have this as well as all of the photos of cars would mean everyone is kept happy. :)

I completely agree, there's plenty in there for everyone. The first book I saw that took this approach is the utterly wonderful (and now rare and pricy) Bruce McClaren Scrapbook.

Thr fact that I can now afford such books has nothing to do withit of course! (I spent over half my weeks wages on B.R.M vol 1 when it was published! :lol:)

#310 PRD

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Posted 31 May 2022 - 17:30

Not sure where to post this link, but thought this interview with Big Lou Stanley would be of interest to people reading this thread 



#311 rl1856

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Posted 01 June 2022 - 12:56

Looking forward to V4 !

#312 D-Type

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Posted 04 June 2022 - 13:44

I have to say that I am not a fan of the current fad in motor book publishing of reproducing documents. I find them utterly boring. I much prefer photos of the cars, not pieces of paper.

What can be particularly galling is when the reproduction is illegible.  :mad:

#313 smbrm

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Posted 06 June 2022 - 14:09

Back on topic, this is a page from a 1968 book, Race Report 2 by Eddie Guba; photo credit not identified 




After Vol 1 covering 1948 - 1960, Vol 2 from 1959 to 1964 and Vol 3 from 1963 to 1967, there's a lot to get in the last Volume to cover all of the H16 and V12 years from 1966 to 1977, even if the non-Rubery Owen parts after that are omitted.


However, maybe I can hope for next Christmas, as I have hoped for several Christmases past...…


Paul M

As a big proponent of the as yet untold stories of the later years of  BRM, I have left this thread alone for a while to percolate. Since there seems to be renewed recent interest, I feel compelled to reinvigorate my support for Volume 4. With the talk of reproduction of original documents combined with DCN’s time honoured prose, let’s not forget the immense value of the technical photographs(as exemplified in the above) as well as technical illustration either vintage or contemporary. They tell the story in a way that brings extra texture to words and documents. I’m hoping that Volume 4 will highlight the BRM story as much if not more than the preceding volumes with photos and illustrations of BRM technicalities.





Edited by smbrm, 06 June 2022 - 14:09.

#314 Tim Murray

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Posted 28 September 2022 - 14:51

The posts relating to BRM Paddock Pass have been moved to its dedicated thread.

#315 GaryJohnson

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Posted 28 September 2022 - 17:30

The posts relating to BRM Paddock Pass have been moved to its dedicated thread.

And where exactly is that ‘dedicated thread’?

Try as I might, I cannot find such a thread.

Or is it in the Paddock Club?


#316 Tim Murray

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Posted 28 September 2022 - 17:40

My apologies Adam. A new thread about the BRM Paddock Pass was started today. I therefore decided to move the earlier discussion in this thread into the new thread. The poster who started the new thread then deleted their post. This meant that the new thread slipped a long way down the listings to the date of the new last post. It’s now back on the front page.

#317 Ray Bell

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Posted 28 September 2022 - 19:18

Why not complete the job, Tim?


Here's the link to your post that revived the thread: https://forums.autos...iew=getlastpost

#318 doc knutsen

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Posted 30 September 2022 - 17:56

Why not complete the job, Tim?


Here's the link to your post that revived the thread: https://forums.autos...iew=getlastpost

Sigh...once upon a time, there used to be the O.R.M.A, of which I was an associate member, coz i could not afford the Full membership. Courtesy of Mrs Molly Wheeler, we used to get a membership newsletter...but no Paddock Passes.

#319 SteveJones

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Posted 30 September 2022 - 18:29

If DCN did ever produce Volume 4 I could take up an invitation to appear on 'Desert Island Discs' but, until then, ..............................!! :yawnface:

Edited by SteveJones, 30 September 2022 - 18:30.


#320 Sterzo

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Posted 01 October 2022 - 10:26

In 1966 or 1967, a spotty teenage civil servant climbed to the top floor of a house in Westbourne Terrace or Gloucester Terrace at Paddington, to visit Molly Wheeler in her bed-sitter. My trivial query about her national insurance resolved, I asked her about the BRM photos...  My overriding memory is of her sadness at the side-lining of Peter Berthon, with others taking the helm. I remember thinking they hadn't done badly, but even I was too tactful to say so.

#321 Ralf Pickel

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Posted 16 November 2023 - 20:25

It might get interesting just now - live on Youtube from Brooklands is the BRM talk. With DCN, supposedly talking about Vol 4 !!

#322 Bloggsworth

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Posted 16 November 2023 - 20:40

Sigh...once upon a time, there used to be the O.R.M.A, of which I was an associate member, coz i could not afford the Full membership. Courtesy of Mrs Molly Wheeler, we used to get a membership newsletter...but no Paddock Passes.

Moi aussi, I still have the membership card from Jo Bonnier's time with the team - Imagine my joy when he won the Dutch Grand Prix.

#323 Bloggsworth

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Posted 16 November 2023 - 20:44

If DCN did ever produce Volume 4 I could take up an invitation to appear on 'Desert Island Discs' but, until then, ..............................!! :yawnface:

Would you rush Shakespeare? Alas poor Nye, we know him well, a man of infinite words and knowledge...

#324 PCC

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Posted 16 November 2023 - 20:53

Would you rush Shakespeare? Alas poor Nye, we know him well, a man of infinite words and knowledge...

Besides, writers rarely appreciate being reminded of unfinished work.


#325 Tom Glowacki

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Posted 16 November 2023 - 22:33

It might get interesting just now - live on Youtube from Brooklands is the BRM talk. With DCN, supposedly talking about Vol 4 !!

Could you give the Colonials a link, please?

#326 LittleChris

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Posted 16 November 2023 - 22:38

BRM Re-Awakening - YouTube


No mention of when publication might be nor whether it will include the Stanley Steamer which was not mentioned in the film.....

Edited by LittleChris, 16 November 2023 - 22:41.

#327 Tom Glowacki

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 02:15

BRM Re-Awakening - YouTube


No mention of when publication might be nor whether it will include the Stanley Steamer which was not mentioned in the film.....

Fabulous video. Thanks!

#328 Roy C

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 07:58

BRM Re-Awakening - YouTube


No mention of when publication might be nor whether it will include the Stanley Steamer which was not mentioned in the film.....

Video removed.  :confused:


Let's hope it's only been taken down to edit the livestream into something better.

#329 Macca

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 10:56

Nobody expects BRM Volume 4!

My chief hope is that it will be published soon…and be affordable.

My TWO hopes are that it will be published soon and be affordable…. and comprehensive

My THREE hopes are that it will be published soon, and be affordable, and be comprehensive, and include interviews with all the surviving drivers……..I’ll start again.

Among my many hopes are: that it will published soon, and be affordable, and be comprehensive, and include interviews with all the surviving drivers, and have details of the unfinished lightweight 1968 H16 and the burglary of early 1966, and what really happened when Tony Rudd left, and how much BRM helped Matra with their V12, and why Mays and Stanley were so cr*p at choosing and keeping drivers; and that I will be able to read it in a comfy chair with soft cushions.

It’s not much to ask, is it?

Paul M

#330 LittleChris

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 11:03

Video removed.  :confused:


Let's hope it's only been taken down to edit the livestream into something better.


Here's the Brooklands website on You Tube & hopefully the video will appear soon


BrooklandsMemberstv - YouTube

#331 rl1856

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 13:43

Vol 4 is eagerly awaited, but will be different than Vol 1-3, by necessity.   Vol 4 will have to cover the years from the H16 through the P201-207 debacle, a period of about 12 years, and multiple non F1 projects.  Each previous vol had a cohesive theme; Front Engined cars, Early Rear Engined cars, P261 years.  Vol 4 will have to be a catch all, with much broader scope, and possibly less depth.   


Tony Rudd left  early 1969 so he will not be a primary source for the remaining years.  A strength of Rudd was his meticulous chronical of races and testing which became a primary source.  Did anyone fill this role ?  It would be a daunting task to go through race by race period accounts from multiple sources published back in the day.  LTS is long gone, and would he have deigned to be interviewed for the project ?  Was Aubrey Woods available ?  Tony Southgate ?  Mike Pilbeam ?  Geoff Johnson ?  Any of the Parnell family ?  Niki Lauda ?  Clay Regazoni ?  Was John Surtees interviewed ?   


I have a place reserved on my shelf for Vol-4, close to my comfy chair, and will have a glass filled with my favorite Bourbon (US whiskey for those on the other side of the pond).

#332 Doug Nye

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 14:18

In essence - and unless I screw it up - the response to each of the questions above is 'yes' - even if it might spill over into a Volume 5 -  :cat:  :cool:



#333 Allen Brown

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 15:16

Right, let’s start a ‘BRM Vol 5’ thread so we can start bugging Doug about finishing that one.

#334 Vitesse2

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Posted 17 November 2023 - 19:04

Right, let’s start a ‘BRM Vol 5’ thread so we can start bugging Doug about finishing that one.

I haven't even got round to buying Volume 3 yet!

#335 Roy C

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Posted 18 November 2023 - 13:50

Video removed.  :confused:


Let's hope it's only been taken down to edit the livestream into something better.

The edited version is back up on BrooklandsMemberstv: 

BRM Re-Awakening


Edited by Roy C, 18 November 2023 - 13:51.

#336 Tom Glowacki

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Posted 18 November 2023 - 14:42

Right, let’s start a ‘BRM Vol 5’ thread so we can start bugging Doug about finishing that one.

He has already dangled Volume 5 in front of us for two days now. :yawnface: