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Mystery Buttons

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#1 GoAlesi

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Posted 28 September 1999 - 18:40

It's been rumoured that both Hill and HHF retired from the Euro GP due to driver error. Apparantly there's a button that needs to be pressed after accelerating from a standing start, and both drivers accidently hit the ignition kill button instead. If this is true, then:

1. Why is it possible for the driver to hit the ignition button accidently? Sure, it needs to be immediately accessable, and therefore on the steering-wheel, but you could place it on the centre of the steering-wheel instead of by the driver's thumbs. I don't think that it would comprimise driver safety significantly. I seem to recall this happening to Hill in Monza as well, when he was going for the rev-limiter button when coming into the pits.

2. What is the function of the button they were trying to press? I'm sure it is not sensitive information, does anyone know what it is? It's probably something unexciting like a radio function or mixture setting but my guess is that it is related to the electronic differential. I would say that the button locks up the diff, and after the start the driver must press the button to return the diff to its normal function.