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The Pagani Huayra story.

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#1 cheapracer

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 15:33

15 minute short with a bit of tech on the building of the Pagani Huayra...



#2 Tony Matthews

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 17:59

I'm convinced - where do I sign? Slightly concerned that "...titanium alloy sheet has to be bended..." to make the exhaust system.

#3 kikiturbo2

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 18:43

I was lucky to visit the factory on two occasions, and see zonda and huayra in prototype form, and the finished car on display in Geneva.. It is a stunning piece of work, don't care how it drives, it is built like the finest watch, and the man behind is totally obsesed.. the attention to detail is second to none, and an order of magnitude above anyone else... Ferrari is a crude toy compared to it.. The sight of an italian master slowly layering sheets of carbon fiber for the instrument panel while having a cup of coffee was something....

first time we were there, the man himself had a quick chat with us and then had to excuse himself because he wanted to get two cars ready for some display the next day... Next thing we see him polishing cars and putting plates on the car.. this is one of my favourite shots, ever...

Posted Image


#4 Powersteer

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 20:12

Impressive engineering as well, even above that of major players..an example, its magnesium suspension, magnesium is lighter than aluminium but probably softer but its weight to strength ratio is better so using magnesium higher volume is needed to achieve the same strength. What this does is it absorbs a lot of the NVH, noise vibration harshness, through its volume, dampening out frequencies. The opposite of this happens with carbon fiber chassis where it is really hard and thin, sending every frequency note to the driver like a Ferrari Enzo video I watched where the road noise was very apparent, driver pointing this out. The Pagani mixes this two together to give a far better ride(it seems), same driver never complained about Pagani's road noise while the Zonda is lighter than the Enzo eventhough it has a larger engine and a more complete cabin.

I'd like to see a Huayra with a naturally aspirated engine...or a GT..


#5 faaaz

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 03:24

Arguably the most beautiful car being produced today.

#6 Canuck

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 04:03

17 seasons of Top Gear and the Zonda is far and away my favourite. I like the outrageous interior and the exhaust noise is pure heaven. Sadly, I've not seen one in the flesh though I haven't checked the numbers on Friday's $50million lottery draw (which is about the only way I'm getting behind the wheel of one). While I expect it will grow on me, the Huayra doesn't do it for me now.

#7 kikiturbo2

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 09:51

yeah, I'd order one, and then come to the factory a week early, sit in the corner and watch my car being built.. bring food and drink to everyone.. :) And I wouldn't be the first to do so.. :)

let me pull some photos from the factory.. :)

#8 jcbc3

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 13:24

Arguably the most beautiful car being produced today.

Yes, that is very arguable.

I am not putting it down. It most certainly is in my 'want' category, but beautiful isn't the first adjective I'd put on it. And there are cars that I would.

#9 OfficeLinebacker

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 13:37

Ew. What's up with the rear view mirrors?

#10 cheapracer

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 14:14

Arguably the most beautiful car being produced today.

Yeah, I'll argue that, pass thanks.

Never been into the 'cab forward' look, reminds me of Chrysler Neon too much :lol:

#11 desmo

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Posted 26 March 2012 - 15:01

Looks- the car seems a little overstyled to me in the sense that a racecar built along similar lines would probably be better "styled" by being less so. The 'cab forward' stance is form following function, so fine to my eyes. The mirrors- well look at a plan view, conventional placement would have you looking at the rear fenders because of the narrow greenhouse and wide body, the curved mountings and strange shapes look like someone unconvincingly trying to make it look like they'd been painstakingly optimized in a wind tunnel. The interior doesn't integrate with the exterior styling at all, it's all vintage juke box, Buck Rogers. The most striking visual aspect for me is the level of finish detail evident everywhere one looks. It's really astonishingly carefully finished- everywhere.


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Posted 26 March 2012 - 20:15

15 minute short with a bit of tech on the building of the Pagani Huayra...


Hey Cheap,

I like the pieces and parts.....some are works of art.

BTW, what is your opinion of the Superlite kit car stuff:



#13 cheapracer

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 04:15

BTW, what is your opinion of the Superlite kit car stuff:

Some of the worst engineering I've seen but apparently shiny stuff impresses people.

#14 seldo

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 07:27

Yeah, I'll argue that, pass thanks.

Never been into the 'cab forward' look, reminds me of Chrysler Neon too much :lol:

:lol: :lol: Have to agree. Pass too.