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high nose or low nose?

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#1 simbai

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Posted 22 October 1999 - 18:22

probably the biggest difference one sees in todays f1 cars is the desighn of the front end of the car. some designers opt for the high front end(ferrari, benneton, jordan) while others have a lower profile (macs, stewart, prost).are there any significant advantages/disadvatages in these areas. does anyone have any insight into this

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#2 Christiaan

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Posted 22 October 1999 - 18:37

My guess is that the nose position does not offer an independant advantage. I think a high nose in combination with one aerodaynamic package will be better than a low nose in combination with the same package. But for a different package the results might be reversed. If it would be such a big independant advantage then all teams would have the same nose configuration.

#3 Zoe

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Posted 22 October 1999 - 20:10

Harcey Postlethwaite (a minute of silence in his remembrance) once invented the (really) high nose with the Tyrrell 018 or 019. He later remarked something like "the high nose alone doesn't really make a difference. It only allows to route the air flow under the car differently than with a low nose".

I think the biggest advantage of a high nose comes with the current F1 cars regulations, which put a lot of emphasis on the air flow beneath the car to generate additional downforce. Remember the little "wing" that Benetton and Jordan have just before the sidepods? It is exactly there to route airflow beneath the car!

BTW: A certain Adrian Newey, then at Leyton-House March introduced the first little step under a nose of the car. However it wasn't until Harvey got the complete nose and car designed with a really "high" nose that the trend became obvious and very modern.


#4 Christiaan

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Posted 22 October 1999 - 21:29

Simabai, I know you don't I? Check my profile!

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