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Fuel consumption

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#1 Alex

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Posted 06 December 1999 - 08:27

We all seem to think that F1 racing engines in general use very much fuel. While this is true, one must take into account the throttle usage during the race, drag coefficient and actual power output. Taking these into account, it would seem that F1 engines are very efficient with fuel.

Races last 300 kilometers, and during that time, almost 200 liters of fuel is burned. That's over 60 liters per 100 kms, or about 3.5 mpg. Sounds awful, but it is actually excellent considering the throttle usage, engine power and drag.

Which track consume the most fuel out of the engine? I would bet on Suzuka. Lots of downforce required plus full throttle usage for most of the time.


#2 Ruud de la Rosa

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Posted 06 December 1999 - 23:15

Monaco?? longest race of them all(time) a lot of acceleration.

#3 Christiaan

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Posted 07 December 1999 - 16:42

Consider the energy content of F1 fuel against normal fuel and you will realize that energywise F1 cars guzzle.

#4 Ursus

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Posted 07 December 1999 - 18:49

Does F1 gas contain that much energy compared to regular gas? I was under the impression that the fuel was not all that exotic nowadays.

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#5 Yelnats

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Posted 07 December 1999 - 22:46

Yes, they banned the exotics in F1 years ago and the energy content is the same as regular pump gas.

#6 Christiaan

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Posted 08 December 1999 - 08:25

Okay, guess I'm wrong. But also remember that an F1 car wieghs about a third of most road cars with 3l engines.

#7 Ruud de la Rosa

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Posted 09 December 1999 - 00:16

I don't know what a normal car weighs but a F1 car weighs at least 600 Kg, but you'll probably know that already

#8 Christiaan

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Posted 09 December 1999 - 00:34

It follows that a typical 3l sedan wieghs about 1800kgs. Take the M5 for instance. I cannot predict how well an M5 will do on an F1 track, but even with half the hp and 3times the weight I am sure it will not burn 200l of petrol.

Also remember what DC said about throttle usage:- he said an F engine would blow if its floored for more than one lap, so I would guess you could floor a M5 much much more.