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Driving Positions

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#1 FulcrumF1

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Posted 17 December 1999 - 18:43

How much difference does the way an F1 driver (or an ordainary driver) sits make?
I mean Hakkinen sits so low that he can barely see out but I heard somewhere that Schumacher likes to sit relativly high so he can see what the nose of the car is doing.

Surely sitting lower would be better for the vehicles center of gravity?


#2 Ruud de la Rosa

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Posted 17 December 1999 - 08:15

The reason why Schummi sitz high is that otherwise we'll only be able to see his EGO

HA HA HA no seriously I think that Scumacher is taller than Mika that's why he sits high??? URSUS will know!

#3 Limey

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Posted 17 December 1999 - 21:18

Each driver obviously has his own preference of position but each team spends a lot of time ensuring the 'comfort' of the driver from individual molded seats to positioning of the wheel, pedal assembly etc. A lower centre of gravity would help but I would think being 'comfortable' is more important. I expect you have noticed this with different road cars that you've driven. Having drivers of different sizes causes problems for teams e.g. Senna / Berger at McLaren.

#4 Ursus

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Posted 17 December 1999 - 21:25

I'll have to with Limey on this one. Different preferences and driver height will ofcourse affect how high your head will be. I would imagine different designs of the cockpit sides affect how high the driver seems to sit.

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#5 PDA

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Posted 18 December 1999 - 06:26

Driver position is predetermined by the need to keep his helmet as far away as possible from the air intake for the engine. Remember in 96 when MS was seen to tilt his head to one side on the straights to minimise the disturbance of the air flow to the intake?

#6 Jonathan

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Posted 18 December 1999 - 14:45

It used to be (maybe 30 years ago) that you placed the driver a low as possibe (for aerodynamic reasons) and cars like the Lotus 72 were basically over-sized go karts. Problem was lying down so low made it difficult to judge breaking distances. I believe Derick Gardner's design of the Tyrell "007" was one of the first designs that stressed putting the driver in as up-right and forward position as possible. This made it easier to judge where you were in relation to other cars, and improved depth perception for breaking distances. Also placing the driver's feet beyond the center-line of the front wheels was thought to allow a greater degree of feedback in terms of how close to break-away the front wheels were. Later on it was decided that placing the drivers feet so far foward was dangerous and the rules were changed. While technology has certainly changed a great deal, I dont think anything much as changed in terms of driving position since then.

#7 silver

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Posted 21 December 1999 - 21:18

Actually MSchumi is about 5 cm shorter than Hakkinen. Mika is 1.79 m and Schumi 1.74 m.

McLaren has a very low nose because that is essential for drivers too see something from the car.

#8 Ruud de la Rosa

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Posted 21 December 1999 - 23:59

I think the nose ia so low for aerodynamic reasons?

#9 Yelnats

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Posted 22 December 1999 - 02:20

Actually, the real reason tha Schumi sits so high is because of a clearance problem between the steering wheel and his chin!!!