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why don't grooved tyres get better grip as they wear?

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#1 dromedary

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Posted 30 January 2000 - 16:09

this may be a stupid question, but I've always wondered why they don't get better grip as the grooves disappear. I know the FIA has a rule saying they can't get better performance from this by design, but it seems to me that more rubber contact = better grip any way you look at it.....

can someone please explain this to me?

thanks in advance


#2 Christiaan

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Posted 31 January 2000 - 02:15

check out a discussion here

#3 PDA

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Posted 01 February 2000 - 04:47

This could be controlled by using a different compound for the substrate upon which the treads are moulded.

#4 dromedary

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Posted 01 February 2000 - 10:26

....great link; thanks for the lead there, Christiaan, explained a lot. figures this topic had been worked over here before, I just didn't see it in the threads I looked at.

thx again

#5 mtl'78

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Posted 01 February 2000 - 23:35

Another BIG factor being overlooked is that the tyres don't wear out evenly. Actually, the outside of the tyre tends to go off first, so what you have is a tyre that is not flat. That is no good at all!

#6 Christiaan

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Posted 02 February 2000 - 03:56

thats what I'm here for dromedary