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great forum this one..

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#1 tom

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Posted 15 January 2000 - 14:13

this forum is really rocketing at the moment ...
how many posts do you get a month?

and that's on a good month?


irvine = w@nker


#2 MrAerodynamicist

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Posted 21 January 2000 - 21:33

But to be fair most of people who visit this place have very little technical knowledge [inc me, I'm still only a engineer in training :)], so this forum needs to remain in it's little niche or else it will ned up as a lot of people talking out their bottom. [What, we don't do that already? :)]

All hail King Jaxs

#3 Ray Bell

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Posted 22 January 2000 - 22:31

Is it the Forum's fault or the jerks who can't rise above name-calling over their favourite drivers' abilities in Readers' Comments? Or their need to discuss football or baseball in Pit Babe's forum?
There's some pretty good stuff for off-season thinkers in the Nostalgia Forum, but you can stay here and muse over why there were no sliding splines on the driveshafts of the McLaren M23...

#4 westendorf

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Posted 24 January 2000 - 11:22

I may not know very much technical but most of the folks over at Reader Comments just think they know who's the best driver yadayada... I used to go to the U.S.G.P. at the Watkins Glen and we always had garge passes [not hard to get back then] sometimes it was fun just to stand and listen to the "expert" standing next to you and hear him tell his girl friend all about race cars. It was then I realised that I knew alot more than the average race fan, but on a scale of real face people I'm average.

#5 westendorf

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Posted 24 January 2000 - 11:26

sorry for the typo that's 'race'people
ciao, GFW

#6 Ray Bell

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Posted 24 January 2000 - 18:29

It's hard to bite your tongue when you hear something really stupid, isn't it?
And don't you hear it all too often in those circumstances.
Were they the people who burned out the coaches in the parking lot, too?

#7 Ray Bell

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Posted 25 January 2000 - 05:44

You must be in the right age bracket to go over to Nostalgia Forum and post on the topic of age...
I think Dennis and I would appreciate that.
O was the reason you knew so much more at Watkins Glen the same as the reason kids know more than their parents?
While you're there you could also post something of you memories at the Glen, if you were that keen and that close we should be able to learn from you

#8 desmo

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Posted 26 January 2000 - 13:29

Please return to the children's table now.

#9 Paste

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Posted 26 January 2000 - 13:36

Like I say, always consider where the insult is coming from... ;)

#10 baddog

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Posted 02 February 2000 - 05:12

I dont post often here,though I read it frequently, as I would rather listen to people talking about what they know about, avoid making a prat of myself, and contribute when I believe I have something to contribute. (not often when it comes to technical issues)

Obviously some others dont think thats a good way to act ;)


#11 buddyt

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Posted 08 February 2000 - 09:43

I will be reading the technical forum even if only two post come a month, Tom. I see a few members were at the Glen for GPs were there any BOG creatures among us.