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What is this Ferrari "Microfusion" technology?

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#1 FD_Pilot

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Posted 08 February 2000 - 08:13

Ferrari quote: "As for its structure, the engine block is completely new, produced using microfusion technology, while the heads are an evolution of those from the 048."



#2 Art

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Posted 08 February 2000 - 10:37

Microfusion Technoligy is a process of putting layers of pinhole free coatings on objects. Look up Microfusion Technology on the web for further explination.


#3 HK

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Posted 08 February 2000 - 14:36

FD, I was going to ask the same question but you beat me to it. I cant imagine it applies to the whole block just the cylinder walls or those bits that need a special surface...Either for less friction or enabeling that area (the surface) to be so special that you can reduce the mass/thickness of the rest of the block or water passages and end up with a smaller lighter block. Something like case hardening?

[This message has been edited by HK (edited 02-08-2000).]

#4 desmo

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Posted 08 February 2000 - 15:55

Microfusion (microfusione) appears to be an investment casting technique. I have heard high quality Italian cast lugsets and fork crowns for bicycles referred to as being "microfusione" for years. I suspect this is what Ferrari is referring to by that term. If you can read Italian this website may be informative: www.microfusione.com

[This message has been edited by desmo (edited 02-08-2000).]