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#1 SB

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Posted 07 February 2000 - 14:13

Which teams use a 7-speed transmittion in last season ? And which teams use it this year ?


#2 Nathan

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Posted 08 February 2000 - 01:29

From what I know Sauber used the 7-speed gearbox last year. This was due to Alesi's request, but from what I know they have gone back to the 6-speed this year. I do know Ferrari will be using a 7-speed this season, they didnt last year, but did I believe in 96 or 97. Prost may also use a 7-speed, they have had a history with it and the Peugoet engine does not exactly have good driveability. Jordan also used one I believe in 97, again because of the Peugoet engine. Other than that I belive everyone else has and will be using a 6-speed, but Arrows and Benetton may due to the poor Supertec engine.

#3 DangerMouse

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Posted 08 February 2000 - 08:11

Nathan, Are you sure Ferrari didn't use a 7 speed last year?

as well as those pointed out by Nathan Williams are running a seven speeder for 2000, and so (I think) are McLaren.

#4 Ursus

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Posted 08 February 2000 - 16:12

A quick check at www.ferrari.it rveals that Ferrari have been using 7sp gearboxes since '97

Trust me, send money.

#5 Nathan

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Posted 08 February 2000 - 17:44

Well last years Ferrari may of had a 7 speed Im not sure. I would imagine that both Ferrari and McLaren have the budget to produce two gearboxes (6+7) to meet each tracks seperate needs. Im sure the Williams will have too. I would be very surprised though if McLaren did.

#6 DangerMouse

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Posted 09 February 2000 - 02:51

Thanks Ursus - the money's in the post! :)

Nathan, why would you be surprised at McLaren running a seven speeder? the Ilmor is known to be more peaky and less drivable than the Ferrari - an ideal candidate for a 7 speed box if I've ever seen one!

#7 Nathan

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Posted 09 February 2000 - 17:09

Danger Mouse..you have a good point. I think what I meant was I was surprised Ferarri would use one. I have always thought that engine had good drivability. But good point on the Mercedes engine.

#8 silver

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Posted 09 February 2000 - 19:38

Teams which i think are using 7 speed gearboxes:

But i would think more or less every team will be using 7 speeder...

#9 Sash

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Posted 09 February 2000 - 19:46


I think on some tracks, the weight saved by using a 6 speed would outweigh (get it?!) the advantage of an extra gear.

#10 DangerMouse

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Posted 10 February 2000 - 06:54

Sash, there isn't a lot of weight difference - only reliability, space is the problem if you build a 7 speed box you invariably end up with a compromise having thinner gears than in the 6 speed to try and fit the whole package in a similar space, having a longer or wider gearbox (depending on whether its transverse or longitudinal - the latter being most popular these days) usually means a compromising suspension geometry or engine positioning.

As most teams run a longitudinal boxes the gearboxes size is determined by the weight and c of g of the engine defining it's placement in front of the driven wheels, you do not have much space to play with Re positioning of the engine, so more gears have to be squeezed into the same space.

#11 Jiffy

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Posted 17 February 2000 - 05:57

Williams tested a variable ratio trans in 1992, but the FIA banned it when they heard Williams testing. The engine on full tilt all lap must have been a giveaway. Williams reckoned it knocked 2 sec/lap off on tight circuits.

[This message has been edited by Jiffy (edited 02-16-2000).]