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Gordon Murray TV programme

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#1 mariner

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 09:35

As some of you may know there was an hour long programme on the life of Gordon Murray and his new lightweight city car last night on BBC4 in the Uk. It was done by Mark Stewart Productions who also did the Jacke Stewart and Jim Clark prgrammes.

I thought it pretty good overall. I liked the bit where the first T25 Murray City car has its initial test run. GM in crash helmet roars off as if it were a new F1 car. Also his design team seem to do a crazy and dangerous soap box race each year as team building - great!

The old footage of GM'd Brabham designer days with long hair and Lennon glasses etc. reminds me just how YOUNG F1 designers were . I think GM was only 27 when he did his first GP car. Tony Southgate was 29 when he did the BRM P153, having already designed a winning Indy car at 28.

Chapman was almost old for his first GP car in 1958 as he was 30 at the time.

Anyway, the programe is on again in the Uk BBC4 channel on Tusday night at 23.50 BST , or it may be available outside the UK on BBC iplayer ( www.bbc.co.uk)


#2 desmo

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 13:04

Interesting. Tangentially, aren't most F1 cars designed today by geriatrics? The sport is definitely run by geriatrics. The combination might explain its current extreme conservatism.

#3 Magoo

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 15:24

Thanks for the heads up. Sounds well worth watching.

Your television programming in the UK is, well, superior to ours in the USA. We have Jersey Shore, etc. On the other hand, you did send us Top Gear.

#4 pRy

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 15:47

Caught the second half of it and thought it was brilliant. Even today you still see the same thinking... 'think out of the box, find the gap in the rules, run with it, let the others catch up'. Nothing has changed in that respect.

#5 mariner

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 01:44

link from nostalgia forum of paper by cranfield student , for info.


#6 Breadmaster

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Posted 10 July 2012 - 22:22

Loved the programme, great old F1 stuff, great design stuff, a very likeable bloke and well made to boot :up: