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Team Lotus book project, request for help

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#1 neilwhitedesign

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 13:40



This is my first post on the Autosport forum.


Since early 2012 I have been writing a book on the story of Team Lotus after Colin Chapman's death which covers the final years of the team between 1983 and 1994.
Though the team's championship winning days were long gone by this point, I feel there is still an interesting story to tell which hasn't yet been committed to print.


Apart from some additional background detail which I feel is lacking (please see below), the text content I hope is pretty much sorted, so I am looking for anyone who would be interested in reading a sample chapter and passing on their thoughts.


  • Does anyone have access to the technical specs for the Mugen powered Type 107C?
  • Does anyone know what developments appeared on the cars during the 1990 and 1991 seasons?
  • Also, does anyone know why the team chose the White/Green colour scheme in 1991 after showing a car in green at the Autosport International show before the season began?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Neil White

Edited by neilwhitedesign, 15 November 2013 - 13:25.


#2 Gary C

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 14:15

are you in contact with Clive Chapman at all?

#3 VWV

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 14:31

There is some interesting reading in this thread by a Lotus insider during this period http://forums.autosp...wv#entry1913411


I am definitely interested in reading your book when it is available. Best wishes on your journey.

#4 pilota

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 22:04

I' m happy to read a chapter for you. I can be contacted at boxerbook@yahoo.co.uk. Nathan Beehl

#5 neilwhitedesign

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Posted 15 November 2013 - 13:33

Thanks for the replies so far to my posting, please find  my responses below:



Gary C


No, I'm not in contact with Clive Chapman, or anybody associated with Team Lotus for that matter. The project has just been something I've been doing as a spare time hobby over the past (nearly) two years.




Thanks for your kind comments. Yes, I've been on the thread which talks about the last Team Lotus chassis and found some very interesting additional info from it.
I did send a message to the insider that posted a lot of the info earlier this year, but didn't get a reply, unfortunately.




I would really appreciate it if you could spare me the time to read a sample chapter. Which chapter would you most like to read?


Kind Regards


Neil White

#6 bradbury west

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Posted 15 November 2013 - 14:04

Neil, did you get my pm about 102/107 photos from test days? Not sure ir the pm system works like it did, or how to find a reply....
Roger Lund

#7 Nathan Thompson

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Posted 15 November 2013 - 16:02


Getting in touch with Clive Chapman would be a great place to start. Chris Dinnage and Bob Dance still work for him and both of them were with the Team during the period you are interested in. The Barber Museum in Birmingham, Alabama has several of the late 80's early 90's cars, Lee Clark is the guy to talk to there.



#8 Gary C

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Posted 15 November 2013 - 21:01

Classic Team Lotus have examples of virtually every F1 Lotus..........I think, hence my initial question.

#9 Louis Mr. F1

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Posted 16 November 2013 - 03:18

Hi Neil

During the 1990 season, Derek Warwick had a driver's column published for the Prix Edition magazine, it gave a reasonable account of the development or struggle the team was going through.


Good luck on your project!!!

#10 neilwhitedesign

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Posted 19 November 2013 - 13:50

Thanks very much for the additional posts, please find my replies below:


Bradbury west


Yes I received your pm Roger, I did send a couple of replies, have you seen them?
I would love to take a look at the Lotus testing photos you have, are you able to scan and e-mail them to me?


Nathan Thompson / Gary C


I think you're both right, getting in touch with Classic Team Lotus could be very beneficial to my research, would the e-mail address on their website get a result or does anyone know of a more direct contact?


Louis Mr. F1


Derek Warwick's column in Prix Edition magazine sounds very intriguing, do you know where I could get access to it?




Neil White

#11 jimbox01

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Posted 19 November 2013 - 18:01

Might not be the sort of thing you're interested in, but the Statement of Administrator's Proposals (documents available from webcheck companies house for £1), contains some very interesting information regarding the affairs of the 1991 - 1994 iteration of Team Lotus.


Collins and Hall never actually bought the company that owned/ran Team Lotus (Team Lotus International Ltd), they bought the assets of the team and rights to the name, then changed the name of their own company to Team Lotus Ltd. Because they didn't buy the underlying company, they didn't have an entry in F1 and had to effectively compete under licence.  This meant that when things started to go properly pear shaped (it was always under financed) the Chapmans were able to withhold prize money and didn't release it until after the Team/Company had finished the season and finally went bust.  To be fair to the Chapmans, if Team Lotus had failed to turn up for a race (which looked quite likely) they would have been hit with a $500,000 penalty, and the name 'Team Lotus' would have been excluded from the championship until such time as the fine/penalty was paid.


There all sorts of other stuff in there, like Pillipe Adams not paying for his drive, not being able to use the £1M from the sale of Johnny Herbert's contract because of a fixed charge in favour of Landhurst Leasing (the guys who committed fraud to pay for Brabham), how much Hunt and co paid for the Team, etc..


If you want to follow it through to it's death there's also a similar report for David Hunt's Team Lotus Ltd - he fell out with the other director, Kenneth Wapshott, and eventually sold the rights to the name to himself via an offshore company.  There were several attempts to sell the name around 2001, and there was even talk of it being used in Indy 500, but it all ended in tears.


'91-'94 Lotus is under dissolved names, company number: 2441483

Hunt's version also under dissolved names, company no. 2987141

#12 neilwhitedesign

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Posted 21 November 2013 - 13:13

Thanks very much for your post jimbox01, that is something about the 1991 takeover that I didn't know.


I'll definitely invest is looking at those documents, as I'm very intrigued....


Kind Regards


Neil White

#13 hipperson

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Posted 22 November 2013 - 13:15



This may or may not be of interest


I went to the auction of the last vestiges of Team Lotus in 2004 in Brighton. A sad affair.


Liquidation of Investfirm Ltd( Lotus F1 Racing car team) it says


Lots of personal ACBC stuff including his briefcase ( £2200 !)


You can borrow the catalogue if needs be


Put pics up but not appearing ?





Edited by hipperson, 22 November 2013 - 13:17.

#14 TennisUK

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Posted 22 November 2013 - 13:19

That looks like a fascinating document!


neilwhitedesign I'd be delighted to read a sample chapter - and am happy to read any you provide.

#15 hipperson

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Posted 22 November 2013 - 13:47

If I recall the F1 car..ex Hakkinen 102 made £22,000 less engine & gearbox

Probably not worth much more now.