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Another who, what, where?

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#1 Barry Boor

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Posted 30 November 2013 - 17:04

I have my own view on this one but I'll keep shtum and let others mull it over first. My guess is only that, I'm not certain.




I have no idea from where this image comes.


#2 Macca

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Posted 30 November 2013 - 17:16

Tony Marsh at the '57 German GP is what springs to mind, probably wrongly...


Paul M



Edit: Aerogi's site of F1 pictures of every car in every race has this photo as Marsh, and also the picture that was used in the 'My Greatest Race' of Marsh in Autosport some years ago...........so, then: Marsh it is. But who was Paul England - like Marsh, entered in that GP by Ridgeway Managements - and what else did he do?

Edited by Macca, 30 November 2013 - 17:27.

#3 Barry Boor

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Posted 30 November 2013 - 17:23

Probably not wrong.....


Ironically, three years later Marsh had the same number at the German Grand Prix (F.2 race) on the Sudschleife. But if it was that race it would have to have been in practice because race day was 'orrible. (Just like the weather here in Malta these last few days)

Edited by Barry Boor, 30 November 2013 - 17:26.

#4 Ray Bell

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Posted 30 November 2013 - 20:38

Paul England was on a bit of a racing and buying holiday in England and on the continent...


Back home in Melbourne he worked for Repco, probably in the spare parts giant's experimental division with such luminaries as Phil Irving, Frank Hallam and so on. Presumably, also, he was involved in some way in the production of the Repco Hi-Power (or was it 'High-Power'?) cylinder head for the common-as-dirt Holden 6-cylinder engine.


Certainly, he was to use one of these engines. He raced a car called the 'Ausca' with one prior to his trip, a trip he took in conspiration with Aussie Miller and Ern Tadgell. You can find more about this in a thread hereabouts somewhere on which Austen (sp?) Miller's son has frequently posted.


The car, or one very similar to it, was dismantled alongside of a Lotus 12 and they came into Australia as 'cropduster parts' as the agricultural machines didn't carry the crippling import duties or sales taxes and Miller had a cropdusting business.


By the mid-sixties Paul England had his own engine machine shop and catered to the people in racing. He worked with Jack Godbehear in this business with Jack's nephew (I think that was the relationship) Tony Stewart coming forth in an Elfin 600B in the early seventies to promote the business name with successes on the circuits.


Later he owned a Chevron Formula Atlantic car in which he put former F1 driver Larry Perkins. I'm sure there's a lot more to be said about Paul England and I'm pretty sure I heard recently that he has now sold out of the business and is in retirement.


There is further reference to him in the poem I posted on this thread. There's some insight in there.