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Bad news from Brighton...

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#1 Vitesse2

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 12:09

Most TNFers will not need to be told that the Brighton Speed Trials have been run on Madeira Parade more or less continually since 1905. My own research indicates that we may even have Brighton Speed Trials to thank for the original inspiration behind the wonderful photographs of Robert Fellowes, who grew up only a stone's throw from the course.


In their infinite wisdom, Brighton & Hove City Council are seeking to ban the event from 2014.


I'm not going into the inevitable rant about Britain's first Green Party council, which is of course behind this piece of potential vandalism to the heritage of motor sport.


So, please just sign the petition to the council which has been opened by the organising club, who have set up a special website here: Save Brighton Speed Trials There is a direct link to the petition from the site.


Time is short, since the responsible (and I use that word advisedly :rolleyes: ) council committee which will decide on this meets on January 23rd.


You do not need to be a Brighton resident to sign, although you will have to register with the council website.

Edited by Vitesse2, 22 December 2013 - 17:26.


#2 Dipster

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 12:55


#3 DouglasM

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 15:05


Is nothing sacred anymore?

#4 Rupertlt1

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 15:12

Please sign this epetition:




One the oldest motor sport events on the calendar is in danger of disappearing.


The number of signatures is critical to show support from all quarters. Repeat: you don't need to live in Brighton.


Motor sport folk are used to moving quickly so please act before it is too late i.e. January 25th.


In the season of goodwill could an admin please pin this post!



#5 Allan Lupton

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 15:57

Done it.


Is the next attempt by the Brighton Greens to save the planet going to be the prohibition of the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run?

Dare anyone ask, in case they've yet to think of that?

#6 timf5000

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 16:13

Duly signed! My brother raced our F.Libre Van Diemen and F5000 March 76A at Brighton in the 80's and we have both been back most years as spectators so would hate to see the end of the Trials. Cannot believe the council can take this negative attitude for the town.

#7 Sharman

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 16:14

I can't sign it as I don't live in the UK but I have sent the link to people I know who are not forum members and asked them to sign it and pass it on, Even people who are not enthusiasts tend to do things for friends if asked nicely. I urge you all to do the same, somehow we have to stop these politically correct moronic vandals from imposing their minority will on the majority

#8 opplock

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 16:26

Done it.


Is the next attempt by the Brighton Greens to save the planet going to be the prohibition of the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run?

Dare anyone ask, in case they've yet to think of that?

Both the Veteran and Commercial Vehicle runs are listed on the Visit Brighton website for 2014. As the Veteran Car run has the highest media profile the Commercial Vehicle run is likely to be the next target. All those associated with these events should be made aware of the threat.

#9 Rupertlt1

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 16:38

I can't sign it as I don't live in the UK but I have sent the link to people I know who are not forum members and asked them to sign it and pass it on, Even people who are not enthusiasts tend to do things for friends if asked nicely. I urge you all to do the same, somehow we have to stop these politically correct moronic vandals from imposing their minority will on the majority

You can sign from outside the UK. I am a frequent visitor to the Brighton Speed Trials from Canada. I was one of the first to sign. Don't think of reasons to hold back - this is politics. RGDS RLT

#10 arttidesco

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 17:09

Thanks for sharing Richard, done and reposted on fb and will add reminder to the blog, 1,732 signatories so far lets hope we can get that to well over 5 figures before January 23rd :up:

#11 Roy C

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 18:49



Let's hope they don't ban this significant heritage event.

#12 Bloggsworth

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 20:09

Redraft the entry list so that only gay drivers can race, see how they get out of that one...

#13 h4887

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 20:53

Done. If Brighton Council want to save the planet they should send a strongly worded letter to the Chinese, who are allegedly opening a new power station every fortnight. :mad:


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Posted 22 December 2013 - 20:59

Save the planet for/from who/what?

#15 eldougo

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 23:29

They are so closed minded they cant see past their own agenda these... :down:  Green Groups  :down:

#16 garyfrogeye

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 00:11


#17 RTH

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 08:19


#18 Allan Lupton

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 09:29

And as for Caroline Lucas? The grinning, smirking Green MP for Brighton?

Is that the Caroline Lucas who raced her father's Porsche 356A Carrera around 1987/8?

Just thought I should ask.

#19 Vitesse2

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 10:03

Indeed, bad news. I'm a Brighton-ian myself. I spotted this bit of info about the cancellation of the Speed Trials in our local rag last week. Very anger-making. As an old'un now, I don't travel much and the only time every year I get to hear hot engines and smell burning rubber is the annual speed trials along Madeira Drive - its only a 5 minute walk for me. But now the Greenies are trying to kill that off.For those who don't know about Brighton politics, you should know that the Greens have messed around (i.e. f##ked up) with the entire local road/transport system. We now have 20mph limits etc,  bus lanes etc plus all kind of nutty recycling changes. Plus a thousand other Green initiatives that  annoy/upset everyone.

Living between Bath and Bristol, much of this is depressingly familiar. Both cities have had these sorts of eco-lunacy inflicted on them by Lib Dem administrations.


Greens: Lib Dems on steroids.


#20 John Ginger

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 10:34


#21 hipperson

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 12:08

A few photos here from the olden days at Brighton

My first run was in 1973 in my 275GTB ( my first son conceived in The Grand that weekend)........then the Daytona in 1975.....and in the 365 Boxer circa 1980 ( had a mad run down in this car out of London pursued by a yellow 512 Boxer. As we arrived in Brighton a charming girl alighted from the 512. A most agreeable vision. In later years I realised who she was.














A great event which looks as if it is to suffer at the hand of a minority faction...a trend started by Blair and continued by Cameron attempting to please everyone. History tells them this never works.

#22 John Saunders

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 12:11


#23 Derwent Motorsport

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 12:50

Whos was the mystery girl then?

#24 hipperson

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 12:52

Very high profile now................

#25 hipperson

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 13:17

...but an ill judged marriage


Not Miss Lawson

#26 Vitesse2

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 13:40

First initial C?

#27 BRG

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 13:50

Is that the Caroline Lucas who raced her father's Porsche 356A Carrera around 1987/8?

Just thought I should ask.

Same name, different person.  It would have been a delicious, if incredibly unlikely, irony if it was the same woman!


A great event which looks as if it is to suffer at the hand of a minority faction.

The minority faction is the council that the people of Brighton freely chose.  Democracy at work, inconvenient though it may seem.  But, as Cargo reported above, it seems that their day is drawing to a close and a return to sanity may lead the people of Brighton kick them out again.


In the meantime, who dat girl??

#28 RTH

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 13:51

There is a head of steam building in clubs everwhere this morning with all members being circulated - may not  be time for a headstone yet.

#29 RTH

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 13:57

Just heard from Doug Nye



No Richard - I hadn't heard of this.  Can an event be Grade I or II listed?  If so this should be a candidate.  I used to vote Liberal and I am Green-inclined, but after the demonstration in recent years of what these berks can embrace when in power they shall never, ever, ever receive this old anarchist's vote ever, ever, again.
I am toying whether to have another attempt at posting something on TNF again - if only to wish so many unmet friends seasonal greetings.  But last time I tried some kind of link to Facebook or Twitter or something popped up and, frankly, frightened me off...I regard those conduits as being devilishly dangerous and will have no truck with them.
Very best mate - thanks for keeping me up to date - Doug
PS - If you might wish, you are free to quote me on any of the above."

Edited by RTH, 23 December 2013 - 13:58.

#30 pete53

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 13:59

While they are at it why not ban the Historic Commercial Vehicles Rally that happens each May, and the Vet Car Run, and all those other rallies that end along Madiera Drive each year?


This is nonsense. I am actually very conscious of my carbon footprint and do what I can to limit the damage I do to the planet, but this plan is a meaningless gesture if their motive is an "environmental" one.

#31 RTH

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 14:49

Whos was the mystery girl then?

A photo might help with the ID then or now.

#32 Sharman

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 15:49

You can sign from outside the UK. I am a frequent visitor to the Brighton Speed Trials from Canada. I was one of the first to sign. Don't think of reasons to hold back - this is politics. RGDS RLT

You are obviously brighter than the average bear. The site asks me to register and provide domiciliary details, which I can't do.

How do you get around it?


And while we think about it get it onto all the forums it is no just TNFrs who should be worrying.

Edited by Sharman, 23 December 2013 - 15:56.

#33 Glengavel

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 17:46

I'll probably never see the trials, but...done. I do have some sympathy with Green issues, but this is way over the top. Bunch of fuds.

#34 Patrick Sumner

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 18:29

I sincerely hope that as many people as possible sign this petition and that news of this proposal is featured in the weekly motoring mags to generate maximum publicity.  My father used to do this event in the '30's and I did the same in the '60's and '70's finally sharing my car in '74 with David Purley where we got FTD and 2nd FTD respectively.  Happy memories and I despair of the world today, stuffed full of people who think they can tell us what to do, freely spend other people's money and contribute the square root of FA to the wealth of the nation.  Beam me up Scotty!

#35 D-Type

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 19:23


#36 Catalina Park

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 07:25

You are obviously brighter than the average bear. The site asks me to register and provide domiciliary details, which I can't do.

How do you get around it?


And while we think about it get it onto all the forums it is no just TNFrs who should be worrying.

It worked for me in Australia.  just gave my street, town and stuck in New South Wales for the County. I will let them work out the country.

#37 David McKinney

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 08:07

They probably just saw the 'Wales' at the end and thought you must live in Welsh Wales

#38 Catalina Park

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 08:16

They probably just saw the 'Wales' at the end and thought you must live in Welsh Wales


I just tried registering again using Australia in the county box and it worked. I can't see why anyone couldn't vote.

#39 Sharman

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 09:09

It allowed me to register this time so I, too, have signed.


#40 Rob29

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 09:14

They probably just saw the 'Wales' at the end and thought you must live in Welsh Wales

I think it is computerised David-doubt if any human reads it? I have problen sighning on with a NASCAR driver fan club-needs a US state or canadian province.

Alreeady signed this petition via another website

#41 Peter Morley

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 09:26

I managed to register from Belgium - by putting Belgium in the County box.

Most difficult bit was realising the password had to have a Capital letter and a Number as well as being 8 letters long.


Weirdly the other day I was wondering if we could take the Connaught to the speed trials...


Over 4500 people have signed the petition so far.

#42 Jagjon

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 10:20

Done. First time I went was about  40years ago. J

#43 Duc-Man

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 14:04


Like canceling the event will make a difference. :mad:  Why are those green weirdos not protesting against football. That has to have a realy bad carbon footprint.

#44 LotusElise

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Posted 24 December 2013 - 15:12

The historic motorsport and motoring movement is "reduce, reuse, recycle" in action, when you think about it. And it supports lots of small businesses, many in Britain.


I do care about environmental issues, but motorsport is a soft target and a false one. Consumer packaging, ancient fossil-fuel-fired power stations and the environmental disaster zones that are China, India and the UAE need going after first.

#45 Lee Nicolle

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Posted 25 December 2013 - 07:59

Green types are a real worry. You have the save the gay whales type of yippy hippy, and the middle class not very bright types who believe Al Gore without question.And he has created some VERY great questions with shonky figures and logic.

BUT it seems it is trendy, or at least we cannot offend these people so lets ban anything they mistake for not being green.
Old cars are very green actually, recycled and recycled. But they use petrol so must be evil. The Greenies will rally in thein their worn out Kombi Wagons and Renault 12s [ possibly being fuelled by recycled chip oil!!] and create more pollution than the event.

Personally any sympathy I have for their causes [and like any thinking person I have some]is lost when organised events are jeopardised by their mistaken ideals. The majority suffer because some nutter says it is not green.
Though here in Oz their main objective recently seems to be gay marriage than commonsense Green ideals. And many commonsense Green ideals are not practical either.

#46 Tim Murray

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Posted 25 December 2013 - 08:46

To be fair, it's not just that the loony Greens have suddenly decided that they're going to get rid of the speed trials because they don't fit the Green agenda.

There was a fatality at the 2012 event. A sidecar outfit lost control while travelling at high speed approaching the finish line, and hit a concrete bollard. The rider was severely injured and his passenger lost her life. This year's event didn't take place as the inquest hadn't arrived at a verdict.

The verdict, when it finally came, was accidental death. However, concerns were expressed about the bumpiness and poor surface quality of the track in the vicinity of the finish line, where many competitors are travelling in excess of 150 mph.

I think that any council might well think twice before allowing future events unless something has been done to sort out the track problems (and I don't know where things currently stand in this regard).

I sincerely hope that a solution can be found - and yes I have signed the petition.

#47 Gregor Marshall

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Posted 25 December 2013 - 18:30

Signed and forwarded.

#48 Marticelli

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Posted 26 December 2013 - 13:06

Thank you Tim for getting to the real reason why the Speed Trials are at risk, which has little to do with green politics and much more to do with a life lost needlessly at the 2012 event.  The driver of the outfit was a gentle giant of a man who had sympathetically MOT'd my early cars and motorcycles when I lived in the south of England so I was deepely shocked and saddened by the circumstances in which he was seriously injured and his passenger, a much loved wife and mother, was killed.  The exact cause of the accident is still the subject of investigation but the state of the 'track' was undoubtedly a factor.  The speeds attained these days are far in excess of what the first competitors experienced, and in earlier days the road was better maintained.


Everyone who competes in these sort of events knows the risks involved but few expect not to come home after a day's fun or come back seriously hurt.  Just possibly the council are considering the facts of the situation as well as applying green dogma...   And in a few years we will all be using electric machines only when the fuel runs out...  Maybe Volk's Electric Railway will be the fastest thing at Brighton for the real future as well as for the distant past...



Edited by Marticelli, 26 December 2013 - 13:08.

#49 john aston

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Posted 26 December 2013 - 16:52

Interesting - having been asked to sign the petition elsewhere I have decided to do some research into the reasons why before I do sign - I await a copy of the report from the B and H Council. I knew about the fatality of course and suspected it was one of the reasons. Like the Mallory Park drama the truth may turn out to be far more nuanced than the bloody nimby argument employed re Mallory But so much easier to rant about Greens , as is happening on Pistonheads..

#50 Vitesse2

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Posted 26 December 2013 - 17:35

I deliberately didn't go into an anti-green rant in the OP, since I hadn't then researched the reasons behind the proposed ban. When I did, I found the same as Tim.


However, we should of course not underestimate the ability of political spindoctors to dress something up as something it isn't - although by then it may be too late.


It is important to note that the family of the late Charlotte Tagg have called on the council to repair the road before the trial is held again. Her brother was also quoted by the Argus as saying “None of us want to see an end to the speed trials. If she thought this year’s event had been cancelled because of her she would have been mortified.”

