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Northern England & Wales TNF meetings Part Deux

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#301 elansprint72

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Posted 02 March 2020 - 00:05


Edited by elansprint72, 01 February 2023 - 16:19.


#302 Stephen W

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Posted 02 March 2020 - 10:02

I was thinking about posting on this thread to suggest a get together maybe at Oulton Park on Saturday the 7th March when the Historic Cheshire Rally visits.


Any interest?

#303 alansart

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Posted 02 March 2020 - 15:32

I was thinking about posting on this thread to suggest a get together maybe at Oulton Park on Saturday the 7th March when the Historic Cheshire Rally visits.


Any interest?

Ironically I was thinking of going to the Tour of Cheshire at Oulton although it appears I'm supposed to be going house hunting with my wife and daughter in Derby next Saturday, although plans may change :)


#304 Gary C

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Posted 02 March 2020 - 17:59

Lads, mention of Ron Tauranac reminds me that I should mention here volumes 3 and 4 of my videos 'Yesterday's Racers' which feature an exclusive interview with the man himself, carried out by our very own Cirrus.

Go here for Volume 3 ; http://www.motorraci...acers_volume_3/

and here for Volume 4 ; http://www.motorraci...acers_volume_4/

#305 arttidesco

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Posted 03 March 2020 - 10:55

Might be interested in making the journey from yonder Brissle ;-)

#306 elansprint72

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Posted 06 March 2020 - 21:37

I'm unfortunately unavailable for Oulton tomorrow but please give a big cheer to the last car on the entry list, Lotus Elan #80; driven by a person who picked up the Le Mans 24 Hours winners trophy a few years back. 

#307 Tim Murray

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Posted 06 March 2020 - 22:02


#308 Stephen W

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Posted 08 March 2020 - 08:32

Didn't manage to get to Oulton due to issues with my hip and lack of interest from the TNF NW attendees! 

#309 Stephen W

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Posted 24 January 2023 - 09:55

BUMP! After a brief PM exchange elsewhere with Rob Nickson I thought it might be timely to see if the moribund North West Chapter of TNF could be brought back to life?


Anyone up for another meeting?

#310 Kingsleyrob

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Posted 24 January 2023 - 10:03

Count me in Steve, as per our earlier exchange👍👍

#311 Roger Clark

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Posted 25 January 2023 - 09:51

I’ll come if we can find a suitable time. 

#312 Mallory Dan

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Posted 25 January 2023 - 20:16

Yep, me too. Any ideas on dates and venues? 

#313 Stephen W

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Posted 26 January 2023 - 09:00

Yep, me too. Any ideas on dates and venues? 


How about one of the olde venues? A Tuesday or Wednesday evening? 14th or 15th February?

#314 alansart

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Posted 26 January 2023 - 12:25

How about one of the olde venues? A Tuesday or Wednesday evening? 14th or 15th February?

I'm up for it as well. The 14th of Feb might be a bit busy with snogging couples :cool:

#315 elansprint72

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Posted 01 February 2023 - 16:18

Just ben informed via the Oulton Facebook page that Ian Smith has passed away. R.I.P. Diz.

#316 alansart

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Posted 01 February 2023 - 17:48

Just ben informed via the Oulton Facebook page that Ian Smith has passed away. R.I. P.  Diz.

I heard this morning of his passing. Very sad news as Diz had been a good friend for over 40 years. He did so much for Formula Ford and NW Motorsport and was one of those unsung heroes of car racing. He took a bit of flak at times but shook it off with another cigarette! He had a cracking Liverpool sense of humour and we had so many laughs over the years. A few of us could say things to each other that sounded horrendous but it was all good fun and banter. None of of us took offence. We had a lot of trust in each other. I really valued what he did for FF1600 as it really enhanced my enjoyment of racing especially in the 80's. Occasionally he asked if I could do something for him using my graphic skills. I never said no and would drop everything else to help him out. It was payback for everything he'd done for me and my fellow racers. RIP Diz - thanks for everything and my sincere condolences to partner Di and son Steve.

#317 Stephen W

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Posted 16 February 2023 - 08:57

BUMP! After a brief PM exchange elsewhere with Rob Nickson I thought it might be timely to see if the moribund North West Chapter of TNF could be brought back to life?


Anyone up for another meeting?


May I suggest a get together at Oulton Park on the 4th March for the visit of the Historic Tour of Cheshire Rally. Liverpool Motor Club are running two stages, the first at approximately 0900 until 11:00 and the second from approximately 15:00 to 17:00. I am sure the Oulton Park Facilities will be open to allow us to gather inside during the break between the two visits.


If available please respond - thanks.

#318 alansart

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Posted 16 February 2023 - 18:54

May I suggest a get together at Oulton Park on the 4th March for the visit of the Historic Tour of Cheshire Rally. Liverpool Motor Club are running two stages, the first at approximately 0900 until 11:00 and the second from approximately 15:00 to 17:00. I am sure the Oulton Park Facilities will be open to allow us to gather inside during the break between the two visits.


If available please respond - thanks.

I've volunteered as a Marshal that day as they were short of bodies so I'll be around. There's also a Track Day running at the same time so all the facilities are open.

#319 john winfield

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Posted 11 October 2023 - 21:38


Originally posted by Kingsleyrob
PS who'd have thought Barclay James Harvest would get a mention at a TNF get together??

..or even Wishbone Ash?


In an idle moment I was using YouTube to have a listen to two bands I never really got into back in the seventies: Wishbone Ash and Barclay James Harvest. I know the album covers well, from hours spent leafing through albums in record shops, but not the music. Now, two hours later, I've tried some Wishbone and have really warmed to BJH, particularly Everyone is Everybody Else. Apparently Gone to Earth is very good too. So I thought I'd see if the music threads in the Paddock Club had anything to say - they do, but I didn't expect any search finds in TNF!  Well done Alan Cox and Kingsley Rob, and all hail the impeccable musical taste of much-missed Simon Arron.


(Edit. And I see sterling49 is a big Wishbone Ash fan. How did I miss these two bands? Too much Pink Floyd, Led Zep and Genesis I suppose  :stoned: )

Edited by john winfield, 11 October 2023 - 21:43.


#320 Kingsleyrob

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Posted 11 October 2023 - 22:20

Aha Barclay James Harvest! The poor man’s Moody Blues. They even recorded a song with that title.

BJH old favourites of mine along with 10CC and my best favourites along with The Beatles, The Moody Blues.

My beloved Moodies get regular airings on my weekly Rob’s Retro Show on Radio Warrington, in fact tonight I celebrated Justin Hayward’s upcoming birthday, he’ll be 77 on Saturday. I’ll be seeing him in March, I first saw the Moodies in February 1972, I was just 16, he was 25. It’s a bugger this growing old business.

Try Baby James Harvest John, Thank You and Delph Town Morn old favourites of mine. Kev, Lol and Eric of 10CC get a mention on Thank You, and Justin’s Blue Guitar was recorded with 10CC at Strawberry Studios. Interesting how the individuals interacted. I played it just a few hours ago. Though released as a Justin Hayward and John Lodge single, John had little to do with it.

A pleasure to be pinged unexpectedly by a post on here!

Hope everyone is keeping well.


#321 Alan Lewis

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Posted 12 October 2023 - 06:17

One of the first two records I ever bought with my own pocket money was Argus by Wishbone Ash, along with Lynyrd Skynyrd's first album, from the now long defunct Sounds Around in the Swan Centre, Kidderminster.

As for BJH, my brother and I had several of theirs between us, and I saw them at the De Montfort in Leicester in my final year at the Polytechnic. The support was the also magnificent Roy Harper and when he was announced the pair sitting in front of me turned to each other and said: "Who?". At the age of 22 I had my first Grumpy Old Man Moment.

#322 Stephen W

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Posted 12 October 2023 - 07:21

Glad this thread has resurfaced although not sure of the musical tastes being expressed.


Anyhow, would there be any interest in a pre-Christmas get together? I know it is several years since we all met up although I do occasionally bump into habitues of this thread at varicose venues.



#323 Sterzo

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Posted 12 October 2023 - 13:18

At the risk of sounding like Amazon (and going further off topic), people who like Wishbone Ash might enjoy Home's album "Home". Home's guitarist went to Wishbone Ash.

#324 Kingsleyrob

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Posted 13 October 2023 - 22:07

Glad this thread has resurfaced although not sure of the musical tastes being expressed.

Anyhow, would there be any interest in a pre-Christmas get together? I know it is several years since we all met up although I do occasionally bump into habitues of this thread at varicose venues.


As per last time we mooted it Steve, I’m up for it👍👍

Thursdays better for me, if evening, maybe we can make a lunchtime now we’re all knocking on a bit, I’m much more flexible in the daytime.


#325 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 14 October 2023 - 10:48

Music....I remember the name Barclay James Harvest, but not their music....back in my student days [73 -76] they played at my college, Trent Poly [now Nottingham Trent Uni] every year, maybe every term !

Wishbone Ash...I've seen live twice in the past 4 years.....OK, there's only Andy Powell of the original line-up remaining in the band....Martin Turner quit the band then tried to use the name WA but the legal system wouldn't let him as he'd resigned so couldn't take the name with him, so there's now a Martin Turner Wishbone Ash band as well [I've not seen them]. On WA's recent tour, they pick a couple of names out of the audience and those 2 get to go backstage to meet the band etc afterwards, no doubt having a drink or 2 with them.

10cc...I also like, have seen them several times, most recently 2010/11...hoping to go again next year.

Supertramp...I really enjoy, OK the band as such has stopped performing but Roger Hodgson still performs, any chance I get to see him I take.

#326 john aston

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Posted 16 October 2023 - 06:10

Crikey - I listened to  BJH , saw Wishbone Ash but never Supertramp . I would only listen to any of them now at gunpoint. Lots of wonderful music from that era  , some still enthrals (Joni, Steely Dan, Dylan of course) but along with ELP and other prog dinosaurs I cannot imagine what I saw in BJH etc - did I think girls might  find me more interesting ? (They didn't)     I heard Wishbone at Silverstone Classic a year or two ago and yup, it sounded just the same as it did in 1973 . Which may be a good thing for many but to me now it just sounds like generic guitar rock 

#327 john winfield

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Posted 16 October 2023 - 10:56

Well I'm a new convert to BJH so it's like being back in seventies, hearing a band for the first time! Mrs W, who practises on the drums from time to time, likes Mel Pritchard's playing too.

There again I still listen to my Supertramp albums, and saw a great gig of theirs in Paris, back in 1977, at the short-lived, rather grim, Pavillion de Paris, more commonly known as Les Abattoirs, a clue as to its previous use.

#328 Roger Clark

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Posted 20 October 2023 - 17:36

I'd be keen on another meeting if we can assemble the Right Crowd.  As with Kingsleyrob, Thursdays are usually good.  

#329 Stephen W

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Posted 21 October 2023 - 08:14

So at the moment it looks like we are at Three Possibles!