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How to post your pictures - revised, March 2017 NOW UPDATED, July 2017! AND AGAIN, April 2018!

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#101 68targa

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Posted 23 February 2021 - 15:23

One step too many there... there's no need to complicate it...
The same thing applies to ReWind's post.
Instead of clicking on the 'direct link' you click on 'Hotlink for forums' and then paste that directly to the post.
This eliminates the 'image' icon on the posting window altogether.




Just testing



Live and learn -It works :clap:


 I do have to update my browser before it appears so maybe that's why others think it has not worked.


Edited by 68targa, 23 February 2021 - 15:26.


#102 Ray Bell

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Posted 23 February 2021 - 23:59

A good point...


I think many problems these days for people trying to post images is that the software demands a refresh after posting to show the image. One forum I use brings up a square with a message in it to tell you that, but here there's no such thing.


I was also thinking, realistically, there are only two steps required to get a picture on this forum that aren't for Facebook etc.


All require that the image be uploaded, so that's all the same.


It's just the copying of the image code and the pasting of it into your post that makes it different.


On an even more positive note, with Postimage it's easy to re-locate your pics if you need them again. They're all there filed in the order in which you uploaded them, you can create 'galleries' to make it even easier, but the gallery into which you'll put each image has to be chosen at the time of uploading.

#103 Michael Ferner

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Posted 24 February 2021 - 07:40

I use IMG BB, too. Very easy to use, no problems so far. :)

#104 absinthedude

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Posted 22 April 2021 - 08:31

I understand the potential copyright worries given the fact that most photos likely to be posted aren't users' own. And I did have an Atlas login a looong time ago...so I remember those days. I am certainly not technically challenged, 40 years a computer geek....but I pretty much gave up trying to post images here as I no longer have my own web space. The fact does remain that of the myriad forums I post to....this is the only one that doesn't permit image attachments. But I do get that it's owned by a publishing company and not an individual...and that the copyright issue is more of a concern than a one-man owned forum dealing with tape recorders or a four person operation dealing with film photography....or the 6 person forum/Discord server I co-admin on polyamory. We can afford to be less careful. So I guess the status quo will not be changed. 


It is  a real shame though....about a decade ago someone posted photos in the motorcycle nostalgia area. According to the text they included 60s racer Alan Pinnock, who I've come to know in recent years. He's 81 years old and would have been delighted to see them....but because they were hosted on an external site which is now defunct they're not accessible even with the Wayback machine. The original poster no longer is in possession of the physical photographs or digital copies. Had Autosport permitted uploading of pictures where the uplioader was the copyright owner an elderly man would have been very happy. 


For the record, I took the shot I use as my avatar....so no copyright infringement. 

#105 Ray Bell

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Posted 24 April 2021 - 01:03

One big shame is that bira recommended to posters to use Imageshack...


That was no problem for a few years, though the odd photo did disappear. But then Imageshack changed to a paid site and many rejected the idea that they should pay. I was one who did opt to pay as I had maybe 3,000 photos hosted with them and didn't want the links disturbed, but then when the payment came due the second or third time around it was to be automatically paid through PayPal using a particular credit card and I was in America when that fell due and, virtually simultaneously Imageshack and Paypal, advised that the payment had failed. The credit card valid date hadn't been updated.


Of course, it's not possible to get in touch with them to fix this so the account lapsed.


That said, a great number of my photos on Imageshack remain viable.


So, with that happening, a lot of people shied away from remote hosting. I went to Postimage - my first upload there was in September, 2014 - and have had no problems except that at one point they changed their coding and I had to go back and edit posts. For those interested, that change was from 'postimg.org' to 'postimg.cc', so if you encounter a thread which has had pics posted by me through Postimage and they aren't there, simply quote my post and change .org to .cc and you'll get the picture.


Mike, that's 404KF2, has been using IMG BB for a long time with no problems. So between Postimage and IMG BB it's not hard, you just have to forget the Imageshack woes.

#106 Rob Ryder

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Posted 24 April 2021 - 06:24


I have been using ImageShack for many many years and I think that their hosting charges are reasonable.

I would like better cataloguing/indexing functionality, but apart from that they get my recommendation.

I have had no problems contacting their on line support, even if email replies are a little tardy.


#107 Ray Bell

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Posted 24 April 2021 - 06:50

I grew to appreciate that their charge ($36 per year?) was acceptable too, Rob...


It's just that they basically abandoned me when that hiccup with PayPal took place. But I'd been using Postimage before that happened, anyway, so switching was no problem.


The filing system at Postimage is really good. I have (wow, this is hard to believe) no fewer than 72 folders there, the largest of which has over 1,100 pics in it while there are a few with only single digit totals. Maybe 7,000 pics in all.

#108 moffspeed

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Posted 08 August 2021 - 13:58


#109 D-Type

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Posted 06 December 2021 - 14:15

My currently hypersensitive internet security (Chrome + Norton) identifies Postimage as a suspect site.  Does anyone know a way round?

#110 Vitesse2

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Posted 06 December 2021 - 14:41

Uninstalling Norton, which has always had a reputation for false detections. Unless you're in the habit of visiting dodgy gaming, porn, streaming or dark net sites or are daft enough to click on links in unsolicited emails you really don't need it. Most people can get by using just Windows Defender these days - although I only use its firewall, plus the free version of PandaDome for AV, as Defender's updates can freeze your system for minutes at a time!.

#111 dolomite

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Posted 06 February 2022 - 14:30

Just testing


Edited by dolomite, 06 February 2022 - 14:39.

#112 LittleChris

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Posted 06 February 2022 - 20:07

Montjuich ?

#113 dolomite

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Posted 15 February 2022 - 18:43

Montjuich ?

Yes. Taken in 2018 while on holiday in Barcelona. 

#114 amerikalei

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Posted 30 June 2022 - 16:09

Just wanted to check and see if postimage is the only, or remains the recommended option for image posting?


Like many grumbling anoraks here I just save my images to my computer.  Tried to post an image of an M4a McLaren from my archives and while it appeared in the post box, it did not upload with the post.


The fact that this is probably the only place in the world where I might be able to interact with a couple dozen folks who know what the M4a (and other old photos I have) is makes it seem worthwhile to try a bit harder, but the how-to posts look to be a couple years old, so I wanted to verify that there wasn't a simpler way that might have been devised.

#115 Ray Bell

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Posted 30 June 2022 - 17:13

Just follow the Postimage instructions...


Create a folder, upload the pic, click on 'hotlink for forums' and paste that in your post where you want the pic to appear.


It really is easy once you do it a couple of times.


And, of course, we all would love to see your pics.

#116 amerikalei

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Posted 01 July 2022 - 14:23




#117 racinggeek

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Posted 28 December 2022 - 23:43

OK, so I signed on to Postimages and downloaded a couple photos, but when I enter the Hotlink for Forums address under the Image button here and try to post the photo, I get "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." Tried several different photos, same error message. What gives?

#118 Vitesse2

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Posted 29 December 2022 - 00:47

OK, so I signed on to Postimages and downloaded a couple photos, but when I enter the Hotlink for Forums address under the Image button here and try to post the photo, I get "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." Tried several different photos, same error message. What gives?

That's a problem with the image address. It must end with a recognised image extension - usually .jpg or .jpeg, but .gif, .png and .tiff should work as well. Sometimes images which you download from elsewhere and then reupload will have letters and/or numbers at the end of the address after the image extension, usually because they're redirects to enlarged or higher resolution versions on the original website you got it from. So the image address might look somethng like randomimage.jpg/256.3548/ and so won't work here. Another possibility is that your computer might have added an image extension when you downloaded it - or PostImage might have done that when you uploaded it to there - so that picture would then be named randomimage.jpg/256.3548/.jpg - which totally confuses the board software as there are now two .jpg extensions and it only recognises the first one. In both those cases you just need to remove everything after .jpg before uploading the image to PostImage and they should be okay. If you do download from another site, make sure you save as 'all files' rather than any option you might be offered. If it's already a file with an acceptable file extension you can rename it if necessary, always using the same extension.


If the original image extension isn't one of those (.raw for example), then you would need to open it with an image editor - I use Irfanview - save a copy as a .jpg and then upload that to PostImage instead. Images downloaded from Facebook and Twitter don't have those sorts of file extensions, but PostImage should assign them one in that case - usually .jpg


PostImage ignores those extra bits when you upload something to their site, but doesn't remove them automatically - it just adds a bit at the beginning to create the link.

#119 racinggeek

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Posted 31 December 2022 - 20:58

That's a problem with the image address. It must end with a recognised image extension - usually .jpg or .jpeg, but .gif, .png and .tiff should work as well. Sometimes images which you download from elsewhere and then reupload will have letters and/or numbers at the end of the address after the image extension, usually because they're redirects to enlarged or higher resolution versions on the original website you got it from. So the image address might look somethng like randomimage.jpg/256.3548/ and so won't work here. Another possibility is that your computer might have added an image extension when you downloaded it - or PostImage might have done that when you uploaded it to there - so that picture would then be named randomimage.jpg/256.3548/.jpg - which totally confuses the board software as there are now two .jpg extensions and it only recognises the first one. In both those cases you just need to remove everything after .jpg before uploading the image to PostImage and they should be okay. If you do download from another site, make sure you save as 'all files' rather than any option you might be offered. If it's already a file with an acceptable file extension you can rename it if necessary, always using the same extension.


If the original image extension isn't one of those (.raw for example), then you would need to open it with an image editor - I use Irfanview - save a copy as a .jpg and then upload that to PostImage instead. Images downloaded from Facebook and Twitter don't have those sorts of file extensions, but PostImage should assign them one in that case - usually .jpg


PostImage ignores those extra bits when you upload something to their site, but doesn't remove them automatically - it just adds a bit at the beginning to create the link.


Thanks, Vitesse2. Actually, when I copy the Postimages hotlink address, it gives me a bunch of gobbledygook in brackets both before the https and after the .jpg. After a few unsuccessful tries, I found that pasting the address into a reply, deleting the bracketed stuff, copying the altered address and using that for the Image link works. Got a couple photos up now in the Annual Countdown Thread over in Racing Comments.


#120 A D River

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Posted 04 January 2023 - 09:45

I have a video I wish to post. It is a home video, as in no copyright issues. Everyone is discussing pictures  here, how do I transfer a vid from my computer to a thread?


Thanks, Andy.

#121 Vitesse2

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Posted 04 January 2023 - 11:38

I have a video I wish to post. It is a home video, as in no copyright issues. Everyone is discussing pictures  here, how do I transfer a vid from my computer to a thread?


Thanks, Andy.

You would need to upload it to YouTube first. Then play the video on YouTube and simply paste the link from the address bar at the top of your browser - that will embed the video in your post. No need for any code tags. If you have the correct link it should include 'watch' as part of the text in it. The right-click 'share' links on the video screen itself will not work in the same way. If using mobile you would need to delete the initial 'm.'.


You can check if the embed has worked correctly by clicking on 'More reply options' before pressing 'Post'. That will give you a preview screen - if the video shows up there you've done it right and can just press Post.


You can also embed videos from Vimeo - again just copy/paste the link from the address bar.

#122 A D River

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Posted 04 January 2023 - 12:02

Many thanks for prompt reply, looks within my capabilities. Here goes..............

#123 tsrwright

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Posted 18 October 2023 - 03:33

Most impressed by a Brooklands Resurgam Autocar article I have just downloaded. I will (at last) try Postimages but I am not too hopeful I can handle it. I run a modest blog which is linked to a Facebook page and one answer is to post a pic on Facebook and then it just appears on the Blog page margin. But probably if I tried to set it up today I would just get stuck. Ah well ...

#124 Ray Bell

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Posted 20 October 2023 - 12:08

Be brave, Terry...


Be brave.


It's really quite simple.