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Racing tyre smell removal

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#1 Robur

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Posted 26 September 2017 - 23:28

Hi All,

I was given a nice Pirelli F1 Tyre (driver academy) at Silverstone during Ferrari Days last weekend. I would love this to be used as a table, however it is fresh and produce lots of bad smell to keep this indoor. Do you have maybe any experience with removing smell like that keeping the tyre in original good condition?  


#2 jcbc3

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 05:37

Lather it in Castrol R.for the genuine odour of racing.

#3 D-Type

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Posted 06 October 2017 - 19:36

I would suggest :

- Wash it thoroughly in water with a lot of detergent to remove any oil in the rubber itself and from the road.

- Let it air dry thoroughly. 

- Varnish it with a couple of coats of a matt polyurethane varnish.


But I strongly suggest you get an old tyre from your friendly neighbourhood tyre dealer and test it out first.

#4 Robur

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Posted 06 October 2017 - 20:23

Thanks for your reply D-Type. Initially I treated this with dishwasher liquid, but it didn't help at all.

Recently, I have done a Soda Crystal bath for about 4 days. I think it's much better now - I would say at acceptable level of smell. Still testing this anyway.
