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Upsetting the Apple Car (t)

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#1 Greg Locock

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Posted 08 January 2021 - 00:10

Apple will take at least half a decade to launch an autonomous, electric vehicle because development work is still at an early stage, according to people with knowledge of the efforts. The Cupertino, California-based technology giant has a small team of hardware engineers developing drive systems, vehicle interior and external car body designs with the goal of eventually shipping a vehicle. That's a more ambitious goal than in previous years when the project mostly focused on creating an underlying self-driving system. The company has also added more ex-Tesla Inc. executives to the project.

Still, some Apple engineers on the project believe the company could release a product in five to seven years if Apple goes ahead with its plans. The car is nowhere near production stage, the people said, though they did warn timelines could change. They asked not to be identified discussing sensitive, internal work. 


I can't get the Bloomberg article, here's the link https://www.bloomber...t-half-a-decade


Seven years is feasible for a ground up design for an EV, and is generous for a tophat on somebody else's skateboard, assuming existing manufacturing facilities are available. There are many contract car assemblers around the world, Magna being the most well known, or Steyr-Puch (I think it is) slapping together some premium brands.


#2 BRG

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Posted 08 January 2021 - 12:54

This won't help.  They are either going to work with Hyundai.  Or they aren't.  :confused:

#3 Tenmantaylor

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Posted 08 January 2021 - 17:56

Not much substance in that story.. nice way to boost your share price though! (Hyundai)

Edited by Tenmantaylor, 08 January 2021 - 17:57.

#4 Greg Locock

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Posted 21 January 2021 - 06:42



Says pretty much the same. I haven't driven any of the posher Hyundai or Kia models, their econoboxes seem OK (I hated my rental i30 to be honest, but I can't remember why).


So, Apple gets a contract assembly line, which can make decent quality highish end cars. https://www.usatoday...uvs/3243994001/


But to be an Apple the execution has to be flawless. What i don't get is who will do the vehicle development? That is, tuning the shocks, getting the EPAS right and so on. While the vast sea of consumers may not be fussy about things like steering feel, as an Apple user I'd want the car to be properly tuned to an extent I haven't generally seen in the econoboxes. As an Apple I'd expect all the control ergonomics to be absolutely consistent. At Lotus we had a guy whose job was to assess how much effort was needed for each control, and how it 'felt'. So for a current bugbear, my power window switches have an initial detent force that feels like they'll pop out of the housing, followed by a rather ugly crunch to the other position. OK, that'll teach me to drive a truck derivative, but stuff like that matters.

#5 Canuck

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Posted 21 January 2021 - 19:15

I've been working on a little side project for the garage - one of those things that is really overkill, but it scratches an itch. Figuring out what the right "feel" for the knob is, and how to get it, has made me a bit nuts. I may end up resorting to having the knob drive a belt which drives the encoder so I can put some sort of friction-adder to it. Old home hifi tuner knobs come to mind. I might have to scrounge one and see how it was done.

#6 Magoo

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Posted 21 January 2021 - 23:22



But to be an Apple the execution has to be flawless. What i don't get is who will do the vehicle development? That is, tuning the shocks, getting the EPAS right and so on. 


Apple has 5,000 people on it, reportedly. I'm sure they could use you. 

#7 Greg Locock

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Posted 22 January 2021 - 05:53

I didn't get headhunted (I know a couple of people who were the last time around) and to be honest I do rough cuts at tunes before we have vehicles, the golden arses are a different bunch. At a rough guess it is 3 years since I've even driven a prototype vehicle.


I hope that at some point in the future the fashion for glass controls evaporates, I want every safety critical control directly accessible. I'd settle for really good voice control, but discovered a hilarious bug just recently. I was using the sat nav, and my grandson chimed in, parroting me with a half second delay, confusing the poor old computer no end.