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Videos from Watkins Glen & Canadian Grand Prix

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#1 lv2race911

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Posted 15 November 2021 - 00:43

Hi - this is my first post here. I’m slowly uploading my videos I took at Watkins Glen and the Canadian Grand Prix from 1988-92. In 1989 and 1990 I went to the Grand Prix with press credentials. I took a lot of video from the pits until Bernie personally threw me out. Anyways, my YouTube channel is https://youtube.com/...uFw3MGTOUTMriNA

I also have lots of memorabilia from Watkins Glen dating back to 1950 when my father first went to the downtown race.


#2 LittleChris

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Posted 19 November 2021 - 15:52

Bernie should've paid you to cover the races judging by some of the footage you took especially pre-qualifying!


Nice to see Bruno and the Life at Canada :clap:


Perhaps you could put some links on the dedicated main TNF You Tube thread as things may get a bit lost in the collectables sub-forum

Edited by LittleChris, 19 November 2021 - 15:54.