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Another new orbital style engine

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#1 mariner

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Posted 12 February 2022 - 12:53

Lovely graphics , not yet sure how it works?






What about combustion chamber surface/ volume ratio?




#2 desmo

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 15:38

I've become convinced that new or putatively new IC engine designs are by and large nothing to do with engineering and just outright scams to steal naïve investors' money. Besides, at this point in the twilight of the ICE era new ICE designs probably matter less than they have in over 100 years. Even if you designed and developed a significantly improved ICE, it'd soon just be an asterisk in the story of the demise of the genre. Nobody wants an improved steam locomotive, no matter how clever.

#3 Greg Locock

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Posted 13 February 2022 - 20:45

"Nobody wants an improved steam locomotive"


Never say never. https://en.wikipedia...team_Locomotive , all good fun


These are the rules for novel engine concepts:

1) Any positive displacement pump will do as a basis.

2) It will be drawn in Solidworks

3) There will be a Youtube of an animated cartoon

4) If it gets to prototype stage there will be a video of it going around under its own steam, but not producing any power

5) It won't go near a dyno

6) More money is required

7) Some idiot in some engineering magazine will write it up, hence 'proving' that it is sound.


There are, of course, exceptions.

#4 Catalina Park

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Posted 15 February 2022 - 09:46

"Nobody wants an improved steam locomotive"...


#5 Bloggsworth

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Posted 15 February 2022 - 21:55

I'm awaiting the new, improved steam train powered by hydrogen...

#6 mariner

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Posted 16 February 2022 - 12:35

Back in the 1980's before any coal burning was evil there was serious attempt to improve the steam engine.


Porta was very highly respected for his steam engine thermodynamics work and putting it into practical application oil-short Argentina



#7 TDIMeister

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Posted 16 February 2022 - 20:19

Back in the 1980's before any coal burning was evil there was serious attempt to improve the steam engine.


Porta was very highly respected for his steam engine thermodynamics work and putting it into practical application oil-short Argentina



I see distinct parallels between this story and what's currently playing out amid the rapid electrification of transport and subsequent abandonment of ICEs. I hope we can learn lessons from the past failures and not be on the losing side of history – I don’t think so, but it’s always good to have gut checks and also checks from a variety of third parties from an eclectic background. Thanks for sharing.


"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

Edited by TDIMeister, 16 February 2022 - 20:20.