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I am sure the F1 teams know the rules better than me but ...

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#1 mariner

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Posted 22 March 2022 - 10:11

This piece on the main Autosport site shows a sprung panel on a Red Bull right at he bottom, it is apparently designed to control flex when the panel hits the ground.




But surely you are not allowed " sprung aero devices"  in F1 any more ?


It slightly reminds me of the infamous Lotus 88 springs on the second aero chassis!


#2 desmo

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Posted 22 March 2022 - 15:04

Interesting. It's difficult to place the device on the car in the tiny Piola drawing they published. I'd like Charlie Whiting to explain to me how this is not a "moveable aero device" yet a mass sprung damper fully contained inside a Renault nose was.

#3 Ross Stonefeld

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Posted 22 March 2022 - 18:05

If Charlie Whiting could explain that I would be seriously, alarmingly, impressed.

#4 jcbc3

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Posted 22 March 2022 - 18:08

It says several teams have them, so it's not only Red Bull creative interpretation this time.

#5 Chubby_Deuce

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Posted 23 March 2022 - 15:55

It looks like the FIA specifically allowed for dampers in this area to protect the floors.



#6 Charlieman

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Posted 24 March 2022 - 13:53

It looks like the FIA specifically allowed for dampers in this area to protect the floors.


That sounds logical to me. It fits in with the sport managers' aspirations to simplify rules and create racing cars relevant to the real world. :drunk:

#7 Chubby_Deuce

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Posted 24 March 2022 - 14:59

Hey, the splitter on your next Ferrari might have a damper or two and you'll appreciate the FIA for it.