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#1 DCapps

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Posted 11 November 2022 - 15:31

The Nostalgia Forum, TNF, is now 23 years old.


Probably not that a big deal in the overall scheme of things, of course.


Much has changed since it stumbled unto the ether is day now long gone.


On the other hand, some things that evolved within it certainly haven't.


Although TNF has been owned in some shape or form by Americans for most of its existence, you would scarcely know it, of course.


It has been quite open to topics and participants from one end of the globe to the other, as it should be.


I never cease to be amazed at, for example, how my knowledge of racing Down Under in Australia and New Zealand expanded to the point when someone is mentioned from its racing past, the name means something; the same can be said for no end of other topics.


Not so sure how long that I will be noting these passages of the years, but certainly happy to be doing it this year.


Many have come and gone from the pages of TNF, some, alas, forever and I certainly miss them.


And, yes, I still HATE the name that Bira bestowed upon the forum and always will: some things will never change.


Best regards,




#2 Michael Ferner

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Posted 18 November 2022 - 12:50


#3 Doug Nye

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Posted 18 November 2022 - 22:19

Thank you Don, sincerely, for having been so instrumental in creating not only the racing world's most effective research group, but also for providing all here with such a civilised and enjoyable community...


Star player.



#4 fuzzi

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Posted 20 November 2022 - 06:07



It has been a worth research tool of mine for years and an entertaining read. I have spent many an hour rambling around its pathways. 

Edited by fuzzi, 20 November 2022 - 06:10.

#5 Allan Lupton

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Posted 20 November 2022 - 11:13



It has been a worth research tool of mine for years and an entertaining read. I have spent many an hour rambling around its pathways. 

Yes and so have I

#6 B Squared

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Posted 22 November 2022 - 11:26

I would not have ever met, let alone become friends with Michael Argetsinger, if it were not for this forum. For that alone, I'll be forever grateful for its existence. Thank you.

#7 DCapps

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Posted 22 November 2022 - 15:09

I would not have ever met, let alone become friends with Michael Argetsinger, if it were not for this forum. For that alone, I'll be forever grateful for its existence. Thank you.


Although Mike and I had crossed paths a few times before TNF came into being, as with Brian, it was the catalyst for a long friendship.

#8 D-Type

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Posted 23 November 2022 - 22:27

Strewth!  I've been a member for nearly 20 of those 23 years.
A hearty Thank You to Don for founding the forum and shepherding it through the difficulties of its formative years. And another hearty Thank You to all the members for selflessly increasing my knowledge of our sport's history.

#9 SamoanAttorney

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Posted 29 November 2022 - 20:22

A couple of very relevant posts considering the future of this oasis of true knowledge and scholarship have disappeared.


Do we have a problem?


For the record, this is the premier source of informed and intelligent comment on motor sport that exists on the dreadful 'net.


As a very junior member of the clan, I look eagerly from the shadows each day and am rarely disappointed.


Especially since the social media disaster....


Certainly better than the lightfoot boys that are to be found by brooks to broad for leaping, pretending to be the fount of knowledge and wisdom

#10 DCapps

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Posted 29 November 2022 - 21:33

Yes, I think that we have a problem. 


Weep not for TNF when the Corporate minions and their Masters of the Universe finally decide to pull the plug on this "Bulletin Board" because it will be too late. 


This "Bulletin Board," otherwise known as Forums.Autosport, has been the subject of benign neglect for some time, slowly beginning to waste away through a lack of technical support.


At some point, decades of research and the relevant discussion and analysis of that research and everything else in TNF will go, POOF....


Enjoy it while you can.



#11 Ray Bell

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Posted 01 December 2022 - 12:27

Originally posted by B Squared
I would not have ever met, let alone become friends with Michael Argetsinger, if it were not for this forum. For that alone, I'll be forever grateful for its existence. Thank you.

I know exactly what you mean, Brian...

The moment I saw that Mike posted here for the first time I knew we had someone with knowledge and understanding among us. A similar kind of excitement hit me when Ursula Atkins posted for the first time.

It was all pretty new then, but it was clear to me that the growth of TNF was happening and as it happened the 'knowledge base' expanded greatly. Hans came along with his great questions, others too.

And out in the world somewhere there are people who think I am mad for having been a part of this for such a long time. I joined up when Don and Dennis David were bouncing around subjects trying to make the forum look busy and interesting, it just kept getting better.

#12 Jim Thurman

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Posted 02 December 2022 - 18:05

A couple of very relevant posts considering the future of this oasis of true knowledge and scholarship have disappeared.


Do we have a problem?

Seriously? I missed those posts, but they've been removed?


The mods have a truly thankless task, and I can empathize with them trying to balance freedom of speech with irresponsible - even hate speech - that could leave this site liable, but some have gotten remarkably thin-skinned of late about the mildest criticism of the forum and they protect the forum's image with an iron fist.


For having the temerity to mention this, expect this post to be binned, and perhaps me as well. All while anti-American remarks and cartoonishly bad stereotyping are allowed to stand, and flourish.


It's been fun Don, thanks for all the fish. Hopefully, when the plug is pulled, there will be time to archive the serious research...somewhere. I've already been through that three times with forums/websites closing down...along with two others where nothing was done about it.

Edited by Jim Thurman, 02 December 2022 - 19:57.