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Not sure how to put this in the article archive

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#1 mariner

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Posted 14 December 2022 - 16:05

I think this belongs in the tech. article archive as its reather heavy on maths etc. but as I don't know how to do that I will link it here 




#2 desmo

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Posted 14 December 2022 - 16:27

Done. I hope.

#3 Greg Locock

Greg Locock
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Posted 15 December 2022 - 10:25

An body with matlab could they try this script? it's for use with MFeval


close all
% Number of points
nPoints = 2000;
% Pure lateral test case
Fz      = ones(nPoints,1).*3000;            % vertical load         (N)
kappa = .5*(rand(1, nPoints)'-.5);               % longitudinal slip (-) (-1 = locked wheel)
alpha = 2*pi*60/360*(rand(1, nPoints)'-.5);     % side slip angle    (radians)
gamma = ones(nPoints,1).*0;               % inclination angle (radians)
phit = ones(nPoints,1).*0;               % turnslip            (1/m)
Vx    = ones(nPoints,1).*16;              % forward velocity    (m/s)
% Create a string with the name of the TIR file
TIRfile = 'MagicFormula61_Parameters.TIR';
% Select a Use Mode
% useMode specifies the type of calculation performed:
%      1: combined force/moment calculation
%      2: combined force/moment calculation + turn slip
%    +10: revoke alpha_star definition
%    +20: include alpha_star definition
%   +100: include limit checks
%   +200: ignore limit checks
useMode = 122;
% Wrap all inputs in one matrix
inputs = [Fz kappa alpha gamma phit Vx];
% Store the output from mfeval in a 2D Matrix
output = mfeval(TIRfile, inputs, useMode);
%Plot results
% Extract variables from output MFeval. For more info type "help mfeval"
Fy = output(:,2);
Fx = output(:,1);
Mz = output(:,6);
Mx = output(:,4);
SA = rad2deg(output(:,8)); % Convert to degrees
t = output(:,16);
plot(Fx, Fy, '.')
grid on
xlabel('traction force')
ylabel('Lateral Force (N)')
plot(SA, Fy,'.')
grid on
xlabel('Slip Angle (deg)')
grid on
xlabel('Slip ')
plot(SA, kappa,'.')
grid on
xlabel('Slip Angle (deg)')
ylabel('slip x')
It's supposed to fire a bunch of longitudinal slip and steer at the function and see if it produces a believable friction circle. I'm using Octave and get crap results.

Edited by Greg Locock, 15 December 2022 - 10:36.

#4 TDIMeister

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Posted 16 December 2022 - 22:12



mfeval not found...

#5 Greg Locock

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Posted 18 December 2022 - 05:06

Sorry, it is a download from the mathworks site. https://au.mathworks...ge/63618-mfeval As it happens we've solved the mystery,te



as it happens octave and matlab agree, the problem was the monte carlo paid too much emphasis on the post peak behaviour.