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British Race progams 68-77

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#1 Helvetica

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Posted 01 July 2023 - 18:31

We just received our CAT sidecars and the CAT solo back from the USA and in one of the boxes that was sent with them there were a dozen or so old race programs in very good to excellent condition, which we would like to sell. (We also have a BMW Rennsport, ex Assi Butscher, left-hand chair from 1969 with loads of spares for sale - anyone with deep pockets is welcome to contact me via Skype in my profile - I couldn't see a place to add my email address)

The programs are
- Brands Hatch, Race of the South, 6 Oct. 1968
- Brands Hatch, Hutchinson 100, 10 Aug. 1969
- Silverstone International meeting, 21-22 Aug. 1971
- Brands Hatch, Hutchinson 100, 6. Aug. 1972
- Silverstone John Player International, 12-13 Aug. 1972 (2 copies)
- Silverstone John Player International, 10-11 Aug. 1974
- Silverstone John Player Grand Prix, 9-10 Aug. 1975
- Brands Hatch, Hutchinson 100, 8. Aug. 1976
- Silverstone John Player Grand Prix, 14-15 Aug. 1976
- Ulster Grand Prix. 20. Aug. 1977
Also the official booklet / list of entrants for the Chimay race 12. June 1977 with list of sidecar practise times hand-written by yours truly on the back. The 500 class lists names such as Agostini, Cecotto, Sheene and Katayama.

The lot for £90 including postage from Switzerland. Any takers ?