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Roland Law - Coombs and Tyrrell mechanic

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#1 Doug Nye

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Posted 28 September 2023 - 13:21

I have just heard that Roly Law - the long-serving racing mechanic with John Coombs, and later Ken Tyrrell's team, has just passed away.  Roly was in his 90s, up to about 2-3 years ago in good form but had fairly recently, and rapidly been overtaken by dementia.


Stories about him working in 'Noddy' Coombs's diabolically grungy workshop at St Catherine's, Guildford, absolutely abound, while in Ken Tyrrell's woodyard HQ he was a popular, very capable and dependable team member.  Amongst real racers of the '50s-'80s, really, Roly was one of the unsung stars...




#2 Richard Jenkins

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Posted 28 September 2023 - 15:47

Hi Doug, died on the 16th, his nephew rang me a while back and I posted it in the Gone but Not forgotten thread subsequently. He was just shy of 98 years of age.

I'm going to the funeral, the tributes to him from ex Tyrellites and Coombe members has been suitably fulsome of his abilities.

Deteriorated quite quickly after suffering a stroke in early August. He's in a better place now.

Edited by Richard Jenkins, 28 September 2023 - 15:48.

#3 Doug Nye

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Posted 28 September 2023 - 18:11



Roly is second from right with his former Tyrrell team-mates - and their triple-World Champion driver.


Photo strictly copyright: The GP Library



#4 Richard Jenkins

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Posted 28 September 2023 - 18:38


Roly is second from right with his former Tyrrell team-mates - and their triple-World Champion driver.

Photo strictly copyright: The GP Library


Just to complete the list: Roger Hill, Roy Topp, Paul Stewart, Roly Law, Rob Coleman.

Its an absolute pleasure and privilege to know (or knew) these quite unheralded heroes.

I was delighted Roy and Rob came to the launch, not least as it was touching to see Sir Jackie's reaction to see them both. Sadly Roger and Roly were too poorly to come.

#5 JacnGille

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Posted 28 September 2023 - 21:37

Sad news

#6 Richard Jenkins

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Posted 04 October 2023 - 14:51

Roland's funeral was earlier today - standing room only.


Sir Jackie attended, which shows the mark of the man, but also the bond he has with all the old boys. 


Two of the actual Tyrrell family attended, but the wider Tyrrell family were out in force as befits his long service and dedication to the team. 


There was a nice floral tribute of a Tyrrell car on top of the coffin too.


His funeral came on what would've been his 98th birthday - born 4th October 1925.

#7 Nigel Beresford

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Posted 04 October 2023 - 16:23

Very disappointed to have missed the opportunity to pay my respects, but sadly I am overseas and in the thick of it getting ready for next season - something I’m sure Roland would have thoroughly understood.

As I mentioned before, but hopefully it bears repeating… my overriding memory of Roland was finding him in a back corner at Ockham, airsaw in hand, cutting up two 016 chassis that had smashed together in the first lap crash at Spa, to somehow graft the good front end of one onto the good back end of the other to make a usable tub that could be used at Monaco the following weekend. Old school Tyrrell? Yep, but he knew how to get the job done. It’s a cliché but they really don’t make them like that any more.

Edited by Nigel Beresford, 04 October 2023 - 16:35.

#8 cpbell

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Posted 04 October 2023 - 19:27

Sorry to hear this.