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#1 DCapps

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Posted 11 November 2023 - 13:16

TNF has managed to once again make it through another year, now being around for 24 years.


This means, of course, that it is entering its 25th year, something that certainly would have been scarcely imaginable back in the early days.


To paraphrase Pink Floyd: Another calendar on the wall...




#2 Tom Glowacki

Tom Glowacki
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Posted 12 November 2023 - 03:51

Thanks for kick-starting TNF

#3 Rob Ryder

Rob Ryder
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Posted 12 November 2023 - 20:18

You must be very proud Don :clap:

#4 Michael Ferner

Michael Ferner
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Posted 13 November 2023 - 08:37

Happy Birthday, TNF!



To paraphrase simple minds, alive and kicking. But without the exclamation mark!

#5 JacnGille

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Posted 16 November 2023 - 04:04


#6 Doug Nye

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Posted 20 November 2023 - 07:45

Thanks Don for having brought to life this extraordinary Forum - by some way the most productive research arena I have ever felt privileged to join.



#7 SamoanAttorney

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Posted 20 November 2023 - 08:00

I would echo the congratulations as posted by the others, this forum is one of the jewels of the internet, always learning something when I alight here.


So a big thank you to those responsible.


As Floyd might have put it. 


Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way....