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3D models of vintage F1 Shadow DN5/Ferrari 312 T4?

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#1 CanAmThunder

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Posted 16 February 2003 - 01:31


I have seen alot of 3D models made here
and a long time ago I saved a picture of a shadow DN5 and a march from 1975 that someone was building as an Add on for the now ill fated WSC (GO R/L!!!)

anyhow, I was wondering if you guys know who did those? and also if they are still around?
also there was a 3D model done of a 1979 Ferrari 312 T4
anyone know who did that and if it's done?

thanks guys



#2 rdrcr

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Posted 16 February 2003 - 01:53

Chris, here is the fellow you are seeking... FW11B

Posted Image

The 312 T2? I'd say it was completed...

#3 CanAmThunder

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Posted 16 February 2003 - 05:18

YES! that is the guy!

but now I'm not sure if he was the guy working on the ferrari 312 T4 as I have pictures of a 1/3rd completed T4 and I'm not mistaking the 2 cars they do have similarities, but you can obviously tell the difference.

thanks for the link by the way! incredible models

I seem to remember the chap I'm talking about being called maddog, or bulldog or something of the sort

anyhow thanks!


#4 David M. Kane

David M. Kane
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Posted 16 February 2003 - 13:05

Is there a March 751 too, may I see that?

#5 MCH

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Posted 16 February 2003 - 13:17

Originally posted by CanAmThunder

I have seen alot of 3D models made here
and a long time ago I saved a picture of a shadow DN5 and a march from 1975 that someone was building as an Add on for the now ill fated WSC (GO R/L!!!)

That would be me. My nickname at other forums is Buzzbomb, you may know me from the McLaren M20 model. I started on the shadow and march over a year ago and can't see myself finishing them as I'm too busy modeling for the 1977 F1 mod for F1-2002.

#6 rdrcr

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Posted 16 February 2003 - 14:51

Originally posted by CanAmThunder
"...I seem to remember the chap I'm talking about being called maddog, or bulldog or something of the sort

anyhow thanks!


MCH, Sorry if I stepped on your toes. But as I've never seen your work, nor remembered your I.D., as your last post was in December of 02... but this fellow's reference for "maddog or bulldog" could also be for Shaun who's I.D. is baddog, who is also a 3D graphic artist. Again, my apologies if I've mistaken your identity. Care to grace us with a link or pics to some of your work?

David, if you click on FW's link, it will take to his 'garage', I don't think he's drawn a March yet, but there are other drawings there that deserve a look...

#7 FW11B

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Posted 16 February 2003 - 15:18

Originally posted by CanAmThunder
YES! that is the guy!

but now I'm not sure if he was the guy working on the ferrari 312 T4 as I have pictures of a 1/3rd completed T4 and I'm not mistaking the 2 cars they do have similarities, but you can obviously tell the difference.

thanks for the link by the way! incredible models

I seem to remember the chap I'm talking about being called maddog, or bulldog or something of the sort

anyhow thanks!


The guy you want is Baddog http://www.atlasf1.c...=1&display=show

Unfortunately he seems to have removed the pictures from that thread :(

Real shame he never seemed to finish it, what there was was fantastic :up:

#8 MCH

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Posted 16 February 2003 - 15:34

Originally posted by rdrcr

MCH, Sorry if I stepped on your toes. But as I've never seen your work, nor remembered your I.D., as your last post was in December of 02... but this fellow's reference for "maddog or bulldog" could also be for Shaun who's I.D. is baddog, who is also a 3D graphic artist. Again, my apologies if I've mistaken your identity. Care to grace us with a link or pics to some of your work?

You didn't step on my toes, no worries ;) . I'm more of a reader of these forums than an active poster. The fact thgat Chris mentioned both the Shadow and March in one sentence made me think he was refering to my models (A post about them can be found in this thread )

Here's an example of my work. It's not as detailed as the work of FW11B but these models are meant for racing games.

Posted Image

#9 FW11B

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Posted 16 February 2003 - 15:46

Originally posted by MCH


Posted Image

Wow, now that is nice... Got to say I'm always impressed with the quality you acheive with so few polygons, that's my biggest failing.

#10 dmj

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Posted 16 February 2003 - 18:26

GREAT! MCH, I hope you wouldn't mind I used the right button of my mouse... Your work will grace a desktop in Croatia for some time...