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Divina Galica (merged)

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#51 Buford

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Posted 11 February 2005 - 07:19

No that was the one who ran CART mid 1980s whose name I don't currently recall.


#52 ensign14

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Posted 11 February 2005 - 08:01

Desire Wilson.

#53 Rob Ryder

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Posted 11 February 2005 - 21:12

Divi had an outing in the Grand-Am Cup last year, Mini Cooper S at VIR :)

#54 PhilKerr

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Posted 12 February 2005 - 20:39

Isn't she involved in the Skip Barber racing school now ?

Her email address is regularly published in the Autosport classifieds

#55 scheivlak

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Posted 12 February 2005 - 21:06

Originally posted by PhilKerr
Isn't she involved in the Skip Barber racing school now ?

Yes, see the Forix link I posted above.

#56 Orkun ÖZENER

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Posted 31 October 2005 - 20:45

hi everybody ,

Here is the interview with former woman F1 driver Divina Galica . I've made it two months ago.

Best Regards.


Section 1 : Woman and Motorports

1- One of the serious workshop on woman in motorsports in 1997 proposed, the RAC Motor Sports Association commissioned psychologist Dr Judy Eaton to study women's involvement in motor racing as only 2% of competitive motorsport licence holders in Great Britain are female, approximately 32,000. The low number of competitive female drivers is surprising when you consider 40% of karters aged between 8 and 12 are girls . This is an issue that Dr Eaton studied. Reasons girls drop out of karting were found to include peer pressure and physical changes. Girls who remained in the sport reported they felt forced to quit, cases included girls being bullied, verbally abused or over-scrutinized if they did well as people accused them of cheating.

DG: Ã became involved in motorsport aged 28 and came from a tough sport skiing so although there was jealousy I was able to cope better. I can see that young girls might be sensitive to being bullied and accused of cheating.

2- Same reports mentions about “Another major setback for young competitors is finance. Motor racing, even at the lower levels, is an expensive sport and girls find it particularly difficult to secure financial backing. Consider the number of male racing drivers today who pay tribute to their family and friends for extensive support, financial and emotional, as they tried to make it to the top - this support is often lacking for female drivers as it is deemed too risky.â€

DG: Agreed at lower levels of motorsport ie karting family are helping their daughters but as the girls progress finance becomes much harder to find for a female driver. No change since I started in 1994 and I was lucky because I had a mentor, John Webb who at that time was Managing Director of Brands Hatch. He helped me by finding sponsorship and guided me through my most successful years of competition it really helps if you have a non family member who believes in your ability.

3- In some other researches, they state that “ woman pshylogicy is more suitable for endurance races†Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

DG. I agree that woman are can succed at Endurance racing as they are good in a Team environment but I believe a woman can be trained to compete at any level of motorsport if they are given enough seat time.

4- In a television documentary, David Coulthard said it was not the lack of physical strength that prevented women from competing in motor racing but that they don't have the discipline or attitude to make it..? What are your opinions about this argument?

DG. Natural physical strength is a problem and requires extra training for a woman. I disagree with idea that woman do not have the discipline and attitude. It is however possible that if a woman is continually let down by not getting financial backing she might be less motivated to continue than a man to keep trying.

5- In your opninon which is better ? Women racing in the same race with men or racing in different categories like (men series -women series ) in the olympics ?
Can you please critise this question especially in terms Formula 1 and the other motorsports categories .

DG. I have competed in woman only races and they are great fun but I think that motorsport should be open to both men and woman.

6 - Do you think , can a woman driver race in F- 1 in the following few years ? If yes, who is your candidate?

DG. Yes I think its a good possibility and it might be Danica Patrick although Red ull is considering Scott Speed.

7- What are your opinions about Danica Patrick ; her performance and driving ability ?

DG. Danica Patrick is a wonderful driver who has a very solid background in karting from a very early age plus racing Formula Ford in the UK. Of all the female drivers around now she stands head and shoulders above them in professionalism and talent.

Section 2 - Your Career

8- After your brilliant skiing career , then you have changed your interest area to motorsports; During this time , have you taken any negative comment from your familiy or your friends about motorsports.? Or are you encouraged?

DG. My family and friends have always been very supportive although I got no financial support from them.

9 - In the 1976 British GP you had the honour of reintroducing the dreaded No.13 to the Grand Prix world, entering Whiting-run Surtees TS16 from the Shellsport series. That the number was issued only once before: to Moises Solana at his home GP of 1963.

DG. Ã was born on Sunday August 13 1944 and always considered 13 as lucky. I am superstitious but enjoyed driving the green (also supposed to be bad luck) Kelly Girl Lola Sports 2000 with 13 to nine wins in the 1976 Sports 2000. Many drivers now use 13 although its still not used in Grand Prix.

Looking today nobody ( all 20 men ) in Formula 1 is using No:13 because of bad-luck ...What is the magic of No:13 for you . And Why always No:13 ...?

10- While searching about your biography , they all state that your motorsports career begins with guest drive in a 1974 celebrity race at Oulton...Can you give a little more information about that day? (For ex: what about your driving experience before this celebration? ..etc)

DG. Ã was invited to race in a sports personality race and had never sat in a race car before but the line on the track is very similar to the line on a skiing downhill. I finished a close 2nd to the yatchtsman Chay Blythe after a great battle with the three day event equestrian star Richard Mead. This drive brought me to the attention of John Webb who was instrumental in my driving career.

11- Having the downhill speed record of 125 mph , can you compare the skiing and the motorsports in terms of safety ?

DG. Motorsport is much safer than skiing although the motorsports deaths get more publicity. Speed skiing is safer than downhill even though it is much faster than downhill ski racing but there is less for a fallen skier to hit.

12- You have three entry to Formula 1 ,that writes your name to the history of Formula 1 as the fourth woman driver .1976 British Gp,1978 Argentine Gp,Brazil Gp. Looking back to the history , you could not qualified for these three race to start. What was the problem? .Was it mainly the lack of enough vehicle performance or any other ?

DG. The Surtees TS16 did not have a chance to qualify in 1976 and the Hesketh 308E in 1978 was a heavy car which had many mechanical problems. It was a pity I was unable to use the Surtees TS19 in 1978 as I knew that car well and would have had a better chance to qualify with it.

Section 3- Formula 1

13- Comparing the US racing series (Chapm car,CART etc...) with Formula 1.What can be the main reasons and the facts , that formula 1 is less popular in US.?

DG. The American public like to watch events with American drivers in. F1 will become popular when there is a popular American driver(s) to watch for. Danica Patrick would be perfect.

14- Considering the American Gp (2005) Farce at Indianapolis ,.what are your opinions about the prestige of Formula 1 today and what it may be ten years later.?

DG. F1 will always be popular even if it makes mistakes such as the one made at Indy.

15-If you criticise the American Gp 2005.What are your analyses about the situation that is Formula 1 is surviving today?

DG. I believe that the situation that arose at Indy probably happened because the Teams and the FIA were quite rightly more concerned about driver safety than pleasing the public. This is more a fault of the times we live in and the lawsuits that can happen especially in the US. I am sure all the parties involved in F1 is now concerned about how the public view them and will try to improve their image especially after the Indy debacle. There will always be power struggles when there is so much money at stake regardless of the sport this is half the attraction to everyone who watches.

For your interest I have been driving in some vintage races and recently won a race at Mont Tremblant driving a 1978 Formula 2 March. In September I have been invited to drive a Lotus 79 Formula One car. This car was the test car for Lotus the year Mario Andretti won the Championship and I was trying to qualify the ungainly Hesketh 308E. My sponsors Olympus Cameras went to Lotus after Hesketh decided not to continue and after Ronnie Peterson died at Monza I called Colin Chapman to try to drive at Watkins Glen for the following race. Mr Chapman was very polite and said he had already engaged Jean-Pierre Jarier and now 27 years later I am driving the same car at the same track I wanted to all those years ago. Quite a coincidence that it is the same chassis number. Here is a link to the cars history http://www.ddavid.co...la1/lotus79.htm

Published in Padokf1.com ( Ãn Turkish )


Best Regards.

#57 Rob29

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Posted 01 November 2005 - 08:51

Brilliant! Several questions answered here. I always wondered what happened to Dr.Judy Eaton's investigation into women in the sport.Never seen a copy of the results,and it does not seem to have caused any changes.Less women at serious levels in UK now than in 70s.

#58 David Holland

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Posted 01 November 2005 - 20:02

Very interesting. Although I think Ms Legge stands a better chance of reaching F1 than Ms Patrick.

Also noticed that Divina gave her birthdate as 13 Aug 1944. Everywhere else I've seen this as 1946 - another lady being less than truthful about her age perhaps. Similar to Giovanna Amati who is rumoured to have altered her official year of birth.

(I'm not being sexest, as male racers have done this too - namely Gilles and Perry McCarthy)

#59 ReWind

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Posted 01 November 2005 - 20:18

Originally posted by David Holland
Also noticed that Divina gave her birthdate as 13 Aug 1944.

I spotted that, too. But under topic 1 DG states she became involved in motorsport aged 28 and under topic 10 she confirms her first motor race was in 1974 which would suggest she was born in 1946. :confused:

Everywhere else I've seen this as 1946

Well, don't tell that to Richie Jenkins...


#60 angst

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Posted 01 November 2005 - 21:16

6 - Do you think , can a woman driver race in F- 1 in the following few years ? If yes, who is your candidate?

DG. Yes I think its a good possibility and it might be Danica Patrick although Red ull is considering Scott Speed.

I had no idea Scott Speed was a woman? :drunk: :smoking:

#61 ReynardDave

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Posted 01 November 2005 - 21:30

Saw that too. Funny.

All this talk of Danica makes me wonder why there's no talk of Catherine Legge, who has actually won races. Why's that?

#62 MCS

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Posted 01 November 2005 - 21:46

Originally posted by David Holland
Also noticed that Divina gave her birthdate as 13 Aug 1944. Everywhere else I've seen this as 1946 - another lady being less than truthful about her age perhaps.

But why? :confused:

A female confessing to be older than she actually is?? :confused: :confused:

Don't get this. Perhaps I've missed something.

#63 Orkun ÖZENER

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Posted 01 November 2005 - 22:00


As rob29 said I have not seen the detailed results of Dr.Judy Eatons too... .But I ve tried an another interview about with pshyicatris Prof.Dr.Yanký Yazgan ,also he made an little research too..But there is less specific information about woman drivers on the acedemical literarure..I think Dr.Judy Eatons academical report is the only workshop that was made about woman drivers is the o...If someone has the detailed report of Dr.eaton workshop..is it possible to write the link?

At the other hand I've made an another interview with former F1 woman pilot MRs.Desire Wilson,that we will publish in the padokf1.com in the following days... But I've recently asked her about Jenson Button's comments...She gave an interesting answer..

Here is her answer..

"I think Jenson' s 6 point seat belts are too tight as he speaks before he
thinks. Now when is he going to win a race? I bet I am quicker than him in 5
laps in a Cobra Daytona Coupé at Goodwood and real men drove those cars in
the 60's. "

Desiré Wilson

Best Regards

#64 Rob29

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Posted 02 November 2005 - 08:18

Originally posted by MCS

But why? :confused:

A female confessing to be older than she actually is?? :confused: :confused:

Don't get this. Perhaps I've missed something.

I think what is being suggested here is she or someone promoting her knocked 2 years off back in the 70s? 28 would have looked better than 30? Thus all the records we have are from info issued in 70s?

#65 Richard Jenkins

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Posted 03 November 2005 - 12:39

Originally posted by David Holland

Also noticed that Divina gave her birthdate as 13 Aug 1944. Everywhere else I've seen this as 1946 - another lady being less than truthful about her age perhaps.

Birth Certificate has it down as 1944, although I must admit she hasn't helped matters with the blurring of the ages in the interview.

#66 gerryracer

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Posted 17 April 2011 - 22:06

She IS Davina. I remember her well. Where the DIvina came from I ain't gotta clue.

#67 ensign14

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Posted 17 April 2011 - 22:15

She IS Davina. I remember her well. Where the DIvina came from I ain't gotta clue.


#68 LotusElise

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Posted 17 April 2011 - 22:49

She IS Davina. I remember her well. Where the DIvina came from I ain't gotta clue.

It is her name, documented in many many places.
I believe her name is Polish in origin.

#69 Marc Sproule

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Posted 17 April 2011 - 22:54

It was "Divina" on her car. These are the links the two snaps of her I have in my Atlantic set. Eventually there will be a few more....



My Atlantic set....


#70 eurocardoc

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Posted 17 April 2011 - 23:07

I always called her 'Divi' and she responded. This was the TS19 at Brands....

Posted Image

#71 Tim Murray

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 05:35

She IS Davina. I remember her well. Where the DIvina came from I ain't gotta clue.


and in her own hand:


#72 Giraffe

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 06:41

Divina pictured at Autosport International 2010. (Scroll down to third pic).


Edited by Giraffe, 18 April 2011 - 07:16.

#73 David McKinney

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 06:54

As the captain says, it's actually Divina :)

#74 Giraffe

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 07:17

As the captain says, it's actually Divina :)

Referring back to my race programmes, even they were prone to getting it wrong in period! (Quite apart from Theadare Racing Honk Kong; the Irish influence no-doubt!)

Posted Image
By giraffe138 at 2011-04-18

Edited by Giraffe, 18 April 2011 - 07:30.

#75 Gabrci

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 07:45

In an e-mail she wrote to me a couple of yours ago she wrote her name as Divina, which sounds fairly conclusive to me :)

#76 D-Type

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 08:13

For heaven's sake folks! Read the thread from the top. Her name is most definitely Divina.

I've been caught out before - Steve Small got it wrong and I followed his lead..

#77 Giraffe

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 08:13

In an e-mail she wrote to me a couple of yours ago she wrote her name as Divina, which sounds fairly conclusive to me :)

And her autograph in my Derek Lawson book shows a clearly dotted 'i'......

#78 rdmotorsport

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 19:26

And her autograph in my Derek Lawson book shows a clearly dotted 'i'......

I worked with this very charismatic lady and made it simple,I called her Divvy!

#79 Tony Matthews

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 21:56

And her autograph in my Derek Lawson book shows a clearly dotted 'i'......

But everyone knows she couldn't spell...


#80 Giraffe

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 22:07

But everyone knows she couldn't spell...

As we used to say in Liverpool, don't be a Divvy! :)

#81 Alan Cox

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 10:59

She IS Davina. I remember her well. Where the DIvina came from I ain't gotta clue.

I can't believe that the spelling of Ms Galica's forename is still being questioned here. It has been debated on numerous occasions in the past and the same conclusion always arrived at.
Posted Image
I rest my case.

#82 Giraffe

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 11:46

I think Davina is a bit like Donnington, some folk just can't help themselves...... :blush:

(Now Southern Organs, there's a tale that must have been discussed somewhere here before my time?)

Edited by Giraffe, 19 April 2011 - 11:48.

#83 Geoff E

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 11:48

Her birth was registered in Watford district in 1944 as Divina M Galica.

#84 john winfield

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 11:53

Twinny, any chance of the thread title spelling being corrected, putting us all out of our misery?

#85 Tim Murray

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 11:57

Great minds, John ...

I messaged him about an hour ago asking him to do just that.

#86 Tim Murray

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 12:43

(Now Southern Organs, there's a tale that must have been discussed somewhere here before my time?)

Absolutely. There are a couple of specific threads:

Sydney Miller and Southern Organs

Southern Organs Championship

and Mr Miller and his organs crop up many more times in the threads about con men, unusual sponsors etc.

#87 Amphicar

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 14:14

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia: "Divination is the seeking after knowledge of future or hidden things by inadequate means". Seems quite appropriate to this and many other threads on this Forum!

#88 Giraffe

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 15:11

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia: "Divination is the seeking after knowledge of future or hidden things by inadequate means".

Which can on occasion lead to Divine intervention...............

#89 D-Type

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 15:44

Which can on occasion lead to Divine intervention...............

But the colonel appears to have deserted TNF :wave:

#90 Allan Lupton

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 16:05

Back to thread I remember a couple of Olympic skiing ladies taking part in a Mobil Economy Run, possibly in 1974. They were Divina Galica and Gina Hathorn and it rather seemed as if it was their first motoring competition. Must have touched an interest in DC, but did Miss Hathorn ever take up motor sport?

Edited by Allan Lupton, 19 April 2011 - 16:06.

#91 Alan Cox

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 17:55

Back to thread I remember a couple of Olympic skiing ladies taking part in a Mobil Economy Run, possibly in 1974. They were Divina Galica and Gina Hathorn and it rather seemed as if it was their first motoring competition. Must have touched an interest in DC, but did Miss Hathorn ever take up motor sport?

In Divina's first circuit race, a SPARKS celebrity Escort race at Oulton Park, she was joined by Gina Hathorn but I can find no record that Ms Hathorn took it any further, Allan.

#92 Aykay

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 19:19

I remember attending this meeting and seeing Divina and Gina Hawthorn. I seem to recall Gina married Tommy Sopwith.

#93 Giraffe

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 19:40

In Divina's first circuit race, a SPARKS celebrity Escort race at Oulton Park, she was joined by Gina Hathorn but I can find no record that Ms Hathorn took it any further, Allan.

I'm not sure that's any of our business, Alan. :blush:

#94 Tony Matthews

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 19:47

I want to know what Gina is short for...

#95 Alan Cox

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 19:49

I remember attending this meeting and seeing Divina and Gina Hawthorn. I seem to recall Gina married Tommy Sopwith.

I want to know what Gina is short for...

Full name: Georgina Melissa Hathorn-Sopwith

#96 john winfield

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 20:39

I want to know what Gina is short for...

Angina, what else?

#97 Thundersports

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Posted 23 September 2023 - 22:44

Last heard (by me at least) of in possibly the most futile one-make championship ever - the Ford P100 Pickup Challenge - in about 1990. I think Keith Holland also turned up in it at one point.

Even by the standards of 1990s one-make racing that was bloody pointless.

Divina races Trucks in the 80s/90s. Keith rocked up out of retirement won the P100 championship and retired again!