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Historic F1, rally and sportscar drawings

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#1 Klem

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Posted 12 February 2004 - 21:48

Hello all

My brother spends alot of his free time drawing old F1 cars.

I think his quite good ....also spends at least 20 hours for each drawing.

I have his Ferrari 312 driven by Chris Amon here.......took him 50!! hours to draw it.

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#2 petefenelon

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Posted 12 February 2004 - 21:54

Very atmospheric, he's certainly talented. It's always nice to see good drawings rather than the usual photorealistic airbrush paintings!

#3 Andrew Kitson

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Posted 12 February 2004 - 23:11

A nice pencil study.
As a motorsport artist myself, I can vouch how tricky it is to get those spaghetti exhausts looking right!

#4 Magee

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Posted 12 February 2004 - 23:46

Excellent sketch. Is that the 1967 car (V12 - 0003 or 0005)?

#5 byrkus

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Posted 13 February 2004 - 00:24

Welcome aboard, Klem! :clap: At least I'm not the lone Slovenian around here any more. :wave: :wave:

Magee: it is Chris Amon's Ferrari 312 from 1967 Monaco GP. Don't have an idea on SN though.

#6 Mac Lark

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Posted 13 February 2004 - 00:30

That is bloody good! :up:

#7 RX-7

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Posted 13 February 2004 - 00:33

Beautiful! I like the shadowing and as mentioned earlier the exhausts. Can we see more examples?

#8 Wolf

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Posted 13 February 2004 - 01:00

Excellent drawing, I like it very much! :clap: My apetite has been whetted, and I second the motion- 'more! more!' :)

#9 Keir

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Posted 13 February 2004 - 16:48

Very nice work! That is the '67 Ferrari as raced at Monaco even with the body tape used to prevent stress cracking!!

#10 Klem

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Posted 13 February 2004 - 17:45

Tnx for compliments... :blush:

Byrkus.....hello how are you......nice to hear from you :) ........this guy is
unbeliveable ...you show him a drawnig with only car on it and he tells you
in which race was it participating,where was pic taken,on what position was the car etc

Andrew...yeah it was a lot of work for him...some erasing took place
till things looked OK.

Two more photos of Ferrari (i have no idea what chassis is it but everything
else Byrkus told)


#11 2F-001

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Posted 13 February 2004 - 19:47

That's really nice, Klem.
Thanks for sharing it with us!

(It's photographed under glass, isn't it? It took me quite a while to work out what the slightly surreal reflections were! Actually, it's faintly sinister until you realize what's going on!)

#12 Klem

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Posted 14 February 2004 - 22:13

Yep....I was lazy and didnt bother taking the frames away so there is a little reflection.

This is his newest drawing Honda RA301 with John Surtess. Its big A3 size and one
that is he most proud of. Maybe someone could guess which race was this
car participating.

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#13 bigears

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Posted 14 February 2004 - 22:22

My goodness! :eek:

They are wonderful! So detailed and realistic!

Thank you for sharing it with us! :clap:

#14 Tim Murray

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Posted 14 February 2004 - 22:32

Originally posted by Klem
Maybe someone could guess which race was this car participating.

1968 Italian Grand Prix, prior to the famous accident with Amon.

I do hope there are some more - they're very good. :wave:

#15 Japan Time

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Posted 16 February 2004 - 03:07

My God - this is just amazing !!! Beautiful !!!
Please do not hesitate to post some more...

#16 DOHC

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Posted 16 February 2004 - 15:09

Fantastic drawings! Almost better than reality, as it captures a bit of the magic.

#17 Klem

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Posted 17 February 2004 - 20:28

Here is another one of his collection. The famous Lotus49 with Jim Clark behind the whell.
If you look closely you can see a spark in his eyes :) Take a look at the details....

40 hours were spent on this drawing. Its 45x30 cm big.

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#18 green-blood

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Posted 18 February 2004 - 08:46

Those are truely fantastic, he really should see about selling his works

#19 DOHC

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Posted 18 February 2004 - 09:10



#20 Gary Davies

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Posted 18 February 2004 - 09:41

Originally posted by Keir
... as raced at Monaco even with the body tape used to prevent stress cracking!!

May I endorse the favourable comments of my colleagues! And regarding Keir's masterly observation, what would TNF be without ya! :clap:

#21 quintin cloud

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Posted 18 February 2004 - 11:11

:eek: WOW excellent drawings. :up: :up: :smoking:

#22 Klem

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Posted 05 March 2004 - 22:57

Tnx for the compliments.....

At the moment he is drawing Mclaren Mp4/3 driven by Alain Prost

He still has maybe a week to finnish it

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#23 Keir

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 19:18

This guy has a real future in the car drawing business.

As the saying goes, "Sell, sell, sell."

#24 RedIsTheColour

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 19:28

Very good, thanks for posting

#25 Klem

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 15:28

Tnx for compliments :blush: :blush:

Mclaren is almost done....just helmet and rear wing are left.

Take a look at reflections on front wing and right side of car :)
Tomorrow I ll post finnished one....

#26 bretonbanquet

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 16:30

These are excellent - as good as anything I've seen anywhere. People would pay very good money for these :)

#27 Xig

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 17:29

Great pictures Klem, your brother is really good :up:

I wonder what does he do with the drawing... I mean, I'd buy the McLaren if I had the money... :)

#28 Klem

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 21:58

Ok...its finnished...

This is how it looks. And the bottom pic is how it looks in frames and on wall with two pics(not drawings) of mclaren .

Now....next motif is going to 79 Monte Carlo Ferrari with Gilles Vilnueve on board.

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#29 Klem

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 18:57

Same Ferrari he is work on at the moment but with different driver inside...

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#30 Keir

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 19:19

Great work!! Keep it up!!

#31 Vicuna

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Posted 18 March 2004 - 09:20

When does the auction start?

#32 mpracer

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Posted 19 March 2004 - 20:39

Your Brother is an artist!

I hope he is preparing The Gilles Villeneuve and Airton Senna cars.

It'll be very exciting to see Airton and Gilles in these type of beautifull pictures

Thanks a lot to share them with us

Ciao from Italy

#33 Vrba

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Posted 19 March 2004 - 21:07

The drawings are absolutely brilliant! Incredible finesse!
(But the McLaren is a 1986 MP4/2C, not a MP4/3....I know I'm nit-picking ;) )


#34 biercemountain

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Posted 19 March 2004 - 21:27

Everyone of the drawings is very nicely done.

Bravo :clap:

#35 Klem

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Posted 20 March 2004 - 20:27

Originally posted by Vrba
The drawings are absolutely brilliant! Incredible finesse!
(But the McLaren is a 1986 MP4/2C, not a MP4/3....I know I'm nit-picking ;) )


Drawings are even better looking on bigger scans...I have 8000x5000 scans of most of them...there you can see real details.....down part is they take soooo much time to do.

Villenueves Ferrari will be 60x40 size...that is only the car. He has a very detailed pic of the car so he can make each screw exactly as it was in real...but it will take 50hours min...

Here are some of his draws

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#36 Cirrus

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Posted 21 March 2004 - 12:21

I can think of a certain Laleham regular who'll love that one!

#37 Klem

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 12:34

Niki Lauda Mclaren ....this one is huge (70x50cm)

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#38 SEdward

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 13:43

Dear Klem,

Please check you personal messages.


#39 Klem

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 12:46

1977 GP Usa Long Beach race start...drawing will include whole field

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#40 catfigs

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 14:59

some nice work. very nice actually. well well well above the usual standard that people seem happy to buy anyway. these would make great great prints. i imagine you could find ways to sell a lot of these. but sell schmell, they're just nice pictures. i'll risk being a pain in the arse and say i'd be interested in seeing more pictures in the future and seeing if he stretches things a bit, uses artistic license etc etc etc. what's there now is a fantastic base to start from. great pictures, thanks for sharing!

#41 Klem

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 19:54

Originally posted by catfigs
some nice work. very nice actually. well well well above the usual standard that people seem happy to buy anyway. these would make great great prints. i imagine you could find ways to sell a lot of these. but sell schmell, they're just nice pictures. i'll risk being a pain in the arse and say i'd be interested in seeing more pictures in the future and seeing if he stretches things a bit, uses artistic license etc etc etc. what's there now is a fantastic base to start from. great pictures, thanks for sharing!

That are some very motivating words...tnx mate! Atm I dont really concetrate on selling prints. There is much thing still do....mostly some more great draws. Senna 1990 Mclaren in Monaco, Vilnueve 1979 overhead in Monaco,Ickx 1971 Ferrari will be drawn in next few months....all of them with even higher level of details then so far...

Btw...Im looking for highly detailed pictures and scans of any great historic F1 cars.

If anyone has great material and could share it with me I would appreciate alot.

#42 Magee

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 04:18

This is exceptional work. :up:

And I'm pleased to see the Canadian elements in the front row. :up:

#43 Klem

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 10:31

1977 race start at Long Beach finnished

size 50x30cm

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#44 Breadmaster

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 10:36

that's some nice work there - thanks for posting!

#45 petefenelon

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 10:42

Originally posted by Klem
1977 race start at Long Beach finnished

size 50x30cm

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If prints of that were available, I'd buy one!

#46 Klem

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Posted 30 May 2004 - 16:14

New drawing is in progress... 2 cars and a background will be included. I wont tell which two just yet ;) ...(Lotus year 85 is the first one thats for sure)

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#47 Klem

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Posted 15 June 2004 - 17:18

Here is the new update...

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#48 Henri

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Posted 15 June 2004 - 20:22

Truely amazing pics! :up:

#49 Breadmaster

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Posted 16 June 2004 - 08:25

I truly wish i could draw like that!

#50 Vrba

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 15:15


does your brother use only various coloured pencils for his great drawings? Or some other tools as well (coal comes to mind for monochrome drawings....)?
