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Dennis Poore's Alfa Romeo (merged)

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#1 WDH74

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 17:30

So, in the process of moving way more magazines than I should have, I stumbled across the very first issue of Classic and Sportscar I bought (June '88), and reread an article by our own Mr. Nye about the disinterrment of a green Alfa Romeo racing car and its transporter (naturally I've forgotten what kind of Alfa!). The cars had been last raced by Dennis Poore and had been stored since the fifties. Started me wondering-what happened to this lovely, as-raced car? Web searches have turned up a lot of period race results, and several websites devoted to the Dodge transporter (which was a very neat thing in itself), but I've not been able to figure out if the Alfa was restored or is sitting in someone's front room in as found condition. This should be an easy one, so anyone know?



#2 starlet

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 18:13

Hi William,

Is it this car ?

Posted Image

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#3 Kerb Bouncer

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 18:41

The photos and description of the Alfa are marvelous !!

Not having that issue of C&SC on hand, does the description of its race history in the link seem to be correct?

I have a question on this car -- again the finish and care have made the car shine like a beautiful jewel. Is this work another example of someone turning the car into its most perfect self ? It seems much more refined than it might have been in its racing days.


#4 starlet

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 19:08

Here a sight ... partial of the car, as driven by Dennis Poore, from Classic and Sportscar magazine of June '88 :

Posted Image

It is always the eternal debate : which is most beautiful, or most authentic ?

#5 WDH74

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 22:00

Yep, that looks like it (and the article I re-read after all these years). Nice to know it looks good, and from the pictures doesn't seem over-done with a Pebble Beach restoration (I would have to see it up close to decide that last point). Hopefully its getting used.

#6 dretceterini

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 00:39

The car is an Alfa 8c35, but it was modified, even back when Poore had it...

#7 David Birchall

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 02:48

The car is/was owned by Peter Giddings-thats him with his back to the camera in the red colour shot. I have been in contact with Peter recently and suggested that he join TNF. I'm not sure he has the time though-he is in the process of moving to NZ.
David B

#8 Kerb Bouncer

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 12:12

Well, maybe when he gets settled in NZ, then. Does the Alfa go with him? Does it need a new home :lol:

William: that was my question, stated circuitously. At least it isn't a recreation from steering wheel and a suspension piece. And it is not Marlboro red-orange-pink !!

It really is wonderful, and if modified, it was done for continued racing by Poore and others. :clap:

#9 Ray Bell

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 12:46

Originally posted by David Birchall
The car is/was owned by Peter Giddings-thats him with his back to the camera in the red colour shot. I have been in contact with Peter recently and suggested that he join TNF. I'm not sure he has the time though-he is in the process of moving to NZ.

I made that same suggestion to him three years ago!

#10 Jonas

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 14:32

Originally posted by dretceterini
The car is an Alfa 8c35, but it was modified, even back when Poore had it...

What is it that has been modified on the car?


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Posted 16 May 2004 - 15:01

During Poore's days the car received two Wade superchargers and different manifolding; it was also fitted witn an Armstrong-Siddeley preselective gearbox lacated between the engine and the Alfa gearbox. Of course for hillclimbing it also received twin-rim sprint sets.

#12 Jonas

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 16:18

Thanks for the quick reply Gigleux!

I assume that the original gearbox was just used as a direct "run-through" with no gear changing possible?

So the car still carries these modifications?

Anyway, marvelous car!!

#13 Dutchy

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Posted 22 November 2011 - 13:34

The show you refer to is the "Castrol Extravaganza" in 1974 held at Olympia. See http://www.oldclassi....co.uk/8c35.htm

See also the links to the restoration of the Dodge transporter.

Edited by Dutchy, 22 November 2011 - 13:35.

#14 Eric Dunsdon

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Posted 24 November 2011 - 16:56

The show you refer to is the "Castrol Extravaganza" in 1974 held at Olympia. See http://www.oldclassi....co.uk/8c35.htm

See also the links to the restoration of the Dodge transporter.

Thank you for passing on that great link. I saw Poore win at Boreham in 1952 with that wonderful car. :up:

#15 Dutchy

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 13:26

Thank you for passing on that great link. I saw Poore win at Boreham in 1952 with that wonderful car. :up:

I'm too young to have seen the car in Poore's hands but I was captivated by images of the car I saw in old editions of Motor Sport and VSCC Bulletins. It was therefore a huge thrill to see it in the flesh at the Castrol Exhibition looking exactly as it did the last time he drove it and though it is good to have the car racing again I feel so much of its history and patina has been lost.

Talking of Boreham I grew up within a mile or two of the circuit which later became Ford's proving ground. Many was the time I would hear an exciting noise so I would cycle up to the cicuit to see what was going on. Inevitably whatever it was was always put away before I got there. I eventually got the best view possible courtesy of a certain Mr Nye who drove me round in a GT40 (in his socks!)

#16 Graham Gauld

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 17:45

Some of the younger members might like to see the car as it was when Denis Poore raced it. Photo taken at Charterhall in 1952

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#17 Eric Dunsdon

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 17:48

Some of the younger members might like to see the car as it was when Denis Poore raced it. Photo taken at Charterhall in 1952

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Thats a brilliant photograph Graham. Thank you very much for it. :)

#18 Eric Dunsdon

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 18:03

I'm too young to have seen the car in Poore's hands but I was captivated by images of the car I saw in old editions of Motor Sport and VSCC Bulletins. It was therefore a huge thrill to see it in the flesh at the Castrol Exhibition looking exactly as it did the last time he drove it and though it is good to have the car racing again I feel so much of its history and patina has been lost.

Talking of Boreham I grew up within a mile or two of the circuit which later became Ford's proving ground. Many was the time I would hear an exciting noise so I would cycle up to the cicuit to see what was going on. Inevitably whatever it was was always put away before I got there. I eventually got the best view possible courtesy of a certain Mr Nye who drove me round in a GT40 (in his socks!)

You were much safer being driven round Boreham by Mr Nye in his socks than you would have been standing trackside at a 1950's race meeting!. Most of the time was spent running for your life, as wayward cars hurtled through the oil drums and straw bales toward you. Spectators had to be alert and fit!.

I last saw the Poore Alfa in the paddock at a VSCC Silverstone some years ago. The Armsrong-Siddley gear box was causing a lot of comment!.

#19 oldclassiccar

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 18:14

Some of the younger members might like to see the car as it was when Denis Poore raced it. Photo taken at Charterhall in 1952

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Ooo stunning photo, thanks for sharing that one! Any others on file by any chance? I'm keen to find whatever I can, especially paddock shots if any exist??


(PS Dutchy, glad you found the site of interest)


#20 Tim Murray

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 18:29

Now that this has become a separate thread, I suggest a merger with the existing thread:

Dennis Poore's Alfa Romeo

#21 Bauble

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Posted 26 November 2011 - 11:52

I have a picture of Dennis in the Alfa at Rest and be Thankful hillclimb in 1951, cut from the Motor Sport, in my old scrapbook, if I scan and post it here, am I risking litigation?

#22 Gary Davies

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Posted 26 November 2011 - 11:59

I have a picture of Dennis in the Alfa at Rest and be Thankful hillclimb in 1951, cut from the Motor Sport, in my old scrapbook, if I scan and post it here, am I risking litigation?

You're one click away from the answer.

#23 Bauble

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Posted 26 November 2011 - 15:04

You're one click away from the answer.

Thanks Gary, saved me from a stretch in Parkhurst at Her Majesty's Pleasure.

PS; I have one of those Castrol cans in my garage.

Edited by Bauble, 26 November 2011 - 15:05.

#24 Gary Davies

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 06:23

PS; I have one of those Castrol cans in my garage.

Ha!! I like it because it's so old fashioned. Reminds me of the days when my knees worked properly and my hair was uniformly black.

I must say, I lubricate assorted garden machinery and my MG using one of these.

Posted Image

There's something about one of these... Posted Image

... that doesn't seem quite right! :cool:

#25 Bauble

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 09:57

I am afraid that, while yours looks shiny and new, mine is rather battered and oil stained!

Now about this Castrol item ........................


#26 Andrew Kitson

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 11:44

An excellent photograph posted by Graham Gauld there, thankyou Graham. Dennis Poore took part in the first Snetterton meeting in this car, October 27th 1951, a sprint organised by AMOC. Ken Wharton recorded BTD in Peter Bell's 2-litre ERA R11B. I'd be interested to know if Poore's Alfa was red at the time of the Snetterton event, or painted green.

#27 Doug Nye

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 19:49

Posted Image

Posted Image

Photos Strictly Copyright: The GP Library


#28 oldclassiccar

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 21:13

Posted Image


Photos Strictly Copyright: The GP Library


Thanks for posting that Doug - great shot of Bill (Chief Mech.) and Tammy (2nd Mech.) with car and owner :)


#29 Gary C

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 21:17

is that first shot, taken outside the clubhouse at Booklands, Doug?

#30 Doug Nye

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 21:51

is that first shot, taken outside the clubhouse at Booklands, Doug?

Yes - note the Brooklands exhaust fitting - and here are a couple more just surfaced...

Posted Image

Posted Image

Photos Strictly Copyright: The GP Library


#31 Geoff E

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 23:00

Yes - note the Brooklands exhaust fitting - and here are a couple more just surfaced...

Posted Image

Shelsley Walsh, 10 June 1950.

The car first appeared at Shelsley in 1936, driven by Hans Ruesch.

#32 oldclassiccar

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 08:01

Brilliant! When did wearing a helmet become compulsory?

I can recommend the DVD offered by the Friends of the Rest, amongst other things there is some good colour & b/w footage of the Alfa*

Posted Image


(*satisfied customer, no other involvement with the group)

#33 Eric Dunsdon

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 14:06

Brilliant! When did wearing a helmet become compulsory?

Crash helmets became compulsory in 1952, though quite a few drivers (Rudi Fischer was one) got around it by wearing cycle racing
'bunch of bananas' type protection. Dennis Poore's crash helmet was most unusual, being a sort of dark brown leather job. I dont remember seeing another like it.

#34 Dutchy

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 17:38

It looks very similar to a police motorcycle helmet of the period. They were leather albeit black

#35 Bauble

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 20:01

It looks very similar to a police motorcycle helmet of the period. They were leather albeit black

Dutchy, you are far too young to remember the famous 'Corker' helmet beloved of the Metropolitan Scuffers, for that is what you are thinking off.

#36 Bauble

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 20:02

Crash helmets became compulsory in 1952, though quite a few drivers (Rudi Fischer was one) got around it by wearing cycle racing
'bunch of bananas' type protection. Dennis Poore's crash helmet was most unusual, being a sort of dark brown leather job. I dont remember seeing another like it.

Hence his nickname of Leatherhead!

#37 oldclassiccar

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Posted 01 December 2011 - 08:36

Hence his nickname of Leatherhead!

Whose was, Poore or Fischer?

thanks, R

#38 Derwent Motorsport

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Posted 01 December 2011 - 10:10

Interesting that Bo'ness and Rest and Be Thankful are listed as international events - no doubt as they were in Scotland! They were early rounds of the British Hill Climb Championship though!

#39 Sharman

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Posted 01 December 2011 - 13:16

Crash helmets became compulsory in 1952, though quite a few drivers (Rudi Fischer was one) got around it by wearing cycle racing
'bunch of bananas' type protection. Dennis Poore's crash helmet was most unusual, being a sort of dark brown leather job. I dont remember seeing another like it.

Do you remember Phi-Phi with his cloth cap turned, as usual, back to front and held onto the top of his crash helmet by the elastic of his goggles?


#40 Eric Dunsdon

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Posted 01 December 2011 - 14:56

Do you remember Phi-Phi with his cloth cap turned, as usual, back to front and held onto the top of his crash helmet by the elastic of his goggles?

I certainly do!. A real old time style racer in the Bandeirantes F.2 Maserati at Rouen in 1952 but most of all in the Lago-Talbot!.

Certa Cito!.

#41 Eric Dunsdon

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Posted 01 December 2011 - 14:58

Dutchy, you are far too young to remember the famous 'Corker' helmet beloved of the Metropolitan Scuffers, for that is what you are thinking off.

This is certainly proving to be a 'Corker' of a thread! :cool:

#42 oldclassiccar

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Posted 02 December 2011 - 08:51

I was speaking on the phone yesterday evening to a gent who used to visit the Poores at their Kensington pad. He went on a regular basis to service their electric garage door. One time he went, Mrs Poore (who he describes as a "charming lady") over a cup of tea told him that someone had broken in and stolen Poore's trophies (he didn't say whether all the trophies had gone, or if just some that happened to be on display had "walked").

Does anyone know if they ever turned up? I'm assuming his story is for real ... anyone know?


#43 oldclassiccar

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 14:26

Hi all,

Just a quick question, can anyone tell me Poore's entry number for the Alfa at the first Goodwood meet in '48?

thanks, RJ

#44 Doug Nye

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 14:43

I'm too young to have seen the car in Poore's hands but I was captivated by images of the car I saw in old editions of Motor Sport and VSCC Bulletins. It was therefore a huge thrill to see it in the flesh at the Castrol Exhibition looking exactly as it did the last time he drove it and though it is good to have the car racing again I feel so much of its history and patina has been lost.

Talking of Boreham I grew up within a mile or two of the circuit which later became Ford's proving ground. Many was the time I would hear an exciting noise so I would cycle up to the cicuit to see what was going on. Inevitably whatever it was was always put away before I got there. I eventually got the best view possible courtesy of a certain Mr Nye who drove me round in a GT40 (in his socks!)

I have only just noticed this post. Good heavens! Did I? I trust Dutchy emerged AOK - the old socks have occasionally marked victims for life... Wide shoes and narrow-set pedals were the problem. :blush:


Edited by Doug Nye, 28 January 2013 - 14:43.

#45 Roger Clark

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 18:46

Hi all,

Just a quick question, can anyone tell me Poore's entry number for the Alfa at the first Goodwood meet in '48?

thanks, RJ

48 (Robert Barker's History of Motor Racing at Goodwood)

#46 oldclassiccar

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 18:57

48 (Robert Barker's History of Motor Racing at Goodwood)

Much obliged, thanks :) I wonder if any paddock shots survive showing the car at the first meet?


#47 oldclassiccar

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 08:14

I came across this picture on flickr yesterday


Possibly taken at the Manx Cup according to the caption - correct? I've not seen this shot before.

thanks, RJ

#48 oldclassiccar

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 18:07

I see Alfa chassis #50013 will be coming up for grabs at the Revival auction, now will someone in the UK please buy it and bring it back here for good (and paint it green again) :)



#49 oldclassiccar

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 19:07

Has there been any news since the Revival sale of who now owns the Alfa, or at least where they're based?




#50 Dutchy

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 13:23

I believe it has gone back to the USA