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#101 Lucarally

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Posted 09 December 2006 - 17:40

Edgar Hermann (Kenya/Germany) 20/February/ 1932 to Munchen ( Germany )

Bert Shankland (Tanzania) 1933 to Mid Lothian ( Scottish)

Best Regards


#102 jrally

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Posted 09 December 2006 - 18:20

Thanks Lucarally !

I have also those informations that appeared in the book of Roger Barnard concerning the Safari Rally 'The first 40 years'


#103 jrally

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Posted 12 December 2006 - 22:32

Well, a new question regarding the complete names of some Swedish drivers and co-drivers :

1953 - Swedish - John Kvarnstrom-S??? Lundberg
1953 - Swedish - Raymond Sjoqvist-R??? Berggren
1953 - Swedish - Ove Stalheim-E??? Frank
1953 - Swedish - K-E??? Andersson-O??? Tryggvesson
1953 - Swedish - J??? Bengtsson-R??? Lundgren
1953 - Swedish - Rune Backlund-H??? Broberg
1955 - Swedish - Grus-Olle Persson-S??? Pettersson
1956 - Swedish - Oscar Swahn-S??? Wikstrom
1958 - Acropolis - Gunnar Andersson-W??? Elbers
1959 - Adriatic - Carl Syberg-???? Nilsson
1965 - Acropolis - J??? Eneqvist-K??? Ehrman
1967 - Monte Carlo - Berndt Jansson-T??? Senysmann
1967 - Alpenfahrt - Arne Hallgren-R??? Eriksson
1967 - Acropolis - Rune Larsson-K??? Jonrup
1969 - Spain - Kurt Simonsen-A??? Henrikssen
1969 - Spain - Claes Billstam-S??? Billstam
1970 - East Germany - Gilbert Casseljo-C??? Olsson
1970 - Poland - Hakan Lindberg-B??? Carlstrom
1970 - Poland - Ulf Sundberg-D??? Jonsson
1974 - Jamt - Kurt Malmgrem-K??? Ingelsson (Klas ?)
1974 - Jamt - Ingemar Frohm-A??? Skarstrom
1974 - Jamt - Karl-Gunnar Hillberg-R??? Palsson
1974 - Jamt - Hakan Nilsson-A??? Bergqvist
1974 - Vltava - Jan Carneborn-L??? Johansson
1974 - Vltava - ???? Olsson-???? Johansson
1975 - Polar Bergslags - Lars-Erik Jaderlund-???? Jaderlund

Thanks in advance for any help
Best regards

#104 pingst

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Posted 13 December 2006 - 20:02

Originally posted by jrally
Well, a new question regarding the complete names of some Swedish drivers and co-drivers :

1953 - Swedish - John Kvarnstrom-S??? Lundberg
1953 - Swedish - Raymond Sjoqvist-R??? Berggren
1953 - Swedish - Ove Stalheim-E??? Frank
1953 - Swedish - K-E??? Andersson-O??? Tryggvesson
1953 - Swedish - J??? Bengtsson-R??? Lundgren
1953 - Swedish - Rune Backlund-H??? Broberg
1955 - Swedish - Grus-Olle Persson-S??? Pettersson
1956 - Swedish - Oscar Swahn-S??? Wikstrom
1958 - Acropolis - Gunnar Andersson-W??? Elbers
1959 - Adriatic - Carl Syberg-???? Nilsson
1965 - Acropolis - J??? Eneqvist-K??? Ehrman
1967 - Monte Carlo - Berndt Jansson-T??? Senysmann
1967 - Alpenfahrt - Arne Hallgren-R??? Eriksson
1967 - Acropolis - Rune Larsson-K??? Jonrup
1969 - Spain - Kurt Simonsen-A??? Henrikssen
1969 - Spain - Claes Billstam-S??? Billstam
1970 - East Germany - Gilbert Casseljo-C??? Olsson
1970 - Poland - Hakan Lindberg-B??? Carlstrom
1970 - Poland - Ulf Sundberg-D??? Jonsson
1974 - Jamt - Kurt Malmgrem-K??? Ingelsson (Klas ?)
1974 - Jamt - Ingemar Frohm-A??? Skarstrom
1974 - Jamt - Karl-Gunnar Hillberg-R??? Palsson
1974 - Jamt - Hakan Nilsson-A??? Bergqvist
1974 - Vltava - Jan Carneborn-L??? Johansson
1974 - Vltava - ???? Olsson-???? Johansson
1975 - Polar Bergslags - Lars-Erik Jaderlund-???? Jaderlund

Thanks in advance for any help
Best regards

Here come some of the missing name

1953 Swedish - Helmer Broberg
1955 Swedish - Stig Pettersson
1965 Acropolis - Jan Eneqvist Kjell Ehrman
1969 Spain - Arne Henriksson
1969 Spain - Synnove Billstam
1964 Vlatva - Dag Olsson

#105 Lucarally

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Posted 13 December 2006 - 20:11

1953 - John Kvarnstrom - Sven Lundberg
1953 - Raymond Sjoqvist - Rune Berggren
1955 - Grus Olle Persson - Stig Pettersson
1958 - Gunnar Andersson - Walter Elbers
1967 - Arne Hallgren - Stig Eriksson

#106 jrally

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Posted 13 December 2006 - 21:48

Thank You very much, pingst and Luca ! :up:

Best regards

#107 jrally

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Posted 14 December 2006 - 23:39

In the fifties I have a lot of names of British drivers and co-drivers that misses me.

Could someone help me, please ?

1953 - Monte Carlo - Donald Bennett-E??? Bennett
1953 - RAC - Donald Bennett-E??? Bennett
1953 - RAC - Len Shaw-M??? E??? Finnemore
1953 - RAC - G??? Thurnbull-R.P??? Dean
1953 - RAC - George Hartwell-F.W??? Scott
1953 - RAC - Dennis Scott-???????
1953 - Tulip - Goddfrey Imhof-S??? Ross
1953 - Lisbon - J??? Reece-???? Reece
1953 - Lisbon - Nancy Mitchell-J??? Leavens
1953 - Lisbon - Cuthbert Harrison-????????

1954 - RAC - Peter Cooper-O??? Leighton
1954 - RAC - William Bleakley-P??? Glaister
1954 - RAC - Ronnie Adams-L??? R??? Rawlison
1954 - RAC - Jimmy Ray-K??? Ray
1954 - RAC - Alex Newsham-A??? Beaumont
1954 - RAC - George Hartwell-F.W??? Scott
1954 - RAC - J??? Ashworth-J??? Wesly
1954 - Tulip - Johnnie Boardman-J??? Duckworth

1955 - Sestriere - Ken Wharton-???????
1955 - RAC - D??? Done-J??? E??? Storrar
1955 - RAC - A??? Greig-T.A.M??? Pigott
1955 - RAC - E??? J??? Appleyard-J??? Mansbridge
1955 - RAC - E??? V??? Baker-R??? P??? N??? Stark
1955 - RAC - C??? M??? Seward-A??? C??? Johnson
1955 - Tulip - Maurice Gatsonides (NL) - T??? Saint-John Foster
1955 - Tulip - Johnnie Boardman-J??? Wittworth

1956 - RAC - John Spare-M??? H??? Meredith
1956 - RAC - Peter Cooper-G??? Holland
1956 - RAC - A??? H??? Senior-C??? Hall
1956 - RAC - Declan O'Leary-A??? N??? Carter
1956 - RAC - Peter Harper-?????????
1956 - Tulip - D??? O'Mara Taylor-Lew Tracey
1956 - Tulip - I??? M??? Sutherland-Th??? Band
1956 - Tulip - P??? D??? C??? Brookes-R??? E??? W??? Wellswest

1957 - Tulip - Johnny Wallwork-A??? Pownall

1958 - RAC - Wilfried Wadham-P??? C??? Wadham
1958 - RAC - B??? A??? T??? Clark-Douglas Johns
1958 - RAC - D??? A??? Smith-J??? Tynon
1958 - RAC - D??? G??? Scott-K??? Harper
1958 - Coupe des Alpes - Desmond Titterington-???? McAlden
1958 - Coupe des Alpes - ???? Sopwitch-???? Deane

1959 - Tulip - Keith Ballisat-E??? Marvin
1959 - RAC - E??? Malkin-A??? G??? Robson (Graham ?)
1959 - RAC - Peter Morgan-D??? E??? J??? Thompson
1959 - RAC - John Spare-J??? F??? Barley
1959 - RAC - E??? Hodson-Allan Collinson

1960 - Tulip - Johnnie Boardman-J??? Wittworth
1960 - RAC - Ian 'Tiny' Lewis - G??? S??? Sheppard

1961 - J??? Roestenburg-Margaret McKenzie

Thanks in advance
Best regards

#108 jrally

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Posted 17 December 2006 - 12:37

Could anyone give me a help here, please ?

Thanks in advance

#109 RS2000

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Posted 17 December 2006 - 16:24

Trying Jorge, but it's all a bit before my time!

Donald Bennett is Air Vice Marshall Donald "Pathfinder" Bennett and I'm pretty sure his wife (Elizabeth?). Other web references not connected with motor sport may provide an answer.

G Thurnbull may be George Turnbull, later a leading motor industry figure?

Sopwitch is probably Tommy Sopwith?

A H Senior is Arthur?

E Malkin is "Codger" Malkin, father of Colin. Always known as that so not sure what E stands for. It would have been Graham Robson.

E Hodgson, Edwin?

#110 jrally

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 16:22

Thanks FAL !

pingst, I would like to know if You could help me with those questions :

Kenneth Backlund - reason of retirement in Sweden 89 and Finland 2001
Per Svan - year of first rally and first car he drove
Pernilla Walfridsson - reason of retirement in Finland 1999 and Spain 2000
Ola Stromberg - reason of retirement in Great-Britain 85,88,90 and 94
Ingvar Carlsson - reason of retirement in Finland 83
Thorbjorn Edling - place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car, reason in Sweden 86
Erik Johansson - place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car
Gunnar Pettersson - place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car, reason in Sweden 81
Soren Nilsson - reason of retirement in RAC 77 and 90 and Sweden 78
Bjorn Johansson-reason of retirement in Sweden 77
Lars Carlsson - reason of retirement in Finland 73
Johan Kressner - place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car, reason in Sweden 85,92
Jonas Kruse - place of birth, year of first rally and first car, reason in Sweden 93
Joakim Roman - reason of retirement in Cyprus 2001

Thanks in advance
Best regards

#111 Rainer Nyberg

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Posted 12 January 2007 - 14:47

Kenneth Bäcklund - Finland 2001 DNF - "technical"
Pernilla Walfridsson - Finland 1999 DNF - "technical"
Ola Strömberg - Great-Britain 1990 DNF - Accident
Ola Strömberg - Great-Britain 1994 DNF - Engine

#112 jrally

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Posted 12 January 2007 - 19:34

Thank You very much, Mr. Nyberg , for your help !

Regards from Portugal

#113 RS2000

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Posted 12 January 2007 - 22:04

Think Ola Stromberg reason was driveshaft one year (British privately-prepared Saab?)

#114 jrally

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Posted 15 January 2007 - 15:39

Keith, I think it was in 88 that he retired with driveshaft problems !


#115 jatak

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Posted 10 March 2008 - 22:46

Hans Tak, Real name W.J.J.Tak, B 11-4-1915, D Oktober-1961
Droved from 1955 till 1961 many rally.
Coupe des Alpes 1955 Truimph Tr4, Rally Monte Carlo 1956-1961, Tulpen Rally1955-1961, Rome Liege Rome with Mercedes 300SL and 220SE

#116 RS2000

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Posted 10 March 2008 - 23:38

Since this thread has been resurected, I can now add to lists above (from "Fly With the Stars - British South American Airways - The Rise and Fall of a Long Haul Trailblazer") re-Donald (D.C.T.) Bennett:
Full name Donald Clifford Tyndall Bennett, born 14 September 1910, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.
No more data on "E" Bennett but his (Swiss) wife's name was "Ly".

#117 Marc Ceulemans

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Posted 11 March 2008 - 00:00

Jean-Marie Jacquemin (Belgium).
Born at Huy (I'm not 100% sure but his father, Dr Gustave Jacquemin, lived there), 6 August 1942.
First Rallye (as copilot of Augustin Giets), Rallye des Routes du Nord (France), DKW Junior, 19th Overall.

#118 jrally

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Posted 11 March 2008 - 13:46

I had forgotten this thread but sometimes we have some surprises !!!

Thank You very much, jatak, Keith and Marc Ceulemans , for your help !

Best regards

#119 jrally

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Posted 15 March 2008 - 15:55

some unanswered questions

1) In what year start competing in rallyes, Reinhard Hainbach, and what car he drove ?
2) Bert de Jong start rallying in 1986 ! What car did he drove ?
3) Does someone knows in what year and with wich car started Helmut Polensky ?
4) Does someone knows the exact date of birth of Donald Morley ?
5) Klaus Russling (date and place of birth, year of first rally and first car) ?
6) Kalevi Aho (place of birth)
7) Erwin Doctor (date and place of birth, year of first rally and first car) ?
8) Marc Soulet (place of birth, year of first rally and first car) ?
9) Massimo Ercolani (first car?)
10) Cyril Henny (place of birth) ?

Thanks in advance
Best regards


#120 S Seigle-Morris

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Posted 13 March 2009 - 12:14

were you looking for information on Works Rally Driver David Seigle-Morris?
I am his widow and the mother of Alex Seigle-Morris

#121 RS2000

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Posted 13 March 2009 - 15:49

A very warm welcome, Susan.
I believe you may find an interesting photo of yourself on the "Personal Photos from Rally stage etc" thread, competing with Rosemary Smith for "most fashionable hat in a rally car"!
I have no hesitation whatsoever in saying David inadvertently changed my entire future life by bringing the "Gulf" to a Heathrow start/finish within cycling distance of my home/school journey. I have never escaped from the rally bug since and probably never will. As a teenage Service Crew member on the last Gulf in 68, I have a few questions I would like to ask in due course if you can bear to stay around this forum long enough. The collection of famous rally names (mainly ex co-drivers) here joining the unknowns is growing!
I believe Jorge (jrally) in Portugal was seeking some of the crucial dates regarding David's life for his respected rally database and I was unfortunately unable to provide them, despite having once been a S&DMC member.

#122 klemcoll

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Posted 07 September 2009 - 14:22

Does anyone have an entry list for the 1947 Eastbourne Rally? We are trying to determine if Tony Crook was an entrant and, if so, in what vehicle.

#123 jrally

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Posted 06 February 2011 - 15:31

Good evening and a fantastic year of 2011 for all !

After a long time I didn't come here so it's time to begin again with those boring questions ..

Does someone knows their profiles ?

Reinhard Hainbach (D) - year of first rally and first car used
Bert de Jong (NL) - I have the information that he started rallying in 1986. What car did he drove ?
Helmut Polensky (D) - year of first rally and first car used
Donald Morley (GB) - date of birth
Klaus Russling (A) - place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car
Erwin Doctor (NL) - place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car
Marc Soulet (B) - place of birth, year of first rally and first car
Carsten Johansson (N) - place of birth, year of first rally and first car
Werner Engel (D) - place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car
Ruprecht Hopfen (D) - place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car
Dimi Mavropoulos (CY) - place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car

Thanks in advance
Best regards

#124 ReWind

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Posted 06 February 2011 - 16:31

Dimi Mavropoulos

I would have thought you'd checked RallyBase first.

#125 jrally

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Posted 06 February 2011 - 16:48

Hi ReWind !

Was my mistake ! I had those data already !! Sorry !

Best regards

#126 J. Scott Morris

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Posted 06 February 2011 - 18:26

Does anyone have an entry list for the 1947 Eastbourne Rally? We are trying to determine if Tony Crook was an entrant and, if so, in what vehicle.

Donald Morley was born on October 7, 1930. He was slightly older than his twin brother, Erie. Donald passed away on June 23, 2006. Bill Price wrote a brief obituary in the Octane magazine, Issue 39, September 2006

--Scott Morris; Simcoe, Ontario, Canada

#127 J. Scott Morris

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Posted 06 February 2011 - 18:27

Donald Morley was born on October 7, 1930. He was slightly older than his twin brother, Erie. Donald passed away on June 23, 2006. Bill Price wrote a brief obituary in the Octane magazine, Issue 39, September 2006

--Scott Morris; Simcoe, Ontario, Canada

#128 jrally

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Posted 06 February 2011 - 18:41

Donald Morley was born on October 7, 1930. He was slightly older than his twin brother, Erie. Donald passed away on June 23, 2006. Bill Price wrote a brief obituary in the Octane magazine, Issue 39, September 2006

--Scott Morris; Simcoe, Ontario, Canada

Thank You very much, Mr. Morris !

Best regards

#129 jrally

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 09:50

Good morning !

Some more profiles ...

Gerald Burgess (place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car used)
Raymond Brookes (place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car used)
Jack Tordoff (place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car used)
Brian Nelson (place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car used)
Terry Kaby (year of first rally and first car used)
Ian Greer (place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car used)
Frank Meagher (place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car used)

Thanks in advance
Best regards

#130 jrally

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Posted 08 December 2013 - 18:26

Good eevening !


Just to know if someone could help me to find the 'profiles' of these Irish drivers :


(place and date of birth, year of first rally, first car used )


Eamonn Boland

Austin McHale

Gareth McHale

Aaron McHale

Eugene Donnelly

Kevin Barrett

George Tracey

Paddy White

Donnie O'Sullivan

Ray Breen

Tim McNulty

Sean Devine

Noel McCarrick

John Buttimer


Thanks in advance

Best regards


#131 ReWind

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Posted 08 December 2013 - 19:43

Eamonn Boland - 25 February 1961 (hometown: Wexford)

Austin McHale = Austin MacHale - 06 January 1955

Gareth McHale = Gareth MacHale - 12 August 1980 (although I have also seen 29 January 1981)

Aaron McHale = Aaron MacHale - 29 June 1985 (hometown: Rathcoole, Dublin)

Eugene Donnelly - 13 January 1967 (residence: County Londonderry)


Donnie O'Sullivan = Donie O'Sullivan, b. in Cullen, County Cork (residence: Killarney)

Ray Breen - 05 September 1959


#132 jrally

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Posted 10 December 2013 - 11:00

Eamonn Boland - 25 February 1961 (hometown: Wexford)

Austin McHale = Austin MacHale - 06 January 1955

Gareth McHale = Gareth MacHale - 12 August 1980 (although I have also seen 29 January 1981)

Aaron McHale = Aaron MacHale - 29 June 1985 (hometown: Rathcoole, Dublin)

Eugene Donnelly - 13 January 1967 (residence: County Londonderry)


Donnie O'Sullivan = Donie O'Sullivan, b. in Cullen, County Cork (residence: Killarney)

Ray Breen - 05 September 1959



Thank You very much, ReWind !

I've visited some of their sites but they don't like to say where they were born !!

I think that any person who has a rally site should put those data because they are important when we want to find their career ..


Best regards


#133 jrally

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Posted 14 December 2013 - 19:09

And about the following british drivers ?


Gareth Jones

Steve Perez

Doug Hall

Craig Middleton

Steve Petch

Kevin Lynch

Nigel Heath

Georgios Phelippedes

Julian Reynolds

John Lloyd

Stephen Simpson

Darren Gass

Emma McInstry

Nigel Griffiths

Melis Charalambous

Graham Coffey

Peter Stephenson


Thank you in advance

Best regards


#134 ReWind

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Posted 15 December 2013 - 07:53

And about the following British drivers ?

Not much.


Nigel Heath – 01 July 1955 http://www.ewrc-resu...rofile.php?p=38

Georgios Phelippedes = George Philippedes, b. 13 March 1977 (of Greek nationality AFAIK) http://www.ewrc-resu...ofile.php?p=314

Julian Reynolds – 25 February 1968 http://www.ewrc-resu...ofile.php?p=103

John Lloyd – 28 September 1958 (or 1955?) http://www.ewrc-resu...ofile.php?p=127

Darren Gass – 21 June 1988 (residence: Markethill, County Armagh) http://www.ewrc-resu...file.php?p=2720

Emma McInstry = Emma McKinstry, b. 1983 in Banbridge, County Down (Ireland)

Melis Charalambous – 06 September 1969 (residence: London, but of Greek nationality AFAIK) http://www.ewrc-resu...file.php?p=2748

Peter Stephenson – 11 May 1947 (residence: Hartlepool) http://www.ewrc-resu...file.php?p=1469


But I assume you already have the dates from the ewrc website.

#135 jrally

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Posted 15 December 2013 - 10:22

Thank You, Reinhard !

Yes, those I have


The same as I said regarding irish drivers ... very difficult !

Martin Holmes (one english person) established the standart to do it on driver's data : place and date of birth, year of first rally and first car but most part of the profiles don't have them .


When You are a researcher that put the limit where to begin to look for in order to 'build' something ...


Best regards
